// WindowsMR Boundaries|SDK_WindowsMR|005
namespace VRTK
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR.WSA;
using UnityEngine.VR;
using XRDevice = UnityEngine.VR.VRDevice;
/// The WindowsMR Boundaries SDK script provides a bridge to the Windows Mixed Reality SDK play area.
public class SDK_WindowsMRBoundaries
: SDK_BaseBoundaries
: SDK_FallbackBoundaries
/// The GetDrawAtRuntime method returns whether the given play area drawn border is being displayed.
/// Returns true if the drawn border is being displayed.
public override bool GetDrawAtRuntime()
// TODO: Implement
return false;
/// The GetPlayArea method returns the Transform of the object that is used to represent the play area in the scene.
/// A transform of the object representing the play area in the scene.
public override Transform GetPlayArea()
if (cachedPlayArea == null)
Transform headsetCamera = VRTK_DeviceFinder.HeadsetCamera();
if (headsetCamera != null)
cachedPlayArea = headsetCamera.transform;
if (cachedPlayArea != null && cachedPlayArea.parent != null)
cachedPlayArea = cachedPlayArea.parent;
return cachedPlayArea;
/// The GetPlayAreaBorderThickness returns the thickness of the drawn border for the given play area.
/// The thickness of the drawn border.
public override float GetPlayAreaBorderThickness()
// TODO: Implement - Needed?
return 0.1f;
/// The GetPlayAreaVertices method returns the points of the play area boundaries.
/// A Vector3 array of the points in the scene that represent the play area boundaries.
public override Vector3[] GetPlayAreaVertices()
List boundaryGeometry = new List(0);
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
if (Boundary.TryGetGeometry(boundaryGeometry))
if (boundaryGeometry.Count > 0)
foreach (Vector3 point in boundaryGeometry)
return boundaryGeometry.ToArray();
Debug.LogWarning("Boundary has no points");
return null;
/// The InitBoundaries method is run on start of scene and can be used to initialse anything on game start.
public override void InitBoundaries()
bool isDisplayOpaque = false;
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
isDisplayOpaque = HolographicSettings.IsDisplayOpaque;
if (isDisplayOpaque)
// Defaulting coordinate system to RoomScale in immersive headsets.
// This puts the origin 0,0,0 on the floor if a floor has been established during RunSetup via MixedRealityPortal
// Defaulting coordinate system to Stationary for HoloLens.
// This puts the origin 0,0,0 at the first place where the user started the application.
Transform headsetCamera = VRTK_DeviceFinder.HeadsetCamera();
if (headsetCamera != null)
cachedPlayArea = headsetCamera.transform;
/// The IsPlayAreaSizeCalibrated method returns whether the given play area size has been auto calibrated by external sensors.
/// Returns true if the play area size has been auto calibrated and set by external sensors.
public override bool IsPlayAreaSizeCalibrated()
// TODO: Implement
return false;
/// The SetDrawAtRuntime method sets whether the given play area drawn border should be displayed at runtime.
/// The state of whether the drawn border should be displayed or not.
public override void SetDrawAtRuntime(bool value)
// TODO: Implement