namespace Oculus.Platform.Samples.NetChat { using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oculus.Platform; using Oculus.Platform.Models; enum states { NOT_INIT = 0, IDLE, REQUEST_FIND, FINDING_ROOM, REQUEST_CREATE, REQUEST_JOIN, REQUEST_LEAVE, IN_EMPTY_ROOM, IN_FULL_ROOM } // Pools are defined on the Oculus developer portal // // For this test we have a pool created with the pool key set as 'filter_pool' // Mode is set to 'Room' // Skill Pool is set to 'None' // We are not considering Round Trip Time // The following Data Settings are set: // key: map_name, Type: STRING, String options: Small_Map, Big_Map, Really_Big_Map // key: game_type, Type: STRING, String Options: deathmatch, CTF // // We also have the following two queries defined: // Query Key: map // Template: Set (String) // Key: map_name // Wildcards: map_param_1, map_param_2 // // Query Key: game_type // Template: Set (String) // Key: game_type_name // Wildcards: game_type_param // // For this test we have a pool created with the pool key set as 'bout_pool' // Mode is set to 'Bout' // Skill Pool is set to 'None' // We are not considering Round Trip Time // No Data Settings are set: // public static class Constants { public const int BUFFER_SIZE = 512; public const string BOUT_POOL = "bout_pool"; public const string FILTER_POOL = "filter_pool"; } public class chatPacket { public int packetID { get; set; } public string textString { get; set; } public byte[] Serialize() { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(m)) { // Limit our string to BUFFER_SIZE if (textString.Length > Constants.BUFFER_SIZE) { textString = textString.Substring(0, Constants.BUFFER_SIZE-1); } writer.Write(packetID); writer.Write(textString.ToCharArray()); writer.Write('\0'); } return m.ToArray(); } } public static chatPacket Deserialize(byte[] data) { chatPacket result = new chatPacket(); using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { result.packetID = reader.ReadInt32(); result.textString = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(Constants.BUFFER_SIZE)); } } return result; } } public class DataEntry : MonoBehaviour { public Text dataOutput; states currentState; User localUser; User remoteUser; Room currentRoom; int lastPacketID; bool ratedMatchStarted; // Use this for initialization void Start () { currentState = states.NOT_INIT; localUser = null; remoteUser = null; currentRoom = null; lastPacketID = 0; ratedMatchStarted = false; Core.Initialize(); // Setup our room update handler Rooms.SetUpdateNotificationCallback(updateRoom); // Setup our match found handler Matchmaking.SetMatchFoundNotificationCallback(foundMatch); checkEntitlement(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { string currentText = GetComponent().text; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return)) { if (currentText != "") { SubmitCommand(currentText); } GetComponent().text = ""; } processNetPackets(); // Handle all messages being returned Request.RunCallbacks(); } void SubmitCommand(string command) { string[] commandParams = command.Split('!'); if (commandParams.Length > 0) { switch (commandParams[0]) { case "c": requestCreateRoom(); break; case "d": requestCreateFilterRoom(); break; case "f": requestFindMatch(); break; case "g": requestFindRoom(); break; case "i": requestFindFilteredRoom(); break; case "s": if (commandParams.Length > 1) { sendChat(commandParams[1]); } break; case "l": requestLeaveRoom(); break; case "1": requestStartRatedMatch(); break; case "2": requestReportResults(); break; default: printOutputLine("Invalid Command"); break; } } } void printOutputLine(String newLine) { dataOutput.text = "> " + newLine + System.Environment.NewLine + dataOutput.text; } void checkEntitlement() { Entitlements.IsUserEntitledToApplication().OnComplete(getEntitlementCallback); } void getEntitlementCallback(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("You are entitled to use this app."); Users.GetLoggedInUser().OnComplete(init); } else { printOutputLine("You are NOT entitled to use this app."); } } void init(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { User user = msg.Data; localUser = user; currentState = states.IDLE; } else { printOutputLine("Received get current user error"); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); // Retry getting the current user Users.GetLoggedInUser().OnComplete(init); currentState = states.NOT_INIT; } } void requestCreateRoom() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: printOutputLine("Trying to create a matchmaking room"); Matchmaking.CreateAndEnqueueRoom(Constants.FILTER_POOL, 8, true, null).OnComplete(createRoomResponse); currentState = states.REQUEST_CREATE; break; case states.REQUEST_FIND: printOutputLine("You have already made a request to find a room. Please wait for that request to complete."); break; case states.FINDING_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already currently looking for a room. Please wait for the match to be made."); break; case states.REQUEST_JOIN: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to join a room. Please wait to see if we can join it."); break; case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to leave a room. Please wait to see if we can leave it."); break; case states.REQUEST_CREATE: printOutputLine("You have already requested a matchmaking room to be created. Please wait for the room to be made."); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a matchmaking room. Please wait for an opponent to join."); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a match."); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void createRoomResponse(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Received create matchmaking room success"); Room room = msg.Data.Room; currentRoom = room; printOutputLine("RoomID: " + room.ID.ToString()); currentState = states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM; } else { printOutputLine("Received create matchmaking room Error"); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); printOutputLine("You can only create a matchmaking room for pools of mode Room. Make sure you have an appropriate pool setup on the Developer portal.\n"); currentState = states.IDLE; } } void requestCreateFilterRoom() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID.\n"); break; case states.IDLE: printOutputLine("Trying to create a matchmaking room"); // We're going to create a room that has the following values set: // game_type_name = "CTF" // map_name = "Really_Big_Map" // Matchmaking.CustomQuery roomCustomQuery = new Matchmaking.CustomQuery(); roomCustomQuery.criteria = null; = new Dictionary();"game_type_name", "CTF");"map_name", "Really_Big_Map"); Matchmaking.CreateAndEnqueueRoom(Constants.FILTER_POOL, 8, true, roomCustomQuery).OnComplete(createRoomResponse); currentState = states.REQUEST_CREATE; break; case states.REQUEST_FIND: printOutputLine("You have already made a request to find a room. Please wait for that request to complete.\n"); break; case states.FINDING_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already currently looking for a room. Please wait for the match to be made.\n"); break; case states.REQUEST_JOIN: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to join a room. Please wait to see if we can join it.\n"); break; case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to leave a room. Please wait to see if we can leave it.\n"); break; case states.REQUEST_CREATE: printOutputLine("You have already requested a matchmaking room to be created. Please wait for the room to be made.\n"); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a matchmaking room. Please wait for an opponent to join.\n"); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a match.\n"); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state.\n"); break; } } void requestFindRoom() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: printOutputLine("\nTrying to find a matchmaking room\n"); Matchmaking.Enqueue(Constants.FILTER_POOL, null).OnComplete(searchingStarted); currentState = states.REQUEST_FIND; break; case states.REQUEST_FIND: printOutputLine("You have already made a request to find a room. Please wait for that request to complete."); break; case states.FINDING_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already currently looking for a room. Please wait for the match to be made."); break; case states.REQUEST_JOIN: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to join a room. Please wait to see if we can join it."); break; case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to leave a room. Please wait to see if we can leave it."); break; case states.REQUEST_CREATE: printOutputLine("You have already requested a matchmaking room to be created. Please wait for the room to be made."); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a matchmaking room. Please wait for an opponent to join."); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a match."); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void requestFindFilteredRoom() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: printOutputLine("Trying to find a matchmaking room"); // Our search filter criterion // // We're filtering using two different queries setup on the developer portal // // map - query to filter by map. The query allows you to filter with up to two different maps using keys called 'map_1' and 'map_2' // game_type - query to filter by game type. The query allows you to filter with up to two different game types using keys called 'type_1' and 'type_2' // // In the example below we are filtering for matches that are of type CTF and on either Big_Map or Really_Big_Map. // Matchmaking.CustomQuery roomCustomQuery = new Matchmaking.CustomQuery(); Matchmaking.CustomQuery.Criterion[] queries = new Matchmaking.CustomQuery.Criterion[2]; queries[0].key = "map"; queries[0].importance = MatchmakingCriterionImportance.Required; queries[0].parameters = new Dictionary(); queries[0].parameters.Add("map_param_1","Really_Big_Map"); queries[0].parameters.Add("map_param_2", "Big_Map"); queries[1].key = "game_type"; queries[1].importance = MatchmakingCriterionImportance.Required; queries[1].parameters = new Dictionary(); queries[1].parameters.Add("game_type_param", "CTF"); roomCustomQuery.criteria = queries; = null; Matchmaking.Enqueue(Constants.FILTER_POOL, roomCustomQuery); currentState = states.REQUEST_FIND; break; case states.REQUEST_FIND: printOutputLine("You have already made a request to find a room. Please wait for that request to complete."); break; case states.FINDING_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already currently looking for a room. Please wait for the match to be made."); break; case states.REQUEST_JOIN: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to join a room. Please wait to see if we can join it."); break; case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to leave a room. Please wait to see if we can leave it."); break; case states.REQUEST_CREATE: printOutputLine("You have already requested a matchmaking room to be created. Please wait for the room to be made."); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a matchmaking room. Please wait for an opponent to join."); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a match."); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void foundMatch(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Received find match success. We are now going to request to join the room."); Room room = msg.Data; Rooms.Join(room.ID, true).OnComplete(joinRoomResponse); currentState = states.REQUEST_JOIN; } else { printOutputLine("Received find match error"); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); currentState = states.IDLE; } } void joinRoomResponse(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Received join room success."); currentRoom = msg.Data; currentState = states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM; // Try to pull out remote user's ID if they have already joined if (currentRoom.UsersOptional != null) { foreach (User element in currentRoom.UsersOptional) { if (element.ID != localUser.ID) { remoteUser = element; currentState = states.IN_FULL_ROOM; } } } } else { printOutputLine("Received join room error"); printOutputLine("It's possible the room filled up before you could join it."); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); currentState = states.IDLE; } } void requestFindMatch() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: printOutputLine("Trying to find a matchmaking room"); Matchmaking.Enqueue(Constants.BOUT_POOL, null).OnComplete(searchingStarted); currentState = states.REQUEST_FIND; break; case states.REQUEST_FIND: printOutputLine("You have already made a request to find a room. Please wait for that request to complete."); break; case