Commit Graph

  • 89a4d07 (HEAD -> master) ADDED: + Project Junker contribution list PDF (v1.3) (Placed in root directory) by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 23:19:03 +1100
  • fe6f325 ADDED: + Project Junker contribution list PDF (v1.2) (Placed in root directory) by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 22:54:20 +1100
  • 07dea95 CHANGED: > Checked the "Objective" checkbox on the trigger box on the objective engine. Credits now trigger properly. (Previous merge unchecked this for some reason) by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 19:32:30 +1100
  • 6676662 made objective trigger larger by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 19:04:01 +1100
  • 65e4ab8 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 18:56:07 +1100
  • 6755970 getting both players to objective triggers credits by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 18:55:02 +1100
  • 98c176a CHANGED: > Toggled off 2 x debug crates near the beginning area by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 17:57:20 +1100
  • 5400a93 Resolved merge conflicts. Title Screen works as well as credits scene by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 17:53:54 +1100
  • 7729f54 Merge branch 'master' of by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 17:38:26 +1100
  • e390ad0 ADDED: + Highlighted sprites for buttons + Close button sprites + Font File : "Motion Control" (for settings text) by Simon Tran 2015-10-16 17:15:39 +1100
  • 0b8a556 credits now return to menu by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 16:55:12 +1100
  • c699545 updated credits by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 16:46:19 +1100
  • 165c2b7 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 13:50:19 +1100
  • 2b00778 Added more check points Started on credit sequence Scene Functionality by Joshua Reason 2015-10-16 13:49:36 +1100
  • 0f5aa08 ADDED: + Game trailer credit sign texture (crediting Lachlan for game trailer) by Simon Tran 2015-10-14 23:50:08 +1100
  • 9d1581e ADDED: + Credits UI Sprite by Simon Tran 2015-10-14 23:40:40 +1100
  • 2d84c3e ADDED: + 5 x Menu button sprites by Simon Tran 2015-10-14 23:17:51 +1100
  • 1cf5203 ADDED: + 10 x Credit sign textures by Simon Tran 2015-10-13 21:12:31 +1100
  • 106cb99 Last Sunday Push by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 23:45:18 +1100
  • 41b8b26 Sunday night Mayhem push by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 22:35:20 +1100
  • d77fc72 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 14:43:41 +1100
  • d5760a6 Started to implement title scene. Magnets sparks on/off again by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 14:41:58 +1100
  • e28b190 ADDED: + Objective Engine on top of building (intentionally not movable and has no rigid body)* by Simon Tran 2015-10-11 01:53:52 +1100
  • 2083dd9 ADDED: > Audio-source and PlayerSound script to Player 2 by Simon Tran 2015-10-11 01:44:31 +1100
  • 27d2065 fixed magnet sounds + put sounds script on player2 by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 01:27:43 +1100
  • 44e5aa6 - fixed ground check in play sounds by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 01:16:47 +1100
  • 64b54c8 Merge branch 'master' of by Simon Tran 2015-10-11 00:57:50 +1100
  • f215520 ADDED: + All possible movement sounds (incl. jump & land) by Simon Tran 2015-10-11 00:52:47 +1100
  • db9615b particles on magnet turn on and off by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 00:50:48 +1100
  • 5bfe272 +terrain check when playing footstep sounds by Joshua Reason 2015-10-11 00:37:57 +1100
  • 7a6f6c6 ADDED: + Anim-Clip-Duplicate: Walk, Side-walk, run + Footstep events for walk and run by Simon Tran 2015-10-11 00:21:23 +1100
  • 7d88ed3 CHANGED: > Minor height adjustments to terrain > Magnet-sparks now children of staff_top objects > 2nd tutorial sign reverted to include LT button by Simon Tran 2015-10-11 00:08:54 +1100
  • c1b17b6 CHANGED: > PlayerSound script (requires ground recognition) by Simon Tran 2015-10-10 23:56:03 +1100
