namespace Oculus.Platform.Samples.VrHoops
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Oculus.Platform;
using Oculus.Platform.Models;
using System;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
// This helper class coordinates establishing Peer-to-Peer connections between the
// players in the match. It tries to sychronize time between the devices and
// handles position update messages for the backboard and moving balls.
public class P2PManager
#region Member variables
// helper class to hold data we need for remote players
private class RemotePlayerData
// the last received Net connection state
public PeerConnectionState state;
// the Unity Monobehaviour
public RemotePlayer player;
// offset from my local time to the time of the remote host
public float remoteTimeOffset;
// the last ball update remote time, used to disgard out of order packets
public float lastReceivedBallsTime;
// remote Instance ID -> local MonoBahaviours for balls we're receiving updates on
public readonly Dictionary<int, P2PNetworkBall> activeBalls = new Dictionary<int, P2PNetworkBall>();
// authorized users to connect to and associated data
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, RemotePlayerData> m_remotePlayers = new Dictionary<ulong, RemotePlayerData>();
// when to send the next update to remotes on the state on my local balls
private float m_timeForNextBallUpdate;
private const byte TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE = 1;
private const uint TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1+4;
private const int TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_COUNT = 7;
private const byte START_TIME_MESSAGE = 2;
private const uint START_TIME_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1+4;
private const byte BACKBOARD_UPDATE_MESSAGE = 3;
private const uint BACKBOARD_UPDATE_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1+4+12+12+12;
private const byte LOCAL_BALLS_UPDATE_MESSAGE = 4;
private const uint LOCAL_BALLS_UPDATE_MESSATE_SIZE_MAX = 1+4+(2*Player.MAX_BALLS*(1+4+12+12));
private const float LOCAL_BALLS_UPDATE_DELAY = 0.1f;
private const byte SCORE_UPDATE_MESSAGE = 5;
private const uint SCORE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1 + 4;
// cache of local balls that we are sending updates for
private readonly Dictionary<int, P2PNetworkBall> m_localBalls = new Dictionary<int, P2PNetworkBall>();
// reusable buffer to read network data into
private readonly byte[] readBuffer = new byte[LOCAL_BALLS_UPDATE_MESSATE_SIZE_MAX];
// temporary time-sync cache of the calculated time offsets
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, List<float>> m_remoteSyncTimeCache = new Dictionary<ulong, List<float>>();
// temporary time-sync cache of the last sent message
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, float> m_remoteSentTimeCache = new Dictionary<ulong, float>();
// the delegate to handle start-time coordination
private StartTimeOffer m_startTimeOfferCallback;
public P2PManager()
public void UpdateNetwork()
if (m_remotePlayers.Count == 0)
// check for new messages
Packet packet;
while ((packet = Net.ReadPacket()) != null)
if (!m_remotePlayers.ContainsKey(packet.SenderID))
switch (readBuffer[0])
Assert.AreEqual(TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_SIZE, packet.Size);
ReadTimeSyncMessage(packet.SenderID, readBuffer);
Assert.AreEqual(START_TIME_MESSAGE_SIZE, packet.Size);
ReceiveMatchStartTimeOffer(packet.SenderID, readBuffer);
Assert.AreEqual(BACKBOARD_UPDATE_MESSAGE_SIZE, packet.Size);
ReceiveBackboardUpdate(packet.SenderID, readBuffer);
ReceiveBallTransforms(packet.SenderID, readBuffer, packet.Size);
Assert.AreEqual(SCORE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_SIZE, packet.Size);
ReceiveScoredUpdate(packet.SenderID, readBuffer);
if (Time.time >= m_timeForNextBallUpdate && m_localBalls.Count > 0)
#region Connection Management
// adds a remote player to establish a connection to, or accept a connection from
public void AddRemotePlayer(RemotePlayer player)
if (!m_remotePlayers.ContainsKey (player.ID))
m_remotePlayers[player.ID] = new RemotePlayerData();
m_remotePlayers[player.ID].state = PeerConnectionState.Unknown;
m_remotePlayers [player.ID].player = player;
// ID comparison is used to decide who Connects and who Accepts
if (PlatformManager.MyID < player.ID)
Debug.Log ("P2P Try Connect to: " + player.ID);
Net.Connect (player.ID);
public void DisconnectAll()
foreach (var id in m_remotePlayers.Keys)
void PeerConnectRequestCallback(Message<NetworkingPeer> msg)
if (m_remotePlayers.ContainsKey(msg.Data.ID))
Debug.LogFormat("P2P Accepting Connection request from {0}", msg.Data.ID);
Debug.LogFormat("P2P Ignoring unauthorized Connection request from {0}", msg.Data.ID);
void ConnectionStateChangedCallback(Message<NetworkingPeer> msg)
Debug.LogFormat("P2P {0} Connection state changed to {1}", msg.Data.ID, msg.Data.State);
if (m_remotePlayers.ContainsKey(msg.Data.ID))
m_remotePlayers[msg.Data.ID].state = msg.Data.State;
switch (msg.Data.State)
case PeerConnectionState.Connected:
if (PlatformManager.MyID < msg.Data.ID)
case PeerConnectionState.Timeout:
if (PlatformManager.MyID < msg.Data.ID)
case PeerConnectionState.Closed:
#region Time Synchronizaiton
// This section implements some basic time synchronization between the players.
