- SteamVR plugin for Unity - v1.2.3
- Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved.
- Requirements:
- The SteamVR runtime must be installed. This can be found in Steam under Tools.
- Changes for v1.2.3:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1515522829 and SDK version 1.0.12.
- * Updated quickstart guide.
- * [General] Fixed deprecation warnings for GUILayer in Unity version 2017.2 and newer (removed associated functionality).
- * [LoadLevel] Fixed a crash when using SteamVR_LoadLevel to load a scene which has no cameras in it.
- * [RenderModels] Switched from using TextureFormat.ARGB32 to RGBA32 to fix pink texture issue on Vulkan.
- * [RenderModels] Fix for not initializing propery if game is paused on startup.
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/issues/62
- * [InteractionSystem] Added implemention for ItemPackageSpawner requireTriggerPressToReturn.
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/pull/17/files
- Changes for v1.2.2:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1497390325 and SDK version 1.0.8.
- * [General] Switched caching SteamVR_Events.Actions from Awake to constructors to fix hot-loading of scripts in the Editor.
- * [General] Switched remaining coroutines away from using strings (to avoid issues with obfuscators).
- * [General] Switched from using deprecated Transform.FindChild to Transform.Find.
- * [General] Added #if !UNITY_METRO where required to allow compiling for UWP.
- * [UpdatePoses] Switched to using static delegates (Camera.onPreCull or Application.onBeforeRender depending on version) for updating poses.
- * [UpdatePoses] Deprecated SteamVR_UpdatePoses component.
- * [MixedReality] Added rgba settings to externalcamera.cfg for overriding foreground chroma key (default 0,0,0,0).
- * [MixedReality] Exposed SteamVR_ExternalCamera.Config settings in Unity Editor inspector for easy tweaking.
- * [MixedReality] Added file watcher to externalcamera.cfg to allow real-time editing.
- * [MixedReality] Fixed antialiasing complaint in Unity 5.6+.
- * [MixedReality] Added second pass to foreground camera when using PostProcessingBehaviour since those fx screw up the alpha channel.
- * [ControllerManager] Added code to protect against double-hiding of controllers.
- * [InteractionSystem] Sub-objects now inherit layer and tag of spawning object (ControllerButtonHints, ControllerHoverHighlight, Hand, SpawnRenderModel).
- Changes for v1.2.1:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1485823399 and SDK version 1.0.6.
- * Switched SteamVR_Events.SystemAction from using strings to specify event type over to their associated enum values.
- * Fixed an issue with using WWW in static constructors.
- * Added Unity Preferences for SteamVR to allow disabling automatic enabling of native OpenVR support in Unity 5.4 or newer.
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/issues/8
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/pull/9
- * Added UNITY_SHADER_NO_UPGRADE to all shaders to avoid log spam in later versions of Unity for issues that have already been fixed but the compiler isn't able to detect.
- * Specified Vulkan support for Interaction System shaders.
- * Fix for crash in Interaction_Example selecting BowPickup:
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/issues/4
- * Cleaned up unused fields:
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/issues/2
- * Updated Interaction System's LinearDrive to initialize using linearMapping.value.
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/pull/5
- * Updated Interaction System documetation to fix a few errors.
- * Added an icon for all Interaction System scripts.
- * Fixes for SteamVR on Linux.
- Changes for v1.2.0:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1481926580 and SDK version 1.0.5.
- * Replaced SteamVR_Utils.Event with SteamVR_Events.<EventName> to avoid runtime memory allocation associated with use of params object[] args.
- * Added SteamVR_Events.<EventName>Action to make it easy to wrap callbacks to avoid memory allocation when components are frequently enabled/disabled at runtime.
- * Fixed other miscellaneous runtime memory allocation in SteamVR_Render and SteamVR_RenderModels. (Suggestions by unity3d user @8bitgoose.)
- * Integrated fix for SteamVR_LaserPointer direction (from github user @fredsa).
- * Integrated fixes and comments for SteamVR_Teleporter (from github user @natewinck).
