Browse Source

Can send list over network

Joshua Reason 5 years ago
31 changed files with 1042 additions and 37 deletions
  1. +334
      Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientLogin.unity
  2. +7
      Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientLogin.unity.meta
  3. +196
      Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientScene.unity
  4. +1
      Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientScene.unity.meta
  5. +8
  6. +1
  7. +18
  8. +57
  9. +27
  10. +18
  11. +24
  12. +11
  13. +2
  14. +0
  15. +2
  16. +18
  17. +11
  18. +8
  19. +5
  20. +11
  21. +56
  22. +11
  23. +20
  24. +11
  25. +66
  26. +11
  27. +52
  28. +11
  29. +32
  30. +11
  31. +2

+ 334
- 0
Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientLogin.unity View File

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+ 7
- 0
Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientLogin.unity.meta View File

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+ 196
- 34
Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientScene.unity View File

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--- !u!1 &1352513146
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+ 1
- 1
Assets/Scenes/Networking Test Scenes/ClientScene.unity.meta View File

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+ 8
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Assets/Scripts/Components.meta View File

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+ 1
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Assets/Scripts/Logic/Blocks/CombinedBlock.cs View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Combined Block")] [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Combined Block")]
public class CombinedBlock : LogicBlock public class CombinedBlock : LogicBlock
{ {
#region Inspector Variables #region Inspector Variables

+ 18
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Logic/Blocks/Jump.cs View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using UnityEngine;
/// Logic block which deals with jumping a character in a direction /// Logic block which deals with jumping a character in a direction
/// </summary> /// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Jump Block")] [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Jump Block")]
public class Jump : LogicBlock public class Jump : LogicBlock
{ {
@ -24,5 +25,22 @@ public class Jump : LogicBlock
player.Jump(direction, animationTime); player.Jump(direction, animationTime);
} }
public override void CopyToken(BlockToken token)
direction = ((DirectionToken)token).direction;
public override BlockToken ToToken(BlockToken token = null)
if (token == null)
token = new DirectionToken(this);
DirectionToken retVal = (DirectionToken)base.ToToken(token);
retVal.direction = direction;
return retVal;
#endregion Class Functions #endregion Class Functions
} }

+ 57
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Logic/Blocks/LogicBlock.cs View File

@ -90,5 +90,62 @@ public abstract class LogicBlock : ScriptableObject
return (RepeatCount == RepeatAmount); return (RepeatCount == RepeatAmount);
} }
public virtual void CopyToken(BlockToken token)
Color = token.Color;
_DisplayName = token._DisplayName;
WaitUntilFinished = token.WaitUntilFinished;
RepeatAmount = token.RepeatAmount;
name = token.ObjectName;
public virtual BlockToken ToToken(BlockToken token = null)
if (token == null)
token = new BlockToken(this);
token.Color = Color;
token._DisplayName = _DisplayName;
token.WaitUntilFinished = WaitUntilFinished;
token.RepeatAmount = RepeatAmount;
token.ObjectName = name;
return token;
#endregion Class Functions #endregion Class Functions
} }
public class BlockToken
public System.Type blockType;
public Color Color;
public string _DisplayName;
public string ObjectName;
public bool WaitUntilFinished;
public int RepeatAmount;
public BlockToken(LogicBlock block)
blockType = block.GetType();
public LogicBlock ToLogicBlock()
LogicBlock retVal = (LogicBlock) ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(blockType);
Debug.Log("type: " + retVal.GetType());
return retVal;

+ 27
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Logic/Blocks/Move.cs View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using UnityEngine;
/// Logic block which deals with moving a character in a direction /// Logic block which deals with moving a character in a direction
/// </summary> /// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Move Block")] [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Move Block")]
public class Move : LogicBlock public class Move : LogicBlock
{ {
@ -23,5 +24,31 @@ public class Move : LogicBlock
player.Move(direction, animationTime); player.Move(direction, animationTime);
} }
public override void CopyToken(BlockToken token)
direction = ((DirectionToken)token).direction;
public override BlockToken ToToken(BlockToken token = null)
if (token == null)
token = new DirectionToken(this);
DirectionToken retVal = (DirectionToken) base.ToToken(token);
retVal.direction = direction;
return retVal;
#endregion Class Functions #endregion Class Functions
} }
public class DirectionToken : BlockToken
public Direction direction;
public DirectionToken(LogicBlock block) : base(block) { }