  • e468c14 -duplicated crane by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 22:34:24 +1100
  • 1a06e9a +walking with rod-forward by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 22:07:43 +1100
  • 9f153ce +pointing rod when picking up object by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 21:49:57 +1100
  • 21fe287 added blend tree for strafing left and right by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 21:16:36 +1100
  • ef35bcc updated existing models and animations to new model and animations by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 21:03:31 +1100
  • 7ed1070 Reverted back to last working copy by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 20:42:01 +1100
  • 48ad18a Revert "Fixed merge + turns off sparkles when rod inactive." by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 20:36:35 +1100
  • 8067b72 Revert "fixed AABB bug" by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 20:36:16 +1100
  • 7885de2 Revert "Trying to fix AABB bug for player2" by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 20:36:01 +1100
  • 07a1f18 Trying to fix AABB bug for player2 by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 18:24:23 +1100
  • f0c9c65 fixed AABB bug by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 18:12:22 +1100
  • 0003065 Fixed merge + turns off sparkles when rod inactive. by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 17:59:21 +1100
  • 38896cb Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 17:35:27 +1100
  • d460c79 Character animator, + fixed lightning for player 2 by Joshua Reason 2015-10-10 17:16:39 +1100
  • 3ffb8df ADDED: + Particle: Objective aura + GUI Image: Follow-Active sprite + New tag: "sand" (for the terrain for recognizing sand ground***) by Simon Tran 2015-10-10 14:43:33 +1100
  • 0644362 ADDED: + Particle: Magnet Sparks + Texture: Cargo Container (Metal) (for the crane) by Simon Tran 2015-10-09 20:21:01 +1100
  • 306ca6d Split Animations by Lachlan 2015-10-09 15:38:39 +1100
  • ff178bd New Animations by Lachlan 2015-10-09 15:22:55 +1100
  • a15fb0e ADDED: + Updated Character textures (requires updated character FBX with proper UV) + Textures: Car trailer & engine + Object: Car Trailer (modified their UVs for easier texturing) + Shader: Laser PUSH (unused for now) by Simon Tran 2015-10-09 00:16:04 +1100
  • 3995f65 Added, lightning to rod by Joshua Reason 2015-10-08 15:49:11 +1100
  • 9cc8ee1 player camera limits on Y axis by Joshua Reason 2015-10-08 12:53:19 +1100
  • e0aaa7a added crane functionality, added pully functionality, fixed black texture bug. by Joshua Reason 2015-10-08 12:38:15 +1100
  • df5d174 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-10-05 13:40:44 +1100
  • 3eac0fd Changes Icon animation by Joshua Reason 2015-10-05 13:37:45 +1100
  • e6a9c0b Animations and stuff by unknown 2015-10-05 13:34:35 +1100
  • e5e7596 car stuff by unknown 2015-10-05 11:55:36 +1100
  • 759a760 Minecart follows track. Added backwards walk + cleaned character animation tree fixed UI anchors by Joshua Reason 2015-10-05 10:37:54 +1100
  • b64f7a7 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-10-05 09:57:12 +1100
  • d4f832b -Updated controls, -fixed bugs by Joshua Reason 2015-10-05 09:32:26 +1100
  • 68f103b ADDED: + Several SFX (player and impact sounds) + Scripts: Impact Sounds (Small Crate & Fence) by Simon Tran 2015-10-05 00:23:06 +1100
  • 4dbf679 ADDED: + Script: PlayerSounds + Texture: Magnet Rods (Pull & Push) + GUI Image: Game Logo (not yet implemented in UI) + Unity Scene: Title Screen + SFX: Footsteps (sand), test beep, switch-player sound, wind ambience + BGM: Just Dessert (2nd Part) (This was cut from previous facebook mp3 upload) Purely for testing purposes. + Audio Source for wind ambience sounds by Simon Tran 2015-10-02 23:54:52 +1000
  • 3262502 ADDED: + New crosshair ("+" shaped) by Simon Tran 2015-09-27 23:18:47 +1000
  • 20a037f ADDED: + Background Terrain (behind the scaffolds) + GUI Icons: Pull & Push + GUI Animations: Pull & Push (needs to be used in scripts via Swap-character function) by Simon Tran 2015-09-27 22:20:21 +1000
