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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ProGrids
public class pg_GridRenderer
static readonly HideFlags PG_HIDE_FLAGS = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
const string PREVIEW_OBJECT_NAME = "ProGridsGridObject";
const string MATERIAL_OBJECT_NAME = "ProGridsMaterialObject";
const string MESH_OBJECT_NAME = "ProGridsMeshObject";
const string GRID_SHADER = "Hidden/ProGrids/pg_GridShader";
const int MAX_LINES = 256;
static GameObject gridObject;
static Mesh gridMesh;
static Material gridMaterial;
public static int majorLineIncrement = 10;
* Destroy any existing render objects, then initialize new ones.
public static void Init()
gridObject = EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags(PREVIEW_OBJECT_NAME, PG_HIDE_FLAGS, new System.Type[2]{typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer)});
majorLineIncrement = EditorPrefs.GetInt(pg_Constant.MajorLineIncrement, 10);
if(majorLineIncrement < 2)
majorLineIncrement = 2;
// Force the mesh to only render in SceneView
pg_SceneMeshRender renderer = gridObject.AddComponent<pg_SceneMeshRender>();
gridMesh = new Mesh(); = MESH_OBJECT_NAME;
gridMesh.hideFlags = PG_HIDE_FLAGS;
gridMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(GRID_SHADER)); = MATERIAL_OBJECT_NAME;
gridMaterial.hideFlags = PG_HIDE_FLAGS;
renderer.mesh = gridMesh;
renderer.material = gridMaterial;
public static void Destroy()
DestoryObjectsWithName(MESH_OBJECT_NAME, typeof(Mesh));
DestoryObjectsWithName(MATERIAL_OBJECT_NAME, typeof(Material));
DestoryObjectsWithName(PREVIEW_OBJECT_NAME, typeof(GameObject));
static void DestoryObjectsWithName(string Name, System.Type type)
IEnumerable go = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(type).Where(x =>;
foreach(Object t in go)
private static int tan_iter, bit_iter, max = MAX_LINES, div = 1;
* Returns the distance this grid is drawing
public static float DrawPlane(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tangent, Vector3 bitangent, float snapValue, Color color, float alphaBump)
if(!gridMesh || !gridMaterial || !gridObject)
gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoff", .1f);
gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaFade", .6f);
pivot = pg_Util.SnapValue(pivot, snapValue);
Vector3 p = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(pivot);
bool inFrustum = (p.x >= 0f && p.x <= 1f) &&
(p.y >= 0f && p.y <= 1f) &&
p.z >= 0f;
float[] distances = GetDistanceToFrustumPlanes(cam, pivot, tangent, bitangent, 24f);
tan_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil( (Mathf.Abs(distances[0]) + Mathf.Abs(distances[2]))/snapValue ));
bit_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil( (Mathf.Abs(distances[1]) + Mathf.Abs(distances[3]))/snapValue ));
max = Mathf.Max( tan_iter, bit_iter );
// if the max is around 3x greater than min, we're probably skewing the camera at near-plane
// angle, so use the min instead.
