// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool // Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using UnityEngine.Networking; using System.Collections; namespace AmplifyShaderEditor { public class ASEStartScreen : EditorWindow { [MenuItem( "Window/Amplify Shader Editor/Start Screen", false, 1999 )] public static void Init() { ASEStartScreen window = (ASEStartScreen)GetWindow( typeof( ASEStartScreen ), true, "Amplify Shader Editor Start Screen" ); window.minSize = new Vector2( 650, 500 ); window.maxSize = new Vector2( 650, 500 ); window.Show(); } private static readonly string ChangeLogGUID = "580cccd3e608b7f4cac35ea46d62d429"; private static readonly string ResourcesGUID = "c0a0a980c9ba86345bc15411db88d34f"; private static readonly string BuiltInGUID = "e00e6f90ab8233e46a41c5e33917c642"; private static readonly string UniversalGUID = "a9d68dd8913f05d4d9ce75e7b40c6044"; private static readonly string HighDefinitionGUID = "d1c0b77896049554fa4b635531caf741"; private static readonly string OLDHighDefinitionGUID = "dff05fea7446d7b4e9029bfab77455d2"; private static readonly string LightWeightGUID = "6ecbfd0a046659943a69328c98ff0442"; private static readonly string OLDLightWeightGUID = "f7c4e22642de60d448f4e4809190f7b1"; private static readonly string IconGUID = "2c6536772776dd84f872779990273bfc"; public static readonly string ChangelogURL = "http://amplify.pt/Banner/ASEchangelog.json"; private static readonly string ManualURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Manual"; private static readonly string BasicURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Tutorials#Official_-_Basics"; private static readonly string BeginnerURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Tutorials#Official_-_Beginner_Series"; private static readonly string NodesURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Nodes"; private static readonly string SRPURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Scriptable_Rendering_Pipeline"; private static readonly string FunctionsURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Manual#Shader_Functions"; private static readonly string TemplatesURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/Templates"; private static readonly string APIURL = "http://wiki.amplify.pt/index.php?title=Unity_Products:Amplify_Shader_Editor/API"; private static readonly string DiscordURL = "https://discordapp.com/invite/EdrVAP5"; private static readonly string ForumURL = "https://forum.unity.com/threads/best-tool-asset-store-award-amplify-shader-editor-node-based-shader-creation-tool.430959/"; private static readonly string SiteURL = "http://amplify.pt/download/"; private static readonly string StoreURL = "https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/amplify-shader-editor-68570"; private static readonly GUIContent SamplesTitle = new GUIContent( "Shader Samples", "Import samples according to you project rendering pipeline" ); private static readonly GUIContent ResourcesTitle = new GUIContent( "Learning Resources", "Check the online wiki for various topics about how to use ASE with node examples and explanations" ); private static readonly GUIContent CommunityTitle = new GUIContent( "Community", "Need help? Reach us through our discord server or the offitial support Unity forum" ); private static readonly GUIContent UpdateTitle = new GUIContent( "Latest Update", "Check the lastest additions, improvements and bug fixes done to ASE" ); private static readonly GUIContent ASETitle = new GUIContent( "Amplify Shader Editor", "Are you using the latest version? Now you know" ); private static readonly string DownArrow = "\u25BC"; #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER private int DownButtonSize = 22; #else private int DownButtonSize = 21; #endif Vector2 m_scrollPosition = Vector2.zero; Preferences.ShowOption m_startup = Preferences.ShowOption.Never; bool m_showLWRP = false; bool m_showHDRP = false; [NonSerialized] Texture packageIcon = null; [NonSerialized] Texture textIcon = null; [NonSerialized] Texture webIcon = null; GUIContent HDRPbutton = null; GUIContent HDRPOLDbutton = null; GUIContent URPbutton = null; GUIContent LWRPbutton = null; GUIContent