Assignment for RMIT Mixed Reality in 2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
6.1 KiB

namespace Oculus.Platform.Samples.VrVoiceChat
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Oculus.Platform;
using Oculus.Platform.Models;
// Helper class to manage a Peer-to-Peer connection to the other user.
// The connection is used to send and received the Transforms for the
// Avatars. The Transforms are sent via unreliable UDP at a fixed
// frequency.
public class P2PManager
// number of seconds to delay between transform updates
private static readonly float UPDATE_DELAY = 0.1f;
// the ID of the remote player we expect to be connected to
private ulong m_remoteID;
// the result of the last connection state update message
private PeerConnectionState m_state = PeerConnectionState.Unknown;
// the next time to send an updated transform to the remote User
private float m_timeForNextUpdate;
// the size of the packet we are sending and receiving
private static readonly byte PACKET_SIZE = 29;
// packet format type just in case we want to add new future packet types
private static readonly byte PACKET_FORMAT = 0;
// reusable buffer to serialize the Transform into
private readonly byte[] sendTransformBuffer = new byte[PACKET_SIZE];
// reusable buffer to deserialize the Transform into
private readonly byte[] receiveTransformBuffer = new byte[PACKET_SIZE];
// the last received position update
private Vector3 receivedPosition;
// the previous received position to interpolate from
private Vector3 receivedPositionPrior;
// the last received rotation update
private Quaternion receivedRotation;
// the previous received rotation to interpolate from
private Quaternion receivedRotationPrior;
// when the last transform was received
private float receivedTime;
public P2PManager(Transform initialHeadTransform)
receivedPositionPrior = receivedPosition = initialHeadTransform.localPosition;
receivedRotationPrior = receivedRotation = initialHeadTransform.localRotation;
#region Connection Management
public void ConnectTo(ulong userID)
m_remoteID = userID;
// ID comparison is used to decide who calls Connect and who calls Accept
if (PlatformManager.MyID < userID)
public void Disconnect()
if (m_remoteID != 0)
m_remoteID = 0;
m_state = PeerConnectionState.Unknown;
public bool Connected
return m_state == PeerConnectionState.Connected;
void PeerConnectRequestCallback(Message<NetworkingPeer> msg)
Debug.LogFormat("Connection request from {0}, authorized is {1}", msg.Data.ID, m_remoteID);
if (msg.Data.ID == m_remoteID)
void ConnectionStateChangedCallback(Message<NetworkingPeer> msg)
Debug.LogFormat("Connection state to {0} changed to {1}", msg.Data.ID, msg.Data.State);
if (msg.Data.ID == m_remoteID)
m_state = msg.Data.State;
if (m_state == PeerConnectionState.Timeout &&
// ID comparison is used to decide who calls Connect and who calls Accept
PlatformManager.MyID < m_remoteID)
// keep trying until hangup!
#region Send Update
public bool ShouldSendHeadUpdate
return Time.time >= m_timeForNextUpdate && m_state == PeerConnectionState.Connected;
public void SendHeadTransform(Transform headTransform)
m_timeForNextUpdate = Time.time + UPDATE_DELAY;
sendTransformBuffer[0] = PACKET_FORMAT;
int offset = 1;
PackFloat(headTransform.localPosition.x, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
PackFloat(headTransform.localPosition.y, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
PackFloat(headTransform.localPosition.z, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
PackFloat(headTransform.localRotation.x, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
PackFloat(headTransform.localRotation.y, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
PackFloat(headTransform.localRotation.z, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
PackFloat(headTransform.localRotation.w, sendTransformBuffer, ref offset);
Net.SendPacket(m_remoteID, sendTransformBuffer, SendPolicy.Unreliable);
void PackFloat(float f, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(f), 0, buf, offset, 4);
offset = offset + 4;
#region Receive Update
public void GetRemoteHeadTransform(Transform headTransform)
bool hasNewTransform = false;
Packet packet;
while ((packet = Net.ReadPacket()) != null)
if (packet.Size != PACKET_SIZE)
Debug.Log("Invalid packet size: " + packet.Size);
if (receiveTransformBuffer[0] != PACKET_FORMAT)
Debug.Log("Invalid packet type: " + packet.Size);
hasNewTransform = true;
if (hasNewTransform)
receivedPositionPrior = receivedPosition;
receivedPosition.x = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 1);
receivedPosition.y = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 5);
receivedPosition.z = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 9);
receivedRotationPrior = receivedRotation;
receivedRotation.x = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 13);
receivedRotation.y = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 17) * -1.0f;
receivedRotation.z = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 21);
receivedRotation.w = BitConverter.ToSingle(receiveTransformBuffer, 25) * -1.0f;
receivedTime = Time.time;
// since we're receiving updates at a slower rate than we render,
// interpolate to make the motion look smoother
float completed = Math.Min(Time.time - receivedTime, UPDATE_DELAY) / UPDATE_DELAY;
headTransform.localPosition =
Vector3.Lerp(receivedPositionPrior, receivedPosition, completed);
headTransform.localRotation =
Quaternion.Slerp(receivedRotationPrior, receivedRotation, completed);