using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace ProGrids { public class pg_GridRenderer { static readonly HideFlags PG_HIDE_FLAGS = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; const string PREVIEW_OBJECT_NAME = "ProGridsGridObject"; const string MATERIAL_OBJECT_NAME = "ProGridsMaterialObject"; const string MESH_OBJECT_NAME = "ProGridsMeshObject"; const string GRID_SHADER = "Hidden/ProGrids/pg_GridShader"; const int MAX_LINES = 256; static GameObject gridObject; static Mesh gridMesh; static Material gridMaterial; public static int majorLineIncrement = 10; /** * Destroy any existing render objects, then initialize new ones. */ public static void Init() { Destroy(); gridObject = EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags(PREVIEW_OBJECT_NAME, PG_HIDE_FLAGS, new System.Type[2]{typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer)}); majorLineIncrement = EditorPrefs.GetInt(pg_Constant.MajorLineIncrement, 10); if(majorLineIncrement < 2) majorLineIncrement = 2; // Force the mesh to only render in SceneView pg_SceneMeshRender renderer = gridObject.AddComponent(); gridMesh = new Mesh(); = MESH_OBJECT_NAME; gridMesh.hideFlags = PG_HIDE_FLAGS; gridMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(GRID_SHADER)); = MATERIAL_OBJECT_NAME; gridMaterial.hideFlags = PG_HIDE_FLAGS; renderer.mesh = gridMesh; renderer.material = gridMaterial; } public static void Destroy() { DestoryObjectsWithName(MESH_OBJECT_NAME, typeof(Mesh)); DestoryObjectsWithName(MATERIAL_OBJECT_NAME, typeof(Material)); DestoryObjectsWithName(PREVIEW_OBJECT_NAME, typeof(GameObject)); } static void DestoryObjectsWithName(string Name, System.Type type) { IEnumerable go = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(type).Where(x =>; foreach(Object t in go) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(t); } } private static int tan_iter, bit_iter, max = MAX_LINES, div = 1; /** * Returns the distance this grid is drawing */ public static float DrawPlane(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tangent, Vector3 bitangent, float snapValue, Color color, float alphaBump) { if(!gridMesh || !gridMaterial || !gridObject) Init(); gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoff", .1f); gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaFade", .6f); pivot = pg_Util.SnapValue(pivot, snapValue); Vector3 p = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(pivot); bool inFrustum = (p.x >= 0f && p.x <= 1f) && (p.y >= 0f && p.y <= 1f) && p.z >= 0f; float[] distances = GetDistanceToFrustumPlanes(cam, pivot, tangent, bitangent, 24f); if(inFrustum) { tan_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil( (Mathf.Abs(distances[0]) + Mathf.Abs(distances[2]))/snapValue )); bit_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil( (Mathf.Abs(distances[1]) + Mathf.Abs(distances[3]))/snapValue )); max = Mathf.Max( tan_iter, bit_iter ); // if the max is around 3x greater than min, we're probably skewing the camera at near-plane // angle, so use the min instead. if(max > Mathf.Min(tan_iter, bit_iter) * 2) max = (int) Mathf.Min(tan_iter, bit_iter) * 2; div = 1; float dot = Vector3.Dot( cam.transform.position-pivot, Vector3.Cross(tangent, bitangent) ); if(max > MAX_LINES) { if(Vector3.Distance(cam.transform.position, pivot) > 50f * snapValue && Mathf.Abs(dot) > .8f) { while(max/div > MAX_LINES) div += div; } else { max = MAX_LINES; } } } // origin, tan, bitan, increment, iterations, divOffset, color, primary alpha bump DrawFullGrid(cam, pivot, tangent, bitangent, snapValue*div, max/div, div, color, alphaBump); return ((snapValue*div)*(max/div)); } public static void DrawGridPerspective(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, float snapValue, Color[] colors, float alphaBump) { if(!gridMesh || !gridMaterial || !gridObject) Init(); gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoff", 0f); gridMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaFade", 0f); Vector3 camDir = (pivot - cam.transform.position).normalized; pivot = pg_Util.SnapValue(pivot, snapValue); // Used to flip the grid to match whatever direction the cam is currently // coming at the