  • 1640a57 ADDED: + Standard Particle System Package + Particle: Duststorms (one near tutorial, another between fence & scaffolding) + Particle: Car smoke and flare sparks by Simon Tran 2015-09-26 23:49:56 +1000
  • 451d961 ADDED: + Texture: Mine cart + Texture: Concrete + Texture: Rust (for crane) + Texture: Building + Texture: Metal (2 x variants) + Terrain Texture: Cracked Sand + Skybox: "Junk Sky" (Purple) + Texture: Ben's metal object textures (color still not changed as requested) + Added stair path near the edge of the scaffold by Simon Tran 2015-09-26 21:57:17 +1000
  • 09163fb updated trackshit by Lachlan 2015-09-26 16:15:02 +1000
  • a132ba5 track stuff by Lachlan 2015-09-25 19:41:52 +1000
  • 421c7f9 added pulley and blank pulley UVs by Lachlan 2015-09-21 20:57:53 +1000
  • 06f35e8 Monday Class work by Joshua Reason 2015-09-21 13:27:14 +1000
  • c8a2cbe Map changes (crane, cart tracks) by Lachlan 2015-09-21 01:37:01 +1000
  • 0685d13 no message by Joshua Reason 2015-09-20 11:36:25 +1000
  • 106dc71 Friday group meeting changes by Joshua Reason 2015-09-20 11:35:15 +1000
  • a79e8e0 ADDED: + Sign object (for fences) + Textures: Danger Sign and Alt. Route Sign by Simon Tran 2015-09-19 21:40:34 +1000
  • 343d2c8 --- Assignment 2 --- by Joshua Reason 2015-09-14 13:56:21 +1000
  • 98a7c78 -Added animations -added music by Joshua Reason 2015-09-14 11:27:03 +1000
  • d56bfdf Assignment2_Build by Joshua Reason 2015-09-14 02:25:27 +1000
  • 7341041 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-09-14 02:01:12 +1000
  • 61bd8ab added lift, fixed jump, some other stuff by Joshua Reason 2015-09-14 01:38:19 +1000
  • f1b0d61 Merge branch 'master' of by Simon Tran 2015-09-14 00:42:17 +1000
  • 1b6826d ADDED: + Textures: Pull & Push Brothers including default face texture. + Texture: Cargo Container + Texture: Scaffolds (Default, Wall-A and Wall-B) + Unity Package: Sky5x (Skybox collection) by Simon Tran 2015-09-14 00:38:11 +1000
  • c85d23b animations by Lachlan 2015-09-14 00:30:30 +1000
  • fc6c425 character animations (run,walk,gunForward) by Lachlan 2015-09-13 20:05:57 +1000
  • 9ae71c2 Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-09-13 00:59:24 +1000
  • 735556f -added reset button: "r"; -fixed player follow by Joshua Reason 2015-09-13 00:58:46 +1000
  • 591a3d9 couple animations by Lachlan 2015-09-13 00:27:17 +1000
  • a7316e4 Destructible Fence by Joshua Reason 2015-09-11 14:56:41 +1000
  • 4028df5 Merge branch 'master' of by Joshua Reason 2015-09-11 11:59:30 +1000
  • 0aff26e Bug fixes, updating mechanics. by Joshua Reason 2015-09-11 11:57:41 +1000
  • 12d18c3 ADDED: ========== + Tutorial sign object + Tutorial sign textures + Temporary texture - Push Brother + Temp Fence model & texture (Unity Asset Store package) by Simon Tran 2015-09-11 00:04:16 +1000
  • 0f4fa33 ADDED: ========== + Backtracking path for enemy robot puzzle + Terrain Textures (1 x cliff, 3 x sand) + Invisible walls surrounding the terrain. + Several toon materials for various objects with color placeholders. by Simon Tran 2015-09-07 01:19:20 +1000
  • d364bd7 ADDED: + README file containing info on Experimental Files (Text file created in order to make the new folder "Experimental Files" exist in SourceTree)* by Simon Tran 2015-09-05 21:33:26 +1000
  • 3d0d50e 2ND COMMIT (1.9.15) by Simon Tran 2015-09-01 23:20:26 +1000
  • 11e3b06 NOTE 1: "MainLevel" scene made un Unity 5, ver.5.1.3f1 NOTE 2: If you require me to revert my Unity version and save the scene for v5.1.2f1 compatibility, let me know ASAP. by Simon Tran 2015-09-01 17:00:51 +1000
  • 4e06eaa player now picks up item from where there aiming at not center of object. by Joshua Reason 2015-08-29 21:41:32 +1000
  • 35905cc Changes made when meeting in group. Toon shading and level design by Joshua Reason 2015-08-28 17:02:22 +1000
  • 999c544 Added Unity project. by Joshua Reason 2015-08-28 14:37:34 +1000
  • 2816369 TEST: Crate Object by unknown 2015-08-24 14:03:02 +1000