states.FINDING_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already currently looking for a room. Please wait for the match to be made."); break; case states.REQUEST_JOIN: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to join a room. Please wait to see if we can join it."); break; case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to leave a room. Please wait to see if we can leave it."); break; case states.REQUEST_CREATE: printOutputLine("You have already requested a matchmaking room to be created. Please wait for the room to be made."); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a matchmaking room. Please wait for an opponent to join."); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("You have already in a match."); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void searchingStarted(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Searching for a match successfully started"); currentState = states.REQUEST_FIND; } else { printOutputLine("Searching for a match error"); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); } } void updateRoom(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Received room update notification"); Room room = msg.Data; if (currentState == states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM) { // Check to see if this update is another user joining if (room.UsersOptional != null) { foreach (User element in room.UsersOptional) { if (element.ID != localUser.ID) { remoteUser = element; currentState = states.IN_FULL_ROOM; } } } } else { // Check to see if this update is another user leaving if (room.UsersOptional != null && room.UsersOptional.Count == 1) { printOutputLine("User ID: " + remoteUser.ID.ToString() + "has left"); remoteUser = null; currentState = states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM; } } } else { printOutputLine("Received room update error"); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); } } void sendChat(string chatMessage) { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: case states.REQUEST_FIND: case states.FINDING_ROOM: case states.REQUEST_JOIN: case states.REQUEST_CREATE: case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You need to be in a room with another player to send a message."); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: { chatPacket newMessage = new chatPacket(); // Create a packet to send with the packet ID and string payload lastPacketID++; newMessage.packetID = lastPacketID; newMessage.textString = chatMessage; Oculus.Platform.Net.SendPacket(remoteUser.ID, newMessage.Serialize(), SendPolicy.Reliable); } break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void processNetPackets() { Packet incomingPacket = Net.ReadPacket(); while (incomingPacket != null) { byte[] rawBits = new byte[incomingPacket.Size]; incomingPacket.ReadBytes(rawBits); chatPacket newMessage = chatPacket.Deserialize(rawBits); printOutputLine("Chat Text: " + newMessage.textString.ToString()); printOutputLine("Received Packet from UserID: " + incomingPacket.SenderID.ToString()); printOutputLine("Received Packet ID: " + newMessage.packetID.ToString()); // Look to see if there's another packet waiting incomingPacket = Net.ReadPacket(); } } void requestLeaveRoom() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: case states.REQUEST_FIND: case states.FINDING_ROOM: case states.REQUEST_JOIN: case states.REQUEST_CREATE: printOutputLine("You are currently not in a room to leave."); break; case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("We are currently trying to leave a room. Please wait to see if we can leave it."); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("Trying to leave room."); Rooms.Leave(currentRoom.ID).OnComplete(leaveRoomResponse); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void leaveRoomResponse(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("We were able to leave the room"); currentRoom = null; remoteUser = null; currentState = states.IDLE; } else { printOutputLine("Leave room error"); Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Error: " + error.Message); } } void requestStartRatedMatch() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: case states.REQUEST_FIND: case states.FINDING_ROOM: case states.REQUEST_JOIN: case states.REQUEST_CREATE: case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: printOutputLine("You need to be in a room with another player to start a rated match."); break; case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: printOutputLine("Trying to start a rated match. This call should be made once a rated match begins so we will be able to submit results after the game is done."); Matchmaking.StartMatch(currentRoom.ID).OnComplete(startRatedMatchResponse); break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void startRatedMatchResponse(Message msg) { if(!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Started a rated match"); ratedMatchStarted = true; } else { Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Received starting rated match failure: " + error.Message); printOutputLine("Your matchmaking pool needs to have a skill pool associated with it to play rated matches"); } } void requestReportResults() { switch (currentState) { case states.NOT_INIT: printOutputLine("The app has not initialized properly and we don't know your userID."); break; case states.IDLE: case states.REQUEST_FIND: case states.FINDING_ROOM: case states.REQUEST_JOIN: case states.REQUEST_CREATE: case states.REQUEST_LEAVE: printOutputLine("You need to be in a room with another player to report results on a rated match."); break; case states.IN_EMPTY_ROOM: case states.IN_FULL_ROOM: if (ratedMatchStarted) { printOutputLine("Submitting rated match results."); Dictionary results = new Dictionary(); results.Add(localUser.ID.ToString(), 1); results.Add(remoteUser.ID.ToString(), 2); Matchmaking.ReportResultsInsecure(currentRoom.ID, results).OnComplete(reportResultsResponse); } else { printOutputLine("You can't report results unless you've already started a rated match"); } break; default: printOutputLine("You have hit an unknown state."); break; } } void reportResultsResponse(Message msg) { if (!msg.IsError) { printOutputLine("Rated match results reported. Now attempting to leave room."); ratedMatchStarted = false; requestLeaveRoom(); } else { Error error = msg.GetError(); printOutputLine("Received reporting rated match failure: " + error.Message); } } } }