+ 18
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Logic/Blocks/Rotate.cs View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using UnityEngine;
/// Logic block which deals with moving a character in a direction /// Logic block which deals with moving a character in a direction
/// </summary> /// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Rotate Block")] [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/Rotate Block")]
public class Rotate : LogicBlock public class Rotate : LogicBlock
{ {
#region Inspector Fields #region Inspector Fields
@ -27,5 +28,22 @@ public class Rotate : LogicBlock
player.Rotate(direction, animationTime); player.Rotate(direction, animationTime);
} }
public override void CopyToken(BlockToken token)
direction = ((DirectionToken)token).direction;
public override BlockToken ToToken(BlockToken token = null)
if (token == null)
token = new DirectionToken(this);
DirectionToken retVal = (DirectionToken)base.ToToken(token);
retVal.direction = direction;
return retVal;
#endregion Class Functions #endregion Class Functions
} }

+ 24
- 0
Assets/Scripts/NetworkOutput.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using Networking.Client;
using Networking;
public class NetworkOutput : MonoBehaviour
public BlockReader reader;
protected ClientObject Client;
[ContextMenu("Send list")]
public void SendList()
LogicProtocols.LogicMsg msg = new LogicProtocols.LogicMsg(reader.LogicChain.ToArray());
Debug.Log("sending on " + LogicProtocols.SendLogicList);
Client.client.SendByChannel(LogicProtocols.SendLogicList, msg,TransportConfigure.ReliableFragmented);

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/NetworkOutput.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientManager.cs → Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientLoginManager.cs View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace Networking.Client namespace Networking.Client
{ {
public class ClientManager : MonoBehaviour
public class ClientLoginManager : MonoBehaviour
{ {
#region Inspector Fields #region Inspector Fields
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace Networking.Client
public void LoginRecieved(NetworkMessage msg) public void LoginRecieved(NetworkMessage msg)
{ {
Debug.Log("Connected to Server. Sending login details"); Debug.Log("Connected to Server. Sending login details");
Client.client.Send(LoginProtocols.SendingLoginDetails, new LoginProtocols.LoginMsg(DisplayName, Color.white));
Client.client.Send(LoginProtocols.SendingLoginDetails, new LoginProtocols.LoginMsg(DisplayName, PlayerColor));
} }
public void LoginSucess(NetworkMessage msg) public void LoginSucess(NetworkMessage msg)

Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientManager.cs.meta → Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientLoginManager.cs.meta View File

+ 2
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientObject.cs View File

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ namespace Networking.Client
this.ServerIP = serverAddress; this.ServerIP = serverAddress;
this.Port = port; this.Port = port;
client = new NetworkClient(); client = new NetworkClient();
client.Configure(TransportConfigure.CreateConfigure(), 1);
client.Connect(serverAddress, port); client.Connect(serverAddress, port);
} }

+ 18
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientOutputManager.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ClientOutputManager : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Client/ClientOutputManager.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 8
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Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/BlockTokens.meta View File

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+ 5
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Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/BlockTokens/BlockToken.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/BlockTokens/BlockToken.cs.meta View File

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+ 56
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Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Protocols/LogicProtocols.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace Networking
public class LogicProtocols
public const short SendLogicList = 200;
public class LogicMsg : MessageBase
public LogicBlock[] elements;
public LogicMsg() { }
public LogicMsg(LogicBlock[] elements)
this.elements = elements;
public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
foreach (LogicBlock block in elements)
BlockToken token = block.ToToken();
byte[] bytes = Utility.ObjectToByteArray(token);
public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
int count = reader.ReadInt32();
elements = new LogicBlock[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
BlockToken token = Utility.ByteArrayToObject<BlockToken>(reader.ReadBytesAndSize());
elements[i] = token.ToLogicBlock();

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Protocols/LogicProtocols.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 20
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Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Protocols/TransportConfigure.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public static class TransportConfigure
public static int Reliable = 0;
public static int ReliableFragmented = 1;
public static ConnectionConfig CreateConfigure()
ConnectionConfig newConfigure = new ConnectionConfig();
return newConfigure;