LWRPOLDbutton = null; GUIContent BuiltInbutton = null; GUIContent Manualbutton = null; GUIContent Basicbutton = null; GUIContent Beginnerbutton = null; GUIContent Nodesbutton = null; GUIContent SRPusebutton = null; GUIContent Functionsbutton = null; GUIContent Templatesbutton = null; GUIContent APIbutton = null; GUIContent DiscordButton = null; GUIContent ForumButton = null; GUIContent ASEIcon = null; RenderTexture rt; [NonSerialized] GUIStyle m_buttonStyle = null; [NonSerialized] GUIStyle m_buttonLeftStyle = null; [NonSerialized] GUIStyle m_buttonRightStyle = null; [NonSerialized] GUIStyle m_minibuttonStyle = null; [NonSerialized] GUIStyle m_labelStyle = null; [NonSerialized] GUIStyle m_linkStyle = null; private ChangeLogInfo m_changeLog; private bool m_infoDownloaded = false; private string m_newVersion = string.Empty; private void OnEnable() { rt = new RenderTexture( 16, 16, 0 ); rt.Create(); m_startup = (Preferences.ShowOption)EditorPrefs.GetInt( Preferences.PrefStartUp, 0 ); if( textIcon == null ) { Texture icon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "TextAsset Icon" ).image; var cache = RenderTexture.active; RenderTexture.active = rt; Graphics.Blit( icon, rt ); RenderTexture.active = cache; textIcon = rt; Manualbutton = new GUIContent( " Manual", textIcon ); Basicbutton = new GUIContent( " Basic use tutorials", textIcon ); Beginnerbutton = new GUIContent( " Beginner Series", textIcon ); Nodesbutton = new GUIContent( " Node List", textIcon ); SRPusebutton = new GUIContent( " SRP HD/URP/LW use", textIcon ); Functionsbutton = new GUIContent( " Shader Functions", textIcon ); Templatesbutton = new GUIContent( " Shader Templates", textIcon ); APIbutton = new GUIContent( " Node API", textIcon ); } if( packageIcon == null ) { packageIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "BuildSettings.Editor.Small" ).image; HDRPbutton = new GUIContent( " HDRP Samples", packageIcon ); HDRPOLDbutton = new GUIContent( " HDRP Samples 6.X.X", packageIcon ); URPbutton = new GUIContent( " URP Samples", packageIcon ); LWRPbutton = new GUIContent( " LWRP Samples 6.X.X", packageIcon ); LWRPOLDbutton = new GUIContent( " LWRP Samples 3.X.X", packageIcon ); BuiltInbutton = new GUIContent( " Built-In Samples", packageIcon ); } if( webIcon == null ) { webIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "BuildSettings.Web.Small" ).image; DiscordButton = new GUIContent( " Discord", webIcon ); ForumButton = new GUIContent( " Unity Forum", webIcon ); } if( m_changeLog == null ) { var changelog = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( ChangeLogGUID ) ); string lastUpdate = string.Empty; if(changelog != null ) { lastUpdate = changelog.text.Substring( 0, changelog.text.IndexOf( "\nv", 50 ) );// + "\n..."; lastUpdate = lastUpdate.Replace( " *", " \u25CB" ); lastUpdate = lastUpdate.Replace( "* ", "\u2022 " ); } m_changeLog = new ChangeLogInfo( VersionInfo.FullNumber, lastUpdate ); } if( ASEIcon == null ) { ASEIcon = new GUIContent( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( IconGUID ) ) ); } } private void OnDisable() { if( rt != null ) { rt.Release(); DestroyImmediate( rt ); } } public void OnGUI() { if( !m_infoDownloaded ) { m_infoDownloaded = true; StartBackgroundTask( StartRequest( ChangelogURL, () => { var temp = ChangeLogInfo.CreateFromJSON( www.downloadHandler.text ); if( temp != null && temp.Version >= m_changeLog.Version ) { m_changeLog = temp; } // improve this later int major = m_changeLog.Version / 10000; int minor = ( m_changeLog.Version / 1000 ) - major * 10; int release = ( m_changeLog.Version / 100 ) - major * 100 - minor * 10; int revision = ( ( m_changeLog.Version / 10 ) - major * 1000 - minor * 100 - release * 10 ) + ( m_changeLog.Version - major * 10000 - minor * 1000 - release * 100 ); m_newVersion = major + "." + minor + "." + release + "r" + revision; Repaint(); } ) ); } if( m_buttonStyle == null ) { m_buttonStyle = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.button ); m_buttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } if( m_buttonLeftStyle == null ) { m_buttonLeftStyle = new GUIStyle( "ButtonLeft" ); m_buttonLeftStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; m_buttonLeftStyle.margin = m_buttonStyle.margin; m_buttonLeftStyle.margin.right = 0; } if( m_buttonRightStyle == null ) { m_buttonRightStyle = new GUIStyle( "ButtonRight" ); m_buttonRightStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; m_buttonRightStyle.margin = m_buttonStyle.margin; m_buttonRightStyle.margin.left = 0; } if( m_minibuttonStyle == null ) { m_minibuttonStyle = new GUIStyle( "MiniButton" ); m_minibuttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; m_minibuttonStyle.margin = m_buttonStyle.margin; m_minibuttonStyle.margin.left = 20; m_minibuttonStyle.normal.textColor = m_buttonStyle.normal.textColor; m_minibuttonStyle.hover.textColor = m_buttonStyle.hover.textColor; } if( m_labelStyle == null ) { m_labelStyle = new GUIStyle( "BoldLabel" ); m_labelStyle.margin = new RectOffset( 4, 4, 4, 4 ); m_labelStyle.padding = new RectOffset( 2, 2, 2, 2 ); m_labelStyle.fontSize = 13; } if( m_linkStyle == null ) { var inv = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "1004d06b4b28f5943abdf2313a22790a" ) ); // find a better solution for transparent buttons m_linkStyle = new GUIStyle(); m_linkStyle.normal.textColor = new Color( 0.2980392f, 0.4901961f, 1f ); m_linkStyle.hover.textColor = Color.white; m_linkStyle.active.textColor = Color.grey; m_linkStyle.margin.top = 3; m_linkStyle.margin.bottom = 2; m_linkStyle.hover.background = inv; m_linkStyle.active.background = inv; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ); { // left column EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( GUILayout.Width( 175 ) ); { GUILayout.Label( SamplesTitle, m_labelStyle ); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if( GUILayout.Button( HDRPbutton, m_buttonLeftStyle ) ) ImportSample( HDRPbutton.text, HighDefinitionGUID ); if( GUILayout.Button( DownArrow, m_buttonRightStyle, GUILayout.Width( DownButtonSize ), GUILayout.Height( DownButtonSize ) ) ) { m_showHDRP = !m_showHDRP; m_showLWRP = false; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if( m_showHDRP ) { if( GUILayout.Button( HDRPOLDbutton, m_minibuttonStyle ) ) ImportSample( HDRPOLDbutton.text, OLDHighDefinitionGUID ); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if( GUILayout.Button( URPbutton, m_buttonLeftStyle ) ) ImportSample( URPbutton.text, UniversalGUID ); if( GUILayout.Button( DownArrow, m_buttonRightStyle, GUILayout.Width( DownButtonSize ), GUILayout.Height( DownButtonSize ) ) ) { m_showLWRP = !m_showLWRP; m_showHDRP = false; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if( m_showLWRP ) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); if( GUILayout.Button( LWRPbutton, m_minibuttonStyle ) ) ImportSample( LWRPbutton.text, LightWeightGUID ); if( GUILayout.Button( LWRPOLDbutton, m_minibuttonStyle ) ) ImportSample( LWRPOLDbutton.text, OLDLightWeightGUID ); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } if( GUILayout.Button( BuiltInbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) ImportSample( BuiltInbutton.text, BuiltInGUID ); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); GUILayout.Label( ResourcesTitle, m_labelStyle ); if( GUILayout.Button( Manualbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( ManualURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( Basicbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( BasicURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( Beginnerbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( BeginnerURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( Nodesbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( NodesURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( SRPusebutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( SRPURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( Functionsbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( FunctionsURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( Templatesbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( TemplatesURL ); if( GUILayout.Button( APIbutton, m_buttonStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( APIURL ); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // right column EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( GUILayout.Width( 