if(max > Mathf.Min(tan_iter, bit_iter) * 2)
max = (int) Mathf.Min(tan_iter, bit_iter) * 2;
div = 1;
float dot = Vector3.Dot( cam.transform.position-pivot, Vector3.Cross(tangent, bitangent) );
if(max > MAX_LINES)
if(Vector3.Distance(cam.transform.position, pivot) > 50f * snapValue && Mathf.Abs(dot) > .8f)
while(max/div > MAX_LINES)
div += div;
max = MAX_LINES;
// origin, tan, bitan, increment, iterations, divOffset, color, primary alpha bump
DrawFullGrid(cam, pivot, tangent, bitangent, snapValue*div, max/div, div, color, alphaBump);
return ((snapValue*div)*(max/div));
public static void DrawGridPerspective(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, float snapValue, Color[] colors, float alphaBump)
if(!gridMesh || !gridMaterial || !gridObject)
gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoff", 0f);
gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaFade", 0f);
Vector3 camDir = (pivot - cam.transform.position).normalized;
pivot = pg_Util.SnapValue(pivot, snapValue);
// Used to flip the grid to match whatever direction the cam is currently
// coming at the pivot from
Vector3 right = camDir.x < 0f ? Vector3.right : Vector3.right * -1f;
Vector3 up = camDir.y < 0f ? Vector3.up : Vector3.up * -1f;
Vector3 forward = camDir.z < 0f ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.forward * -1f;
// Get intersecting point for each axis, if it exists
Ray ray_x = new Ray(pivot, right);
Ray ray_y = new Ray(pivot, up);
Ray ray_z = new Ray(pivot, forward);
float x_dist = 10f, y_dist = 10f, z_dist = 10f;
bool x_intersect = false, y_intersect = false, z_intersect = false;
Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam);
foreach(Plane p in planes)
float dist;
float t = 0;
if(p.Raycast(ray_x, out dist))
t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, ray_x.GetPoint(dist));
if(t < x_dist || !x_intersect)
x_intersect = true;
x_dist = t;
if(p.Raycast(ray_y, out dist))
t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, ray_y.GetPoint(dist));
if(t < y_dist || !y_intersect)
y_intersect = true;
y_dist = t;
if(p.Raycast(ray_z, out dist))
t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, ray_z.GetPoint(dist));
if(t < z_dist || !z_intersect)
z_intersect = true;
z_dist = t;
int x_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Max(x_dist, y_dist))/snapValue);
int y_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Max(x_dist, z_dist))/snapValue);
int z_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Max(z_dist, y_dist))/snapValue);
int max = Mathf.Max( Mathf.Max(x_iter, y_iter), z_iter );
int div = 1;
while(max/div> MAX_LINES)
Vector3[] vertices_t = null;
Vector3[] normals_t = null;
Color[] colors_t = null;
int[] indices_t = null;
List<Vector3> vertices_m = new List<Vector3>();
List<Vector3> normals_m = new List<Vector3>();
List<Color> colors_m = new List<Color>();
List<int> indices_m = new List<int>();
// X plane
DrawHalfGrid(cam, pivot, up, right, snapValue*div, x_iter/div, colors[0], alphaBump, out vertices_t, out normals_t, out colors_t, out indices_t, 0);
// Y plane
DrawHalfGrid(cam, pivot, right, forward, snapValue*div, y_iter/div, colors[1], alphaBump, out vertices_t, out normals_t, out colors_t, out indices_t, vertices_m.Count);
// Z plane
DrawHalfGrid(cam, pivot, forward, up, snapValue*div, z_iter/div, colors[2], alphaBump, out vertices_t, out normals_t, out colors_t, out indices_t, vertices_m.Count);
gridMesh.vertices = vertices_m.ToArray();
gridMesh.normals = normals_m.ToArray();
gridMesh.subMeshCount = 1;
gridMesh.uv = new Vector2[vertices_m.Count];
gridMesh.colors = colors_m.ToArray();
gridMesh.SetIndices(indices_m.ToArray(), MeshTopology.Lines, 0);
private static void DrawHalfGrid(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tan, Vector3 bitan, float increment, int iterations, Color secondary, float alphaBump,
out Vector3[] vertices,
out Vector3[] normals,
out Color[] colors,
out int[] indices, int offset)
Color primary = secondary;
primary.a += alphaBump;
float len = increment * iterations;
int highlightOffsetTan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(pivot, tan) % (increment * majorLineIncrement)) / increment);
int highlightOffsetBitan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(pivot, bitan) % (increment * majorLineIncrement)) / increment);
// this could only use 3 verts per line
float fade = .75f;
float fadeDist = len * fade;
Vector3 nrm = Vector3.Cross(tan, bitan);
vertices = new Vector3[iterations*6-3];
