using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using VRTK; public class RingBezierPointer : VRTK_BezierPointerRenderer { #region Read-Only Fields /// /// Direction from Centre of ship to CameraRig /// public Vector3 DownDirection => m_ring.getDownDirection(transform.position); #endregion Read-Only Fields #region Inspector Fields [Header("Ring Settings")] [SerializeField, Tooltip("Reference to the Ship which is being teleported on. If left empty will try and find one in scene")] private RotationController m_ring; #endregion Inspector Fields protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); if (m_ring == null) m_ring = FindObjectOfType(); } protected override Vector3 ProjectDownBeam(Vector3 jointPosition) { Vector3 downPosition =; Ray projectedBeamDownRaycast = new Ray(jointPosition, DownDirection); RaycastHit collidedWith; bool downRayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, projectedBeamDownRaycast, out collidedWith, defaultIgnoreLayer, maximumLength.y); if (!downRayHit || (destinationHit.collider && destinationHit.collider != collidedWith.collider)) { if (destinationHit.collider != null) { PointerExit(destinationHit); } destinationHit = new RaycastHit(); downPosition = projectedBeamDownRaycast.GetPoint(0f); } if (downRayHit) { downPosition = projectedBeamDownRaycast.GetPoint(collidedWith.distance); PointerEnter(collidedWith); destinationHit = collidedWith; } return downPosition; } }