- * Removed SteamVR_Status and SteamVR_StatusText as they were using SteamVR_Utils.Event with generic strings which is no longer allowed.
- * Added SteamVR_Controller.assignAllBeforeIdentified (to allow controller to be assigned before identified as left vs right). Suggested by github user @chrwoizi.
- * Added SteamVR_Controller.UpdateTargets public interface. This allows spawning the component at runtime. Suggested by github user @demonixis.
- * Fixed bug with SteamVR_TrackedObject when specifying origin. Suggested by github user @fredsa.
- * Fixed issue with head camera reference in SteamVR_Camera. Suggested by github user @pedrofe.
- Known issues:
- * The current beta version of Unity 5.6 breaks the normal operation of the SteamVR_UpdatePoses component (required for tracked controllers).
- To work around this in the meantime, you will need to manually add the SteamVR_UpdatePoses component to your main camera.
- Changes for v1.1.1:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1467410709 and SDK version 1.0.2.
- * Updated Copyright notice.
- * Added SteamVR_TrackedCamera for accessing tracked camera video stream and poses.
- * Added SteamVR_TestTrackedCamera scene and associated script to demonstrate how to use SteamVR_TrackedCamera.
- * Fix for SteamVR_Fade shader to account for changes in Unity 5.4.
- * SteamVR_GameView will now use the compositor's mirror texture to render the companion window (pre-Unity 5.4 only).
- * Renamed SteamVR_LoadLevel 'externalApp' to 'internalProcess' to reflect actual functionality.
- * Fixed issue with SteamVR_PlayArea material loading due to changes in Unity 5.4.
- * Added Screenshot support handling for stereo panoramas generation.
- * Removed code that was setting Time.maximumDeltaTime as this was causing issues.
- Changes for v1.1.0:
- * Fix for error building standalone in SteamVR_LoadLevel.
- * Set SteamVR_TrackedObject.isValid to false when disabled.
- Changes for v1.0.9:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1461626459 and SDK version 0.9.20.
- * Updated workshop texture used in sea of cubes example level to use web page from SteamVR (was previously from Portal).
- * Updated various SDK changes to Unity in 5.4 betas.
- * Added controllerModeState to RenderModel component to control additional features like scrollwheel visibility.
- * RenderModels now respond to model skin changes.
- * Removed OnGUI and associated help text (i.e. "You may now put on your headset." notification) as this was causing unnecessary overhead.
- * Fix to SteamVR_Render not turning back on if all cameras were disabled and then re-enabled.
- * Hooked up SteamVR_Render.pauseRendering in Unity 5.4 native OpenVR integration.
- * Fix for input_focus event sometimes getting sent inappropriately.
- * Fix for timeScale handling.
- * Fix for SteamVR_PlayArea not finding its material in editor in Unity 5.4 due to changes in how Unity handles asset loading.
- * Miscellaneous fixes to reduce hitching when using SteamVR_LoadLevel to handle scene transitions.
- * Hooked up SteamVR_Camera.sceneResolutionScale to Unity 5.4's native vr integration render target scaling.
- * Forced SteamVR initialization check in SteamVR_Camera.enable (and bail upon failure) in Unity 5.4 (was already doing this in older builds).
- * Better handling of SteamVR_Ears component with old content.
- * Keep legacy head object around in case external components were referencing it (was previously getting deleted in Unity 5.4 as the head motion is now applied to the "eyes" object).
- * Miscellaneous fixes for SteamVR_TrackedController and SteamVR_Teleporter.
- * Fixed up Extra scenes SteamVR_TestThrow and SteamVR_TestIK.
- * Added stereo panorama screenshot support to SteamVR_Skybox.
- * Removed use of deprecated UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor.InitializeVRPlayerSettingsForBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone);
- Changes for v1.0.8:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1457155403.
- * Updated to work with native OpenVR integration introduced in Unity 5.4. In this and newer versions, openvr_api.dll will be automatically deleted when launching since it ships as part of Unity now.
- * C# interop now exports arrays as individual elements to avoid the associated memory allocation overhead passing data back and forth between native and managed code.
