7 Commits (7dca2b421e80922f94e3ac15a4a11adb906945f0)

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Claire Peta 866c8e2e02 Fix conveyorbelt issue 5 years ago
  Joshua Reason 5ee1be61f3 Conveyorbelt works 5 years ago
  s3607057 (Angus Niven) 465a8eb6b7 Implemented a procedural track creation framework. Track sections will now be added from a list prefabs, after checking that they can connect to the previous section. Sections that have passed out of camera view will disappear. Created a new scene using the procedural generator. The Lobby will now load it on starting a game. 5 years ago
  ClairePeta 92b845258f Checked with single player for the collision with traps. 5 years ago
  Claire Peta b72f2d042c Cannon, Water, Crystals and Conveyor all scripted and working with character animation 5 years ago
  ClairePeta 170c11a7e3 Cannon fixed and tested - need to limit the pushing of the character! 5 years ago
  ClairePeta e5cf27b937 Work in Progress - Scripting up Traps 5 years ago
  Claire Peta ad79bb39cd fixed material issues with trees and plants 5 years ago
  JoshuaReason cdd05f686e Added Kubikos world asset 6 years ago