+ Script: PlayerSounds
+ Texture: Magnet Rods (Pull & Push)
+ GUI Image: Game Logo (not yet implemented in UI)
+ Unity Scene: Title Screen
+ SFX: Footsteps (sand), test beep, switch-player sound, wind ambience
+ BGM: Just Dessert (2nd Part) (This was cut from previous facebook mp3 upload)
Purely for testing purposes.
+ Audio Source for wind ambience sounds
> A duplicate of "Cycle Run" was made so that sound events can be keyframed into the
running animation (FBX-animations were initially read-only)
> Added "PlayFootstep" sound event to running animation.
> Changed invisible wall positions near the starting point area
> Slightly lowered the first concrete platform's position near the long metal beam and small crates
> Slightly increased the height of the first fences
> Added small bits of terrain hills to create "distant cliff illusion"
> SceneController script now has connection with PlayerSound script to allow switch-player sound
> MagnetGun script (Player 1) now has connection with PlayerSound script to allow object-rotation sound
> Added an Audio Source to the Player 1 Avatar object. All player sounds are assigned to this component.
> Only Player 1 has some sounds. Player 2 will have sounds once Player 1 has 100% sounds.
> Cutscene management will need to be discussed. Unsure whether single-scene camera changes are possible
and easy to implement due to script structure. Having a cutscene in a seperate scene will be demanding,
processor-wise, but can be done.
> Still have not received updated movable object textures at this time. Way past its deadline.
- On my Gaming PC, playing the game for an extended amount of time can cause the frame rate to
flacuate from 30 to 60fps at set intervals of approximatelly every 5sec.
- The above issue can be mitigated via restarting your PC. FPS issues could possibly be caused by junk metadata build-up.
- The above issue has also been found in week #8 playtest build.
+ Backtracking path for enemy robot puzzle
+ Terrain Textures (1 x cliff, 3 x sand)
+ Invisible walls surrounding the terrain.
+ Several toon materials for various objects with color placeholders.
> Terrain has been painted with textures (work-in-progress).
> Most objects now have toon material (Proper textures work-in-progress).
> Player 1 (Pull) is temporarily using the character model with cel-shaded texture.
> Player 2 (Push) is temporarily using the character model with simple blue toon material.
> Both players' cubes have been disabled.
> Both players' capsule collider shape have been readjusted.
> Easter egg changed (?!).
- Toon-shaded objects ignore objects that are meant to cast shadows & block the global sun.
(E.g. If the player is behind a box, the sun will still radiate on their back)
- Player movement and jump are still too fast and floaty respectively.
(Older scripts may still be in effect).
- Character models are slightly misaligned slightly towards the left of the camera view
(Appears sort of like over-the-shoulder view. Intentional?).
NOTE 2: If you require me to revert my Unity version and save the scene for v5.1.2f1 compatibility, let me know ASAP.
+ Created a new Unity scene named "MainLevel.unity" in the Scenes folder.
(All prefab objects are in this scene.)
+ Most of the essential structures in the level have been set up.
More props for purely aesthetic will be added later.
+ MainLevel scene uses "InputManager.asset" downloaded via Facebook chat on 29.8.15
+ Added objects from original Maya scaffold scene as seperate objects for prefab use.
+ Created a new folder named "Custom Meshes". Contains meshes for appropriate collision for certain objects
+ Added README text files to the following folders: Objects, Textures, ToonShading.
(Certain README text files contain specific information including naming conventions. Please read for more info.)
- Interactable objects with the "moveable" tag and using a Mesh Collider have no effect on the magnet rods.
When using a default RigidBody on such objects, the following console error occurs:
"Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported in Unity 5"
"If you want to use a non-convex mesh, either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the rigidbody component"
- The above error does not occur when "Is Kinematic" is ticked in the
Rigidbody component; however the object cannot interact with the magnet rod.