Block gizmos visible in Prefab view
5 years ago
fixed hookshot serialization + added isvisible function
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Added item spawn locations to all existing map section prefabs. Also pushed a second snaking map section.
5 years ago
Joshua Reason
Fixed cannon so we aren't waiting for it. Started to add hook shot.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Hopefully fixed issue with the missing spawn block in the 4-player pen.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Another 4-player spawn revision.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Revised the four-player spawn prefab to fix an imbalance we noticed while testing.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Fixed an accidental misalignment between the 4-player spawning pen and the track.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Fixed 4-player spawn to account for double-moves, changed MapManager to prevent more than one link section spawning in a row.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Added a bunch of longer map sections. Added a simple weighting system for map sections (set for each section in the inspector), so that the proper map sections don't get drowned out by all the varieties of length-1 link sections. Removed the pit and conveyer belts from the 4-player spawn, so that we can use it for a demo.
5 years ago
Finished the environment turns for the traps
Added fog to the camera
5 years ago
Joshua Reason
Conveyorbelt works
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Tweaked how min and max difficulty work for adding new map sections. Added a bunch of new length-1 sections to join longer sections together if need be. Weighted the selection more towards longer sections. Divided possible map sections into multiple lists (each managed by a script object) to make them easier to work with.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Added more conditions to map section selection, based on width & difficulty, with width reducing & difficuty increasing as the game continues. Also split camera movement in RacetrackGameMode off into its own function in preparation for expanding it, so it doesn't clutter up OnRoundEnd.
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Had the remove lives in the } instead of outside :S tested and confirmed
changed the start prefab so i dont have to play like 20 rounds of the game until i can die, will change back after more testing
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Added an 8-player starting area. Changed player-spawning slightly: instead of skipping index 0 for odd numbers of players, each starting pen section starts with no squares marked isSpawnable, and lists of squares to mark as spawnable on instantiation depending on the number of players. RacetrackGameMode.cs is currently hardcoded to call the map initialiser with five players, until I can figure out how to get the number of connected players when OnPreGameStart is called.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Implemented a procedural track creation framework. Track sections will now be added from a list prefabs, after checking that they can connect to the previous section. Sections that have passed out of camera view will disappear. Created a new scene using the procedural generator. The Lobby will now load it on starting a game.
To do:
- Add a starting pen for an 8-player game.
- Add more track sections.
- Add weighting & more criteria for selection of track sections (to produce that escalating difficulty we want).
- Potentially add the possibility for narrower track sections to spawn side by side.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Started a fixed racetrack level with a starting pen, walls, water, and pits.
5 years ago
Joshua Reason
Added unity scenes to LFS + cleaned up scene folder
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Remove colour and added some more animals to allow for eight players, script set up to hard code a colour for each animal - colours not actually set up specifically yet
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Re-Build with different sizing and video upload for Presentation video
5 years ago
Did a build, don't know what changed
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Change move text colour, Add how to for for-loop, add how to to access inventory, fix block spawning, fix fog sizing, add back button to lobby scene
5 years ago
Fixed tutorial levels UI
Fixed fog in tutorai levels
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fix alignment issues
Tutorial scenes Complete
Menu Client/Server Complete
Add second how to video
5 years ago
Claire Peta
EOD thursday class
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Added global variables for settings
limit plays to min of two and max of four
remove player moves text from tutorial levels
5 years ago
Claire Peta
background scene made, added image background to menus, server menu made, changed tutorial scenes
5 years ago
fonoshed Fixed tutorial pickup
5 years ago
Claire Peta
i did more things
5 years ago
Claire Peta
I did things
Fix tutorial levels, multiplayer info UI scence
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fixed fog issue in mobile build
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fixed UI sizing issue and plane background to ui image
made new smaller level for colour collide demo presentation
hard code four animals for players and changed the name shown in lobby so players know their animal and colour
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Finshed all tutorial levels - just waiting on drag and drop implementation
added progrids again
fix floating collectables in chicken run levels
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Changes during meeting @ rmit
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Remove old free assets - Updated all scenes to new assets
Changed main menu to name and colour options (script not applied yet)
created new AI for multiplayer levels
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Portal colour change working with testing script
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Tutorial Levels 1-5 complete with new assets, Updage UI bakcground images with new assets, change character walking animation
6 years ago
Claire Peta
Send/recieve moves from client and character move on server
6 years ago
Claire Peta
Added free unity asset pack and updated scenes
6 years ago
Claire Peta
Update text components
-Added difficulty button
6 years ago
Claire Peta
- Create simple Main Menu with setting options, tutorial option or multi player option
- Create pop up messages at start of each tutorial level and when collecting a new block
- New level designs for the multiplayer games
6 years ago
Claire Peta
- Fix object collision for new block
- Adjust jump onto stump
- Link levels together
6 years ago
Claire Peta
- Created end portal effects
- added character collision with portal and 'new blocks' (print to debug log for now)
- added portal and new blocks to five tutorial scenes
6 years ago
Joshua Reason
-Edge detection
-Created block class
-Turned objects in scene to prefabs
-Moved Character movement out of update
-Added keyboard controll class
-Added some Utility classes
-Fixed some folders
6 years ago
Claire Peta
- Five Tutorial level creation
- Character move forward, rotate left and right, jump functions(up onto and over)
- Character stops if object/obstacle in the way
- Implemented with keyboard control
- Wall collider tester in TuteLevelOne
6 years ago