/************************************************************************************ Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus SDK License Version 3.4.1 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/sdk-3.4.1 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ //#define BUILDSESSION #if USING_XR_MANAGEMENT && USING_XR_SDK_OCULUS #define USING_XR_SDK #endif using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEditor.Build; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID using UnityEditor.Android; #endif [InitializeOnLoad] public class OVRGradleGeneration #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER : IPreprocessBuildWithReport, IPostprocessBuildWithReport #if UNITY_ANDROID , IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject #endif { public OVRADBTool adbTool; public Process adbProcess; public int callbackOrder { get { return 3; } } static private System.DateTime buildStartTime; static private System.Guid buildGuid; #if UNITY_ANDROID private const string prefName = "OVRAutoIncrementVersionCode_Enabled"; private const string menuItemAutoIncVersion = "Oculus/Tools/Auto Increment Version Code"; static bool autoIncrementVersion = false; #endif static OVRGradleGeneration() { EditorApplication.delayCall += OnDelayCall; } static void OnDelayCall() { #if UNITY_ANDROID autoIncrementVersion = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(prefName, 0) != 0; Menu.SetChecked(menuItemAutoIncVersion, autoIncrementVersion); #endif } #if UNITY_ANDROID [MenuItem(menuItemAutoIncVersion)] static void ToggleUtilities() { autoIncrementVersion = !autoIncrementVersion; Menu.SetChecked(menuItemAutoIncVersion, autoIncrementVersion); int newValue = (autoIncrementVersion) ? 1 : 0; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(prefName, newValue); PlayerPrefs.Save(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Auto Increment Version Code: " + autoIncrementVersion); } #endif public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !(USING_XR_SDK && UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER) // Generate error when Vulkan is selected as the perferred graphics API, which is not currently supported in Unity XR if (!PlayerSettings.GetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs(BuildTarget.Android)) { GraphicsDeviceType[] apis = PlayerSettings.GetGraphicsAPIs(BuildTarget.Android); if (apis.Length >= 1 && apis[0] == GraphicsDeviceType.Vulkan) { throw new BuildFailedException("The Vulkan Graphics API does not support XR in your configuration. To use Vulkan, you must use Unity 2019.3 or newer, and the XR Plugin Management."); } } #endif buildStartTime = System.DateTime.Now; buildGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid(); if (!report.summary.outputPath.Contains("OVRGradleTempExport")) { OVRPlugin.SetDeveloperMode(OVRPlugin.Bool.True); OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("build_type", "standard"); } OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("build_guid", buildGuid.ToString()); OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("target_platform", report.summary.platform.ToString()); #if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("scripting_runtime_version", UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.scriptingRuntimeVersion.ToString()); #endif if (report.summary.platform == UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows || report.summary.platform == UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64) { OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("target_oculus_platform", "rift"); } #if BUILDSESSION StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("build_session", false); UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("Build Session: {0}", buildGuid.ToString()); writer.WriteLine(buildGuid.ToString()); writer.Close(); #endif } public void OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject(string path) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("OVRGradleGeneration triggered."); var targetOculusPlatform = new List(); if (OVRDeviceSelector.isTargetDeviceGearVrOrGo) { targetOculusPlatform.Add("geargo"); } if (OVRDeviceSelector.isTargetDeviceQuest) { targetOculusPlatform.Add("quest"); } OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("target_oculus_platform", String.Join("_", targetOculusPlatform.ToArray())); UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat(" GearVR or Go = {0} Quest = {1}", OVRDeviceSelector.isTargetDeviceGearVrOrGo, OVRDeviceSelector.isTargetDeviceQuest); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER string gradleBuildPath = Path.Combine(path, "../launcher/build.gradle"); #else string gradleBuildPath = Path.Combine(path, "build.gradle"); #endif //Enable v2signing for Quest only bool v2SigningEnabled = OVRDeviceSelector.isTargetDeviceQuest && !OVRDeviceSelector.isTargetDeviceGearVrOrGo; if (File.Exists(gradleBuildPath)) { try { string gradle = File.ReadAllText(gradleBuildPath); int v2Signingindex = gradle.IndexOf("v2SigningEnabled false"); if (v2Signingindex != -1) { //v2 Signing flag found, ensure the correct value is set based on platform. if (v2SigningEnabled) { gradle = gradle.Replace("v2SigningEnabled false", "v2SigningEnabled true"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(gradleBuildPath, gradle); } } else { //v2 Signing flag missing, add it right after the key store password and set the value based on platform. int keyPassIndex = gradle.IndexOf("keyPassword"); if (keyPassIndex != -1) { int v2Index = gradle.IndexOf("\n", keyPassIndex) + 1; if(v2Index != -1) { gradle = gradle.Insert(v2Index, "v2SigningEnabled " + (v2SigningEnabled ? "true" : "false") + "\n"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(gradleBuildPath, gradle); } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unable to overwrite build.gradle, error {0}", e.Message); } } else { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Unable to locate build.gradle"); } PatchAndroidManifest(path); } public void PatchAndroidManifest(string path) { string manifestFolder = Path.Combine(path, "src/main"); string