Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
See SampleFramework license.txt for license terms. Unless required by applicable law
or agreed to in writing, the sample code is provided “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
public class HandsActiveChecker : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject _notificationPrefab = null;
private GameObject _notification = null;
private OVRCameraRig _cameraRig = null;
private Transform _centerEye = null;
private void Awake()
_notification = Instantiate(_notificationPrefab);
private void Update()
if (OVRPlugin.GetHandTrackingEnabled())
if (_centerEye) {
_notification.transform.position = _centerEye.position + _centerEye.forward * 0.5f;
_notification.transform.rotation = _centerEye.rotation;
private IEnumerator GetCenterEye()
if ((_cameraRig = FindObjectOfType<OVRCameraRig>()) != null)
while (!_centerEye)
_centerEye = _cameraRig.centerEyeAnchor;
yield return null;