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Protocols/TransportConfigure.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 66
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Utility/SerialisationSurrogates.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Networking {
public class Vector3SerializationSurrogate : ISerializationSurrogate
// Method called to serialize a Vector3 object
public void GetObjectData(System.Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Vector3 v3 = (Vector3)obj;
info.AddValue("x", v3.x);
info.AddValue("y", v3.y);
info.AddValue("z", v3.z);
// Method called to deserialize a Vector3 object
public System.Object SetObjectData(System.Object obj, SerializationInfo info,
StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
Vector3 v3 = (Vector3)obj;
v3.x = (float)info.GetValue("x", typeof(float));
v3.y = (float)info.GetValue("y", typeof(float));
v3.z = (float)info.GetValue("z", typeof(float));
obj = v3;
return obj;
public class ColorSerializationSurrogate : ISerializationSurrogate
// Method called to serialize a Vector3 object
public void GetObjectData(System.Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Color col = (Color)obj;
info.AddValue("r", col.r);
info.AddValue("g", col.g);
info.AddValue("b", col.b);
info.AddValue("a", col.a);
// Method called to deserialize a Vector3 object
public System.Object SetObjectData(System.Object obj, SerializationInfo info,
StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
Color col = (Color)obj;
col.r = (float)info.GetValue("r", typeof(float));
col.g = (float)info.GetValue("g", typeof(float));
col.b = (float)info.GetValue("b", typeof(float));
col.a = (float)info.GetValue("a", typeof(float));
obj = col;
return obj;

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Utility/SerialisationSurrogates.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 52
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Utility/Utility.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Networking
public static class Utility
public static byte[] ObjectToByteArray<T>(T obj)
if (obj == null)
return null;
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
SurrogateSelector surrogateSelector = new SurrogateSelector();
Vector3SerializationSurrogate vector3SS = new Vector3SerializationSurrogate();
ColorSerializationSurrogate colorSS = new ColorSerializationSurrogate();
surrogateSelector.AddSurrogate(typeof(Vector3), new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All), vector3SS);
surrogateSelector.AddSurrogate(typeof(Color), new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All), colorSS);
bf.SurrogateSelector = surrogateSelector;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
bf.Serialize(ms, obj);
return ms.ToArray();
public static T ByteArrayToObject<T>(byte[] arrBytes)
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
SurrogateSelector surrogateSelector = new SurrogateSelector();
Vector3SerializationSurrogate vector3SS = new Vector3SerializationSurrogate();
ColorSerializationSurrogate colorSS = new ColorSerializationSurrogate();
surrogateSelector.AddSurrogate(typeof(Vector3), new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All), vector3SS);
surrogateSelector.AddSurrogate(typeof(Color), new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All), colorSS);
bf.SurrogateSelector = surrogateSelector;
memStream.Write(arrBytes, 0, arrBytes.Length);
memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
T obj = (T)bf.Deserialize(memStream);
return obj;

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Core/Utility/Utility.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 32
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Server/NetworkedClient.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using Networking.Server;
using Networking;
public class NetworkedClient : MonoBehaviour
public ServerObject server;
public BlockReader reader;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Debug.Log("Registering: " + LogicProtocols.SendLogicList);
server.server.RegisterHandler(LogicProtocols.SendLogicList, RecieveLogicList);
public void RecieveLogicList(NetworkMessage msg)
LogicProtocols.LogicMsg logicMsg;
if (!msg.TryRead(out logicMsg))
Debug.Log("Recieved unknown message");
reader.LogicChain = new List<LogicBlock>(logicMsg.elements);

+ 11
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Server/NetworkedClient.cs.meta View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 2
- 0
Assets/Scripts/Networking/Server/ServerObject.cs View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ namespace Networking.Server {
Debug.Log("Starting Server on " + port); Debug.Log("Starting Server on " + port);
server = new NetworkServerSimple(); server = new NetworkServerSimple();
LoginHandler.SetUp(this); LoginHandler.SetUp(this);
server.Listen(port); server.Listen(port);
} }