- * Applications should no longer call GetGenericInterface directly, but instead use the accessors provided by Valve.VR.OpenVR (e.g. OpenVR.System for the IVRSystem interface).
- * Added SteamVR_ExternalCamera for filming mixed reality videos. Automatically enabled when externalcamera.cfg is added to the root of your projects (next to Assets or executable), and toggled by the presence of a third controller.
- * Render models updated to load asynchronously. Sends "render_model_loaded" event when finished.
- * Added 'shader' property to render models to allow using alternate shaders. This also creates a dependency within the scene to ensure the shader is loaded in baked builds.
- * Fix for render model components not respecting render model scale.
- * SteamVR_Render.lockPhysicsUpdateRateToRenderFrequency now respects Time.timeScale.
- * SteamVR_LoadLevel now hides overlays when finished to avoid persisting performance degredation.
- * Added ability to launch external applications via SteamVR_LoadLevel.
- * Added option to load levels non-asynchronously in SteamVR_LoadLevel since Unity crashes on some content when using asyn loading.
- * SteamVR auto-disabled if initialization fails, to avoid continual retries.
- * Updated SteamVR_ControllerManager to get controller indices from the runtime (via IVRSystem.GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole).
- * SteamVR_ControllerManager now allows you to assign additional controllers to game objects.
- * [CameraRig] prefab now listens for a third controller connection which will enable mixed reality recording mode in the game view.
- * AudioListener is now transferred to a child of the eye camera called "ears" to allow controlling rotation independently when using speakers instead of headphones.
- * Flare Layer is no longer transferred from eye camera to game view camera.
- Changes for v1.0.7:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1448479831.
- * Many enums updated to reflect latest SDK cleanup (v0.9.12).
- * Various fixes to support color space changes in the SDK.
- * Render models set the layer on their child components now to match their own.
- * Added a bool 'Load Additive' to SteamVR_LoadLevel script to optionally load the level additively, as well as an optional 'Post Load Settle Time'.
- * Fixed some issues with SteamVR_LoadLevel fading to a color with 'Show Grid' set to false.
- * Fixed an issue with orienting the loading screen in the SteamVR_LoadLevel script when using 'Loading Screen Distance'.
- Changes for v1.0.6:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime v1446847085.
- * Added SteamVR_LevelLoad script to help smooth level transitions.
- * Added 'Take Snapshot' button to SteamVR_Skybox to automate creation of cubemap assets.
- * SteamVR_RenderModel now optionally creates subcomponents for buttons, etc. and optionally updates them dynamically to reflect pulling trigger, etc.
- * Added SteamVR_TestIK scene to Extras.
- * Added SteamVR.enabled which can be set to false to keep SteamVR.instance from initializing SteamVR.
- Changes for v1.0.5:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime build #826021 (v.1445485596).
- * Removed TrackedDevices from [CameraRig] prefab (these were only ever meant to be in the example scene.
- * Added support for new native plugin interface.
- * Enabled MSAA in OpenGL as that appears to be fixed in the latest version of Unity.
- * Fix for upside-down rendering in OpenGL.
- * Moved calls to IVRCompositor::WaitGetPoses and Submit to Unity's render thread.
- * Couple fixes to prevent SteamVR from getting re-initialized when stopping the Editor preview.
- * Fix for hitches caused by SteamVR_PlayArea when not running SteamVR.
- Changes for v1.0.4:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime build #768489 (v.1441831863).
- * Added SteamVR_Skybox for setting a cubemap in the compositor (useful for scene transitions).
- * Fix for RenderModels disappearing across scene transitions, and disabling use of modelOverride at runtime.
- * Added lockPhysicsUpdateRateToRenderFrequency to SteamVR_Render ([SteamVR] prefab) for apps that want to run their physics sim at a lower frequency. Locked (true) by default.
- * Made per-eye culling masks easier to use. (See http://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/0/535152276589455019/)
- * Exposed min/max curve distance settings for high quality overlay. Note: High quality overlay not currently supported in Rift Direct Mode and falls back to normal (flat-only) overlay render path.