file = manifestFolder + "/AndroidManifest.xml"; bool patchedSecurityConfig = false; // If Enable NSC Config, copy XML file into gradle project OVRProjectConfig projectConfig = OVRProjectConfig.GetProjectConfig(); if (projectConfig != null) { if (projectConfig.enableNSCConfig) { string securityConfigFile = GetOculusProjectNetworkSecConfigPath(); string xmlDirectory = Path.Combine(path, "src/main/res/xml"); try { if (!Directory.Exists(xmlDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(xmlDirectory); } File.Copy(securityConfigFile, Path.Combine(xmlDirectory, "network_sec_config.xml"), true); patchedSecurityConfig = true; } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(e.Message); } } } OVRManifestPreprocessor.PatchAndroidManifest(file, enableSecurity: patchedSecurityConfig); } private static string GetOculusProjectNetworkSecConfigPath() { var so = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(OVRPluginUpdaterStub)); var script = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(so); string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script); string editorDir = Directory.GetParent(assetPath).FullName; string configAssetPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(editorDir, "network_sec_config.xml")); Uri configUri = new Uri(configAssetPath); Uri projectUri = new Uri(Application.dataPath); Uri relativeUri = projectUri.MakeRelativeUri(configUri); return relativeUri.ToString(); } public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { #if UNITY_ANDROID if(autoIncrementVersion) { if((report.summary.options & BuildOptions.Development) == 0) { PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode++; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Incrementing version code to " + PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode); } } bool isExporting = true; foreach (var step in report.steps) { if (step.name.Contains("Compile scripts") || step.name.Contains("Building scenes") || step.name.Contains("Writing asset files") || step.name.Contains("Preparing APK resources") || step.name.Contains("Creating Android manifest") || step.name.Contains("Processing plugins") || step.name.Contains("Exporting project") || step.name.Contains("Building Gradle project")) { OVRPlugin.SendEvent("build_step_" + step.name.ToLower().Replace(' ', '_'), step.duration.TotalSeconds.ToString(), "ovrbuild"); #if BUILDSESSION UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("build_step_" + step.name.ToLower().Replace(' ', '_') + ": {0}", step.duration.TotalSeconds.ToString()); #endif if(step.name.Contains("Building Gradle project")) { isExporting = false; } } } OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("build_step_count", report.steps.Length.ToString()); if (report.summary.outputPath.Contains("apk")) // Exclude Gradle Project Output { var fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(report.summary.outputPath); OVRPlugin.AddCustomMetadata("build_output_size", fileInfo.Length.ToString()); } #endif if (!report.summary.outputPath.Contains("OVRGradleTempExport")) { OVRPlugin.SendEvent("build_complete", (System.DateTime.Now - buildStartTime).TotalSeconds.ToString(), "ovrbuild"); #if BUILDSESSION UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("build_complete: {0}", (System.DateTime.Now - buildStartTime).TotalSeconds.ToString()); #endif } #if UNITY_ANDROID if (!isExporting) { // Get the hosts path to Android SDK if (adbTool == null) { adbTool = new OVRADBTool(OVRConfig.Instance.GetAndroidSDKPath(false)); } if (adbTool.isReady) { // Check to see if there are any ADB devices connected before continuing. List devices = adbTool.GetDevices(); if(devices.Count == 0) { return; } // Clear current logs on device Process adbClearProcess; adbClearProcess = adbTool.RunCommandAsync(new string[] { "logcat --clear" }, null); // Add a timeout if we cannot get a response from adb logcat --clear in time. Stopwatch timeout = new Stopwatch(); timeout.Start(); while (!adbClearProcess.WaitForExit(100)) { if (timeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000) { adbClearProcess.Kill(); return; } } // Check if existing ADB process is still running, kill if needed if (adbProcess != null && !adbProcess.HasExited) { adbProcess.Kill(); } // Begin thread to time upload and install var thread = new Thread(delegate () { TimeDeploy(); }); thread.Start(); } } #endif } #if UNITY_ANDROID public bool WaitForProcess; public bool TransferStarted; public DateTime UploadStart; public DateTime UploadEnd; public DateTime InstallEnd; public void TimeDeploy() { if (adbTool != null) { TransferStarted = false; DataReceivedEventHandler outputRecieved = new DataReceivedEventHandler( (s, e) => { if (e.Data != null && e.Data.Length != 0 && !e.Data.Contains("\u001b")) { if (e.Data.Contains("free_cache")) { // Device recieved install command and is starting upload UploadStart = System.DateTime.Now; TransferStarted = true; } else if (e.Data.Contains("Running dexopt")) { // Upload has finished and Package Manager is starting install UploadEnd = System.DateTime.Now; } else if (e.Data.Contains("dex2oat took")) { // Package Manager finished install InstallEnd = System.DateTime.Now; WaitForProcess = false; } else if (e.Data.Contains("W PackageManager")) { // Warning from Package Manager is a failure in the install process WaitForProcess = false; } } } ); WaitForProcess = true; adbProcess = adbTool.RunCommandAsync(new string[] { "logcat" }, outputRecieved); Stopwatch transferTimeout = new Stopwatch(); transferTimeout.Start(); while (adbProcess != null && !adbProcess.WaitForExit(100)) { if (!WaitForProcess) { adbProcess.Kill(); float UploadTime = (float)(UploadEnd - UploadStart).TotalMilliseconds / 1000f; float InstallTime = (float)(InstallEnd - UploadEnd).TotalMilliseconds / 1000f; if (UploadTime > 0f) { OVRPlugin.SendEvent("deploy_task", UploadTime.ToString(), "ovrbuild"); } if (InstallTime > 0f) { OVRPlugin.SendEvent("install_task", InstallTime.ToString(), "ovrbuild"); } } if (!TransferStarted && transferTimeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000) { adbProcess.Kill(); } } } } #endif #else { #endif }