Joshua Reason
Conveyorbelt works
5 years ago
Joshua Reason
-Updated water to new system + Jumping has a bounce effect
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Tweaked how min and max difficulty work for adding new map sections. Added a bunch of new length-1 sections to join longer sections together if need be. Weighted the selection more towards longer sections. Divided possible map sections into multiple lists (each managed by a script object) to make them easier to work with.
5 years ago
Client deaths moves them from screen.
Lobby fix to display 8 names
Icons in client scene
Small Menu changes - remove tutorial scene
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Added more conditions to map section selection, based on width & difficulty, with width reducing & difficuty increasing as the game continues. Also split camera movement in RacetrackGameMode off into its own function in preparation for expanding it, so it doesn't clutter up OnRoundEnd.
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Had the remove lives in the } instead of outside :S tested and confirmed
changed the start prefab so i dont have to play like 20 rounds of the game until i can die, will change back after more testing
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Added an 8-player starting area. Changed player-spawning slightly: instead of skipping index 0 for odd numbers of players, each starting pen section starts with no squares marked isSpawnable, and lists of squares to mark as spawnable on instantiation depending on the number of players. RacetrackGameMode.cs is currently hardcoded to call the map initialiser with five players, until I can figure out how to get the number of connected players when OnPreGameStart is called.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Implemented a procedural track creation framework. Track sections will now be added from a list prefabs, after checking that they can connect to the previous section. Sections that have passed out of camera view will disappear. Created a new scene using the procedural generator. The Lobby will now load it on starting a game.
To do:
- Add a starting pen for an 8-player game.
- Add more track sections.
- Add weighting & more criteria for selection of track sections (to produce that escalating difficulty we want).
- Potentially add the possibility for narrower track sections to spawn side by side.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Fixed some positioning issues.
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Created a map section template containing one of every block type, for easy duplication.
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Small changes made before class
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fix prefab + script issue for inground trap
clean testing code + comments
5 years ago
Separated the traps that need to be called after each turn and then after each round in the traps script
Tested it in the racetrack scene it gets a list of all the objects at runtime so when the functions are called will trigger them one at a time.
Also got the characters moving correctly with the conveyor belts and the shooting cannon.
5 years ago
Checked with single player for the collision with traps.
Corrected the connectedclients list
Still need to set up the environment turn to trigger the animations
5 years ago
Claire Peta
last push from class
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Added boulder coroutine to raise and fall 2.0f
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Cannon, Water, Crystals and Conveyor all scripted and working with character animation
Only tested in tutorial scene and hard coded the "Character" name, set up to get names or characters animals based on the connected clients list, but has yet to be tested
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Implemented appropriate behaviour for having fallen into a hole: character loses their remaining moves for the round, respawns minus one life if they fell into a pit, or may jump out if they're in water. Changes to the FloatingOnWater prefab were necessary both to make the lose-your-remaining moves functions work (the block undernearth with the isWalkable and isWater flags), and to make it possible to fall into water on my build (shifting the box collider down by 1). If the latter causes issues on Claire's build, it can be reverted without affecting the rest of this commit, until we figure out how to make it work on all our machines.
5 years ago
Cannon fixed and tested - need to limit the pushing of the character!
5 years ago
Trap scripts finished - for now - starting testing and will adjust if needed.
Changed the prefab for the cannon to instantiate the shooting object each time, and a bool to specify if it will push characters left or right, made it easier for figuring it out and calling the right coroutine
added coroutines to character script
5 years ago
s3607057 (Angus Niven)
Pits & cannons added to racetrack.
Modified the pit prefab (sorry Claire), the surrounding blocks clashed with neighbouring pits/walls/water/etc.
Starting the game will now take you to the 4-player alpha racetrack rather than Colour Collide.
Camera now scrolls along the racetrack level at a rate of 1 block per turn. Currently nothing happens to people who fall behind it, except that you can't see them.
Pets will no longer paint blocks in their colour. (I had to modify the ColorCollide.cs script for this, as I could not figure out how to turn a script into a .asset object as was done for ColorCollide.asset.)
5 years ago
Work in Progress - Scripting up Traps
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Finalizing of model/prefabs for Traps
5 years ago
Animal colour hex fix
Trap creation
5 years ago
Fixed tutorial levels UI
Fixed fog in tutorai levels
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fix alignment issues
Tutorial scenes Complete
Menu Client/Server Complete
Add second how to video
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Change menu background
EOD on Desktop
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Link client to character, Add instructions for how to play with video slots, new simpler background design scene (need to finish and screenshot for bg image)
Switching from laptop to desktop for bg scene
5 years ago
Claire Peta
EOD thursday class
5 years ago
Semi working editable for loop
5 years ago
added text when a character moves
5 years ago
Fixed logic tray max length + dropping things back into inventory duplication
5 years ago
Claire Peta
pre-class changes
5 years ago
Claire Peta
background scene made, added image background to menus, server menu made, changed tutorial scenes
5 years ago
fonoshed Fixed tutorial pickup
5 years ago
Claire Peta
i did a silly thing
5 years ago
Claire Peta
I did things
Fix tutorial levels, multiplayer info UI scence
5 years ago
Did some fixing for the inventory
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fixed fog issue in mobile build
5 years ago
Claire Peta
final push pre-beta presentation
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Change starting cube colour
5 years ago
Claire Peta
fixed scoreboard problem, linked score updated into scoreboard script, automatic load
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Scoreboard scene and wip menu ui backgrounds
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Fixed UI sizing issue and plane background to ui image
made new smaller level for colour collide demo presentation
hard code four animals for players and changed the name shown in lobby so players know their animal and colour
5 years ago
Clients wait for other Clients.
Inventory is sent from server
5 years ago
Joshua Reason
more work on gamemodes
5 years ago
Claire Peta
move code to game manager: change object texture and update player UI/collected vale
created level scoreboard for amount of coloured gameobjects 10second timer, then loads the main scoreboard, ten second timer, then loads the new scene based on string given in inspector
allow texture to load through script
5 years ago
Joshua Reason
updated prefabs
5 years ago
Claire Peta
fixed collection object shadow and rotating
colourcollide level blocks change colour on touch - need to put into character script, get material based on character colour
5 years ago
Claire Peta
Portal colour change working with testing script
6 years ago