pivot from Vector3 right = camDir.x < 0f ? Vector3.right : Vector3.right * -1f; Vector3 up = camDir.y < 0f ? Vector3.up : Vector3.up * -1f; Vector3 forward = camDir.z < 0f ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.forward * -1f; // Get intersecting point for each axis, if it exists Ray ray_x = new Ray(pivot, right); Ray ray_y = new Ray(pivot, up); Ray ray_z = new Ray(pivot, forward); float x_dist = 10f, y_dist = 10f, z_dist = 10f; bool x_intersect = false, y_intersect = false, z_intersect = false; Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam); foreach(Plane p in planes) { float dist; float t = 0; if(p.Raycast(ray_x, out dist)) { t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, ray_x.GetPoint(dist)); if(t < x_dist || !x_intersect) { x_intersect = true; x_dist = t; } } if(p.Raycast(ray_y, out dist)) { t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, ray_y.GetPoint(dist)); if(t < y_dist || !y_intersect) { y_intersect = true; y_dist = t; } } if(p.Raycast(ray_z, out dist)) { t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, ray_z.GetPoint(dist)); if(t < z_dist || !z_intersect) { z_intersect = true; z_dist = t; } } } int x_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Max(x_dist, y_dist))/snapValue); int y_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Max(x_dist, z_dist))/snapValue); int z_iter = (int)(Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Max(z_dist, y_dist))/snapValue); int max = Mathf.Max( Mathf.Max(x_iter, y_iter), z_iter ); int div = 1; while(max/div> MAX_LINES) { div++; } Vector3[] vertices_t = null; Vector3[] normals_t = null; Color[] colors_t = null; int[] indices_t = null; List vertices_m = new List(); List normals_m = new List(); List colors_m = new List(); List indices_m = new List(); // X plane DrawHalfGrid(cam, pivot, up, right, snapValue*div, x_iter/div, colors[0], alphaBump, out vertices_t, out normals_t, out colors_t, out indices_t, 0); vertices_m.AddRange(vertices_t); normals_m.AddRange(normals_t); colors_m.AddRange(colors_t); indices_m.AddRange(indices_t); // Y plane DrawHalfGrid(cam, pivot, right, forward, snapValue*div, y_iter/div, colors[1], alphaBump, out vertices_t, out normals_t, out colors_t, out indices_t, vertices_m.Count); vertices_m.AddRange(vertices_t); normals_m.AddRange(normals_t); colors_m.AddRange(colors_t); indices_m.AddRange(indices_t); // Z plane DrawHalfGrid(cam, pivot, forward, up, snapValue*div, z_iter/div, colors[2], alphaBump, out vertices_t, out normals_t, out colors_t, out indices_t, vertices_m.Count); vertices_m.AddRange(vertices_t); normals_m.AddRange(normals_t); colors_m.AddRange(colors_t); indices_m.AddRange(indices_t); gridMesh.Clear(); gridMesh.vertices = vertices_m.ToArray(); gridMesh.normals = normals_m.ToArray(); gridMesh.subMeshCount = 1; gridMesh.uv = new Vector2[vertices_m.Count]; gridMesh.colors = colors_m.ToArray(); gridMesh.SetIndices(indices_m.ToArray(), MeshTopology.Lines, 0); } private static void DrawHalfGrid(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tan, Vector3 bitan, float increment, int iterations, Color secondary, float alphaBump, out Vector3[] vertices, out Vector3[] normals, out Color[] colors, out int[] indices, int offset) { Color primary = secondary; primary.a += alphaBump; float len = increment * iterations; int highlightOffsetTan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(pivot, tan) % (increment * majorLineIncrement)) / increment); int highlightOffsetBitan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(pivot, bitan) % (increment * majorLineIncrement)) / increment); iterations++; // this could only use 3 verts per line float fade = .75f; float fadeDist = len * fade; Vector3 nrm = Vector3.Cross(tan, bitan); vertices = new Vector3[iterations*6-3]; normals = new Vector3[iterations*6-3]; indices = new int[iterations*8-4]; colors = new Color[iterations*6-3]; vertices[0] = pivot; vertices[1] = (pivot + bitan*fadeDist); vertices[2] = (pivot + bitan*len); normals[0] = nrm; normals[1] = nrm; normals[2] = nrm; indices[0] = 0 + offset; indices[1] = 1 + offset; indices[2] = 1 + offset; indices[3] = 2 + offset; colors[0] = primary; colors[1] = primary; colors[2] = primary; colors[2].a = 0f; int n = 4; int v = 3; for(int i = 1; i < iterations; i++) { // MeshTopology doesn't exist prior to Unity 4 vertices[v+0] = pivot + i * tan * increment; vertices[v+1] = (pivot + bitan*fadeDist) + i * tan * increment; vertices[v+2] = (pivot + bitan*len) + i * tan * increment; vertices[v+3] = pivot + i * bitan * increment; vertices[v+4] = (pivot + tan*fadeDist) + i * bitan * increment; vertices[v+5] = (pivot + tan*len) + i * bitan * increment; normals[v+0] = nrm; normals[v+1] = nrm; normals[v+2] = nrm; normals[v+3] = nrm; normals[v+4] = nrm; normals[v+5] = nrm; indices[n+0] = v + 0 + offset; indices[n+1] = v + 1 + offset; indices[n+2] = v + 1 + offset; indices[n+3] = v + 2 + offset; indices[n+4] = v + 3 + offset; indices[n+5] = v + 4 + offset; indices[n+6] = v + 4 + offset; indices[n+7] = v + 5 + offset; float alpha = (i/(float)iterations); alpha = alpha < fade ? 1f : 1f - ( (alpha-fade)/(1-fade) ); Color col = (i+highlightOffsetTan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary; col.a *= alpha; colors[v+0] = col; colors[v+1] = col; colors[v+2] = col; colors[v+2].a = 0f; col = (i+highlightOffsetBitan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary; col.a *= alpha; colors[v+3] = col; colors[v+4] = col; colors[v+5] = col; colors[v+5].a = 0f; n += 8; v += 6; } } /** * Draws a plane grid using pivot point, the right and forward directions, and how far each direction should extend */ private static void DrawFullGrid(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tan, Vector3 bitan, float increment, int iterations, int div, Color secondary, float alphaBump) { Color primary = secondary; primary.a += alphaBump; float len = iterations * increment; iterations++; Vector3 start = pivot - tan*(len/2f) - bitan*(len/2f); start = pg_Util.SnapValue(start, bitan+tan, increment); float inc = increment; int highlightOffsetTan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(start, tan) % (inc*majorLineIncrement)) / inc); int highlightOffsetBitan = (int)((pg_Util.ValueFromMask(start, bitan) % (inc*majorLineIncrement)) / inc); Vector3[] lines = new Vector3[iterations * 4]; int[] indices = new int[iterations * 4]; Color[] colors = new Color[iterations * 4]; int v = 0, t = 0; for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Vector3 a = start + tan * i * increment; Vector3 b = start + bitan * i * increment; lines[v+0] = a; lines[v+1] = a + bitan * len; lines[v+2] = b; lines[v+3] = b + tan * len; indices[t++] = v; indices[t++] = v+1; indices[t++] = v+2; indices[t++] = v+3; Color col = (i + highlightOffsetTan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary; // tan colors[v+0] = col; colors[v+1] = col; col = (i + highlightOffsetBitan) % majorLineIncrement == 0 ? primary : secondary; // bitan colors[v+2] = col; colors[v+3] = col; v += 4; } Vector3 nrm = Vector3.Cross(tan, bitan); Vector3[] nrms = new Vector3[lines.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) nrms[i] = nrm; gridMesh.Clear(); gridMesh.vertices = lines; gridMesh.normals = nrms; gridMesh.subMeshCount = 1; gridMesh.uv = new Vector2[lines.Length]; gridMesh.colors = colors; gridMesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Lines, 0); } /** * \brief Returns the distance from pivot to frustum plane in the order of * float[] { tan, bitan, -tan, -bitan } */ private static float[] GetDistanceToFrustumPlanes(Camera cam, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 tan, Vector3 bitan, float minDist) { Ray[] rays = new Ray[4] { new Ray(pivot, tan), new Ray(pivot, bitan), new Ray(pivot, -tan), new Ray(pivot, -bitan) }; float[] intersects = new float[4] { minDist, minDist, minDist, minDist }; bool[] intersection_found = new bool[4] { false, false, false, false }; Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam); foreach(Plane p in planes) { float dist; float t = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(p.Raycast(rays[i], out dist)) { t = Vector3.Distance(pivot, rays[i].GetPoint(dist)); if(t < intersects[i] || !intersection_found[i]) { intersection_found[i] = true; intersects[i] = Mathf.Max(minDist, t); } } } } return intersects; } } }