// Snap Rotate Object Control Action|ObjectControlActions|25030
namespace VRTK
using UnityEngine;
/// Provides the ability to snap rotate a GameObject through the world `y` axis in the scene by updating the Transform rotation in defined steps when the corresponding Object Control axis changes.
/// > The effect is a immediate snap rotation to quickly face in a new direction.
/// **Required Components:**
/// * `VRTK_ObjectControl` - The Object Control script to listen for the axis changes on.
/// **Script Usage:**
/// * Place the `VRTK_SnapRotateObjectControlAction` script on any active scene GameObject.
/// * Link the required Object Control script to the `Object Control Script` parameter of this script.
/// * Set the `Listen On Axis Change` parameter on this script to the axis change to affect with this movement type.
/// `VRTK/Examples/017_CameraRig_TouchpadWalking` has a collection of walls and slopes that can be traversed by the user with the touchpad. There is also an area that can only be traversed if the user is crouching.
/// To enable the Snap Rotate Object Control Action, ensure one of the `TouchpadControlOptions` children (located under the Controller script alias) has the `Snap Rotate` control script active.
[AddComponentMenu("VRTK/Scripts/Locomotion/Object Control Actions/VRTK_SnapRotateObjectControlAction")]
public class VRTK_SnapRotateObjectControlAction : VRTK_BaseObjectControlAction
[Tooltip("The angle to rotate for each snap.")]
public float anglePerSnap = 30f;
[Tooltip("The snap angle multiplier to be applied when the modifier button is pressed.")]
public float angleMultiplier = 1.5f;
[Tooltip("The amount of time required to pass before another snap rotation can be carried out.")]
public float snapDelay = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("The speed for the headset to fade out and back in. Having a blink between rotations can reduce nausia.")]
public float blinkTransitionSpeed = 0.6f;
[Range(-1f, 1f)]
[Tooltip("The threshold the listened axis needs to exceed before the action occurs. This can be used to limit the snap rotate to a single axis direction (e.g. pull down to flip rotate). The threshold is ignored if it is 0.")]
public float axisThreshold = 0f;
protected float snapDelayTimer = 0f;
protected override void Process(GameObject controlledGameObject, Transform directionDevice, Vector3 axisDirection, float axis, float deadzone, bool currentlyFalling, bool modifierActive)
if (snapDelayTimer < Time.time && ValidThreshold(axis))
float angle = Rotate(axis, modifierActive);
if (angle != 0f)
RotateAroundPlayer(controlledGameObject, angle);
protected virtual bool ValidThreshold(float axis)
return (axisThreshold == 0f || ((axisThreshold > 0f && axis >= axisThreshold) || (axisThreshold < 0f && axis <= axisThreshold)));
protected virtual float Rotate(float axis, bool modifierActive)
snapDelayTimer = Time.time + snapDelay;
int directionMultiplier = GetAxisDirection(axis);
return (anglePerSnap * (modifierActive ? angleMultiplier : 1)) * directionMultiplier;