// The algorithm is:
// -Send a time-sync message and receive a time-sync message response
// -Estimate time offset
// -Repeat several times
// -Average values discarding any statistical anomalies
// Normally delays would be added in case there is intermittent network congestion
// however the match times are so short we don't do that here. Also, if one client
// pauses their game and Unity stops their simulation, all bets are off for time
// synchronization. Depending on the goals of your app, you could either reinitiate
// time synchronization, or just disconnect that player.
void SendTimeSyncMessage(ulong remoteID)
if (!m_remoteSyncTimeCache.ContainsKey(remoteID))
m_remoteSyncTimeCache[remoteID] = new List<float>();
float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
m_remoteSentTimeCache[remoteID] = time;
byte[] buf = new byte[TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_SIZE];
int offset = 1;
PackFloat(time, buf, ref offset);
Net.SendPacket(remoteID, buf, SendPolicy.Reliable);
void ReadTimeSyncMessage(ulong remoteID, byte[] msg)
if (!m_remoteSentTimeCache.ContainsKey(remoteID))
int offset = 1;
float remoteTime = UnpackFloat(msg, ref offset);
float now = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
float latency = (now - m_remoteSentTimeCache[remoteID]) / 2;
float remoteTimeOffset = now - (remoteTime + latency);
if (m_remoteSyncTimeCache[remoteID].Count < TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_COUNT)
if (PlatformManager.MyID < remoteID)
// this client started the sync, need to send one last message to
// the remote so they can finish their sync calculation
// sort the times and remember the median
float median = m_remoteSyncTimeCache[remoteID][TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_COUNT/2];
// calucate the mean and standard deviation
double mean = 0;
foreach (var time in m_remoteSyncTimeCache[remoteID])
mean += time;
double std_dev = 0;
foreach (var time in m_remoteSyncTimeCache[remoteID])
std_dev += (mean-time)*(mean-time);
std_dev = Math.Sqrt(std_dev)/TIME_SYNC_MESSAGE_COUNT;
// time delta is the mean of the values less than 1 standard deviation from the median
mean = 0;
int meanCount = 0;
foreach (var time in m_remoteSyncTimeCache[remoteID])
if (Math.Abs(time-median) < std_dev)
mean += time;
mean /= meanCount;
Debug.LogFormat("Time offset to {0} is {1}", remoteID, mean);
m_remotePlayers[remoteID].remoteTimeOffset = (float)mean;
// now that times are synchronized, lets try to coordinate the
// start time for the match
float ShiftRemoteTime(ulong remoteID, float remoteTime)
if (m_remotePlayers.ContainsKey(remoteID))
return remoteTime + m_remotePlayers[remoteID].remoteTimeOffset;
return remoteTime;
#region Match Start Coordination
// Since all the clients will calculate a slightly different start time, this
// message tries to coordinate the match start time to be the lastest of all
// the clients in the match.
// Delegate to coordiate match start times - the return value is our start time
// and the argument is the remote start time, or 0 if that hasn't been given yet.
public delegate float StartTimeOffer(float remoteTime);
public StartTimeOffer StartTimeOfferCallback
private get { return m_startTimeOfferCallback; }
set { m_startTimeOfferCallback = value; }
void OfferMatchStartTime()
byte[] buf = new byte[START_TIME_MESSAGE_SIZE];
int offset = 1;
PackFloat(StartTimeOfferCallback(0), buf, ref offset);
foreach (var remoteID in m_remotePlayers.Keys)
if (m_remotePlayers [remoteID].state == PeerConnectionState.Connected)
Net.SendPacket (remoteID, buf, SendPolicy.Reliable);
void ReceiveMatchStartTimeOffer(ulong remoteID, byte[] msg)
int offset = 1;
float remoteTime = UnpackTime(remoteID, msg, ref offset);
#region Backboard Transforms
public void SendBackboardUpdate(float time, Vector3 pos, Vector3 moveDir, Vector3 nextMoveDir)
byte[] buf = new byte[BACKBOARD_UPDATE_MESSAGE_SIZE];
int offset = 1;
PackFloat(time, buf, ref offset);
PackVector3(pos, buf, ref offset);
PackVector3(moveDir, buf, ref offset);
PackVector3(nextMoveDir, buf, ref offset);
foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong,RemotePlayerData> player in m_remotePlayers)
if (player.Value.state == PeerConnectionState.Connected)
Net.SendPacket(player.Key, buf, SendPolicy.Reliable);
void ReceiveBackboardUpdate(ulong remoteID, byte[] msg)
int offset = 1;
float remoteTime = UnpackTime(remoteID, msg, ref offset);
Vector3 pos = UnpackVector3(msg, ref offset);
Vector3 moveDir = UnpackVector3(msg, ref offset);
Vector3 nextMoveDir = UnpackVector3(msg, ref offset);
var goal = m_remotePlayers [remoteID].player.Goal;
goal.RemoteBackboardUpdate(remoteTime, pos, moveDir, nextMoveDir);