normals = new Vector3[iterations*6-3];
indices = new int[iterations*8-4];
colors = new Color[iterations*6-3];
vertices[0] = pivot;
vertices[1] = (pivot + bitan*fadeDist);
vertices[2] = (pivot + bitan*len);
normals[0] = nrm;
normals[1] = nrm;
normals[2] = nrm;
indices[0] = 0 + offset;
indices[1] = 1 + offset;
indices[2] = 1 + offset;
indices[3] = 2 + offset;
colors[0] = primary;
colors[1] = primary;
colors[2] = primary;
colors[2].a = 0f;
int n = 4;
int v = 3;
for(int i = 1; i < iterations; i++)
// MeshTopology doesn't exist prior to Unity 4
vertices[v+0] = pivot + i * tan * increment;
vertices[v+1] = (pivot + bitan*fadeDist) + i * tan * increment;
vertices[v+2] = (pivot + bitan*len) + i * tan * increment;
vertices[v+3] = pivot + i * bitan * increment;
vertices[v+4] = (pivot + tan*fadeDist) + i * bitan * increment;
vertices[v+5] = (pivot + tan*len) + i * bitan * increment;
normals[v+0] = nrm;
normals[v+1] = nrm;
normals[v+2] = nrm;
normals[v+3] = nrm;
normals[v+4] = nrm;
normals[v+5] = nrm;
indices[n+0] = v + 0 + offset;
indices[n+1] = v + 1 + offset;
indices[n+2] = v + 1 + offset;
indices[n+3] = v + 2 + offset;
indices[n+4] = v + 3 + offset;
indices[n+5] = v + 4 + offset;
indices[n+6] = v + 4 + offset;
indices[n+7] = v + 5 + offset;
float alpha = (i/(float)iterations);
alpha = alpha < fade ? 1f : 1f - ( (alpha-fade)/(1-fade) );
Color col = (i+highlightOffsetTan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary;
col.a *= alpha;
colors[v+0] = col;
colors[v+1] = col;
colors[v+2] = col;
colors[v+2].a = 0f;
col = (i+highlightOffsetBitan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary;
col.a *= alpha;
colors[v+3] = col;
colors[v+4] = col;
colors[v+5] = col;
colors[v+5].a = 0f;
n += 8;
v += 6;
* Draws a plane grid using pivot point, the right and forward directions, and how far each direction should extend
private static void DrawFullGrid(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tan, Vector3 bitan, float increment, int iterations, int div, Color secondary, float alphaBump)
Color primary = secondary;
primary.a += alphaBump;
float len = iterations * increment;
Vector3 start = pivot - tan*(len/2f) - bitan*(len/2f);
start = pg_Util.SnapValue(start, bitan+tan, increment);
float inc = increment;
int highlightOffsetTan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(start, tan) % (inc*majorLineIncrement)) / inc);
int highlightOffsetBitan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(start, bitan) % (inc*majorLineIncrement)) / inc);
Vector3[] lines = new Vector3[iterations * 4];
int[] indices = new int[iterations * 4];
Color[] colors = new Color[iterations * 4];
int v = 0, t = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
Vector3 a = start + tan * i * increment;
Vector3 b = start + bitan * i * increment;
lines[v+0] = a;
lines[v+1] = a + bitan * len;
lines[v+2] = b;
lines[v+3] = b + tan * len;
indices[t++] = v;
indices[t++] = v+1;
indices[t++] = v+2;
indices[t++] = v+3;
Color col = (i + highlightOffsetTan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary;
// tan
colors[v+0] = col;
colors[v+1] = col;
col = (i + highlightOffsetBitan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary;
// bitan
colors[v+2] = col;
colors[v+3] = col;
v += 4;
Vector3 nrm = Vector3.Cross(tan, bitan);
Vector3[] nrms = new Vector3[lines.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
nrms[i] = nrm;
gridMesh.vertices = lines;
gridMesh.normals = nrms;
gridMesh.subMeshCount = 1;
gridMesh.uv = new Vector2[lines.Length];
gridMesh.colors = colors;
gridMesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Lines, 0);
* \brief Returns the distance from pivot to frustum plane in the order of
* float[] { tan, bitan, -tan, -bitan }
private static float[] GetDistanceToFrustumPlanes(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tan, Vector3 bitan, float minDist)
Ray[] rays = new Ray[4]
new Ray(pivot, tan),
new Ray(pivot, bitan),
new Ray(pivot, -tan),
new Ray(pivot, -bitan)
float[] intersects = new float[4] { minDist, minDist, minDist, minDist };
bool[] intersection_found = new bool[4] { false, false, false, false };
Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam);
foreach(Plane p in planes)
float dist;
float t = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(p.Raycast(rays[i], out dist))
t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, rays[i].GetPoint(dist));
if(t < intersects[i] || !intersection_found[i])
intersection_found[i] = true;
intersects[i] = Mathf.Max(minDist, t);
return intersects;