// Ximmerse Boundaries|SDK_Ximmerse|005 namespace VRTK { #if VRTK_DEFINE_SDK_XIMMERSE using UnityEngine; using Ximmerse.VR; #endif /// <summary> /// The Ximmerse Boundaries SDK script provides a bridge to the Ximmerse SDK play area. /// </summary> [SDK_Description(typeof(SDK_XimmerseSystem))] [SDK_Description(typeof(SDK_XimmerseSystem), 1)] public class SDK_XimmerseBoundaries #if VRTK_DEFINE_SDK_XIMMERSE : SDK_BaseBoundaries #else : SDK_FallbackBoundaries #endif { #if VRTK_DEFINE_SDK_XIMMERSE /// <summary> /// The InitBoundaries method is run on start of scene and can be used to initialse anything on game start. /// </summary> public override void InitBoundaries() { } /// <summary> /// The GetPlayArea method returns the Transform of the object that is used to represent the play area in the scene. /// </summary> /// <returns>A transform of the object representing the play area in the scene.</returns> public override Transform GetPlayArea() { cachedPlayArea = GetSDKManagerPlayArea(); if (cachedPlayArea == null) { VRContext vrContext = VRTK_SharedMethods.FindEvenInactiveComponent<VRContext>(true); if (Application.isPlaying) { vrContext.InitVRContext(); } cachedPlayArea = vrContext.transform; } return cachedPlayArea; } /// <summary> /// The GetPlayAreaVertices method returns the points of the play area boundaries. /// </summary> /// <returns>A Vector3 array of the points in the scene that represent the play area boundaries.</returns> public override Vector3[] GetPlayAreaVertices() { var area = GetPlayArea().GetComponentInChildren<PlayAreaRenderer>(); if (area) { return area.corners; } return null; } /// <summary> /// The GetPlayAreaBorderThickness returns the thickness of the drawn border for the given play area. /// </summary> /// <returns>The thickness of the drawn border.</returns> public override float GetPlayAreaBorderThickness() { var area = GetPlayArea().GetComponentInChildren<PlayAreaRenderer>(); if (area) { return area.borderThickness; } return 0f; } /// <summary> /// The IsPlayAreaSizeCalibrated method returns whether the given play area size has been auto calibrated by external sensors. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns true if the play area size has been auto calibrated and set by external sensors.</returns> public override bool IsPlayAreaSizeCalibrated() { return true; } /// <summary> /// The GetDrawAtRuntime method returns whether the given play area drawn border is being displayed. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns true if the drawn border is being displayed.</returns> public override bool GetDrawAtRuntime() { return false; } /// <summary> /// The SetDrawAtRuntime method sets whether the given play area drawn border should be displayed at runtime. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The state of whether the drawn border should be displayed or not.</param> public override void SetDrawAtRuntime(bool value) { } #endif } }