#region Ball Tansforms
public void AddNetworkBall(GameObject ball)
m_localBalls[ball.GetInstanceID()] = ball.AddComponent<P2PNetworkBall>();
public void RemoveNetworkBall(GameObject ball)
void SendLocalBallTransforms()
m_timeForNextBallUpdate = Time.time + LOCAL_BALLS_UPDATE_DELAY;
int msgSize = 1 + 4 + (m_localBalls.Count * (1 + 4 + 12 + 12));
byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[msgSize];
int offset = 1;
PackFloat(Time.realtimeSinceStartup, sendBuffer, ref offset);
foreach (var ball in m_localBalls.Values)
PackBool(ball.IsHeld(), sendBuffer, ref offset);
PackInt32(ball.gameObject.GetInstanceID(), sendBuffer, ref offset);
PackVector3(ball.transform.localPosition, sendBuffer, ref offset);
PackVector3(ball.velocity, sendBuffer, ref offset);
foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, RemotePlayerData> player in m_remotePlayers)
if (player.Value.state == PeerConnectionState.Connected)
Net.SendPacket(player.Key, sendBuffer, SendPolicy.Unreliable);
void ReceiveBallTransforms(ulong remoteID, byte[] msg, ulong msgLength)
int offset = 1;
float remoteTime = UnpackTime(remoteID, msg, ref offset);
// because we're using unreliable networking the packets could come out of order
// and the best thing to do is just ignore old packets because the data isn't
// very useful anyway
if (remoteTime < m_remotePlayers[remoteID].lastReceivedBallsTime)
m_remotePlayers[remoteID].lastReceivedBallsTime = remoteTime;
// loop over all ball updates in the message
while (offset != (int)msgLength)
bool isHeld = UnpackBool(msg, ref offset);
int instanceID = UnpackInt32(msg, ref offset);
Vector3 pos = UnpackVector3(msg, ref offset);
Vector3 vel = UnpackVector3(msg, ref offset);
if (!m_remotePlayers[remoteID].activeBalls.ContainsKey(instanceID))
var newball = m_remotePlayers[remoteID].player.CreateBall().AddComponent<P2PNetworkBall>();
m_remotePlayers[remoteID].activeBalls[instanceID] = newball;
var ball = m_remotePlayers[remoteID].activeBalls[instanceID];
if (ball)
ball.ProcessRemoteUpdate(remoteTime, isHeld, pos, vel);
#region Score Updates
public void SendScoreUpdate(uint score)
byte[] buf = new byte[SCORE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_SIZE];
int offset = 1;
PackUint32(score, buf, ref offset);
foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, RemotePlayerData> player in m_remotePlayers)
if (player.Value.state == PeerConnectionState.Connected)
Net.SendPacket(player.Key, buf, SendPolicy.Reliable);
void ReceiveScoredUpdate(ulong remoteID, byte[] msg)
int offset = 1;
uint score = UnpackUint32(msg, ref offset);
#region Serialization
// This region contains basic data serialization logic. This sample doesn't warrant
// much optimization, but the opportunites are ripe those interested in the topic.
void PackVector3(Vector3 vec, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
PackFloat(vec.x, buf, ref offset);
PackFloat(vec.y, buf, ref offset);
PackFloat(vec.z, buf, ref offset);
Vector3 UnpackVector3(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
Vector3 vec;
vec.x = UnpackFloat(buf, ref offset);
vec.y = UnpackFloat(buf, ref offset);
vec.z = UnpackFloat(buf, ref offset);
return vec;
void PackQuaternion(Quaternion quat, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
PackFloat(quat.x, buf, ref offset);
PackFloat(quat.y, buf, ref offset);
PackFloat(quat.z, buf, ref offset);
PackFloat(quat.w, buf, ref offset);
void PackFloat(float value, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0, buf, offset, 4);
offset = offset + 4;
float UnpackFloat(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
float value = BitConverter.ToSingle(buf, offset);
offset += 4;
return value;
float UnpackTime(ulong remoteID, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
return ShiftRemoteTime(remoteID, UnpackFloat(buf, ref offset));
void PackInt32(int value, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0, buf, offset, 4);
offset = offset + 4;
int UnpackInt32(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
int value = BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, offset);
offset += 4;
return value;
void PackUint32(uint value, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0, buf, offset, 4);
offset = offset + 4;
uint UnpackUint32(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
uint value = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buf, offset);
offset += 4;
return value;
void PackBool(bool value, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
buf[offset++] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0);
bool UnpackBool(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
return buf[offset++] != 0;;