650 - 175 - 9 ), GUILayout.ExpandHeight( true ) ); { GUILayout.Label( CommunityTitle, m_labelStyle ); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ); { if( GUILayout.Button( DiscordButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ) ) { Application.OpenURL( DiscordURL ); } if( GUILayout.Button( ForumButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ) ) { Application.OpenURL( ForumURL ); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label( UpdateTitle, m_labelStyle ); m_scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( m_scrollPosition, "ProgressBarBack", GUILayout.ExpandHeight( true ), GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ); GUILayout.Label( m_changeLog.LastUpdate, "WordWrappedMiniLabel", GUILayout.ExpandHeight( true ) ); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label( ASETitle, m_labelStyle ); GUILayout.Label( "Installed Version: " + VersionInfo.StaticToString() ); if( m_changeLog.Version > VersionInfo.FullNumber ) { var cache = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.red; GUILayout.Label( "New version available: " + m_newVersion, "BoldLabel" ); GUI.color = cache; } else { var cache = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.green; GUILayout.Label( "You are using the latest version", "BoldLabel" ); GUI.color = cache; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label( "Download links:" ); if( GUILayout.Button( "Amplify", m_linkStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( SiteURL ); GUILayout.Label( "-" ); if( GUILayout.Button( "Asset Store", m_linkStyle ) ) Application.OpenURL( StoreURL ); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 7 ); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space( 7 ); GUILayout.Label( ASEIcon ); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( "ProjectBrowserBottomBarBg", GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ), GUILayout.Height(22) ); { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var cache = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 100; m_startup = (Preferences.ShowOption)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( "Show At Startup", m_startup, GUILayout.Width( 220 ) ); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cache; if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ) { EditorPrefs.SetInt( Preferences.PrefStartUp, (int)m_startup ); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Find a better way to update link buttons without repainting the window Repaint(); } void ImportSample( string pipeline, string guid ) { if( EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Import Sample", "This will import the samples for" + pipeline.Replace( " Samples", "" ) + ", please make sure the pipeline is properly installed and/or selected before importing the samples.\n\nContinue?", "Yes", "No" ) ) { AssetDatabase.ImportPackage( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( ResourcesGUID ), false ); AssetDatabase.ImportPackage( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( guid ), false ); } } UnityWebRequest www; IEnumerator StartRequest( string url, Action success = null ) { using( www = UnityWebRequest.Get( url ) ) { #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER yield return www.SendWebRequest(); #else yield return www.Send(); #endif while( www.isDone == false ) yield return null; if( success != null ) success(); } } public static void StartBackgroundTask( IEnumerator update, Action end = null ) { EditorApplication.CallbackFunction closureCallback = null; closureCallback = () => { try { if( update.MoveNext() == false ) { if( end != null ) end(); EditorApplication.update -= closureCallback; } } catch( Exception ex ) { if( end != null ) end(); Debug.LogException( ex ); EditorApplication.update -= closureCallback; } }; EditorApplication.update += closureCallback; } } [Serializable] internal class ChangeLogInfo { public int Version; public string LastUpdate; public static ChangeLogInfo CreateFromJSON( string jsonString ) { return JsonUtility.FromJson( jsonString ); } public ChangeLogInfo( int version, string lastUpdate ) { Version = version; LastUpdate = lastUpdate; } } }