- * Added 'valid' property to SteamVR_Controller. This is useful for detecting the controller is plugged in before tracking comes online.
- Changes for v1.0.3:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime build #710329 (v.1438035413).
- * Added SteamVR_Controller.DeviceRelation.FarthestLeft/Right for GetDeviceIndex helper function.
- Note: You can also use SteamVR.instance.hmd.GetSortedTrackedDeviceIndicesOfClass.
- * Updated and fixed SteamVR_Controller.GetDeviceIndex to act more like people expect.
- * Fix for SteamVR_Controller.angularVelocity (velocity reporting has also been fixed in the runtime).
- * Renamed SteamVR_Controller.valid to hasTracking
- * Removed SteamVR_Overlay visibility, systemOverlayVisible and activeSystemOverlay properties.
- * Added collection of handy scripts to Assets/SteamVR/Extras: GazeTracker, IK (simple two-bone),
- LaserPointer, Teleporter, TestThrow (with example scene) and TrackedController.
- * Fix for hidden area mesh render order.
- * Fix for render models not showing up after playing scene once in editor.
- * Added controller manager left and right nodes to camera rig. These are automatically disabled while the
- dashboard is visible to avoid conflict with the dashboard rendering controllers. If you are handling tracked
- controllers using another method, you are encouraged to implement something similar using the input_focus event.
- * OpenVR runtime events are now broadcast via the SteamVR_Utils.Event system. The events can be found here:
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/blob/master/headers/openvr.h and are broadcast in Unity with their
- prefix "VREvent_" stripped off.
- * Added handling of dashboard visibility and quit events.
- * Added SteamVR_Render.pauseGameWhenDashboardIsVisible (defaults to true).
- * Allow Unity to buffer up frames for its companion window to avoid any latency introduction
- * Lock physics update rate (Time.fixedDeltaTime) to match render frequency.
- * SteamVR_Camera (i.e. 'eye' objects) are moved back to the 'head' location when not rendering.
- * Simplified SteamVR_Camera Expand/Collapse functionality (now uses existing parent as origin if available).
- * Added SteamVR_PlayArea component to visualize different size spaces to target.
- * Exposed SteamVR_Overlay.curvedRange for the high-quality curved overlay render path.
- Changes for v1.0.2:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime build #655277.
- * Added check for new version and prompt to download.
- * Moved remaining in-code shaders to separate shader assets.
- * Switched RenderModels back to using Standard shader (to avoid having to manually add Unlit to the always load
- assets list).
- * RenderModels now provides a drop down list populated with available render models to preview. This is useful
- for displaying various controller models in Editor to line up attachments appropriately.
- * Fix for [SteamVR] instance sometimes showing up twice in a scene between level loads and stomping existing
- settings.
- * Switched Overlay over to using new interface. Please report any functional differences to the SteamVR forums.
- * Added button in example escape menu [Status] to easily switch between Standing and Seated tracking space.
- * Miscellaneous color space fixes due to changes in Unity 5.1 rendering.
- * Added drawOverlay bool to GameView component to disable rendering the overlay texture automatically on top.
- * Eye offsets now get updated at runtime to react to any dynanamic IPD changes.
- * Added "hair-trigger" support to SteamVR_Controller.
- Changes for v1.0.1:
- * Updated to SteamVR runtime build #629708.
- * Added accessors to SteamVR_Controller for working with input.
- * Added TestController script for verifying controller functionality.
- * Added CameraFlip to compensate for Unity's quirk of rendering upsidedown on Windows (was previously
- corrected for in the compositor).
- * Removed use of UNITY_5_0 defines as this was causing problems with newer versions of Unity 5.
- * Shared render target size is now slightly larger to account for overlapping fovs.
- * Fix for gamma issues with deferred rendering and hdr.
- Note: MSAA is really important for rendering in VR, however, Unity does not support MSAA in deferred rendering.
- It is therefore recommended that you use Unity's Forward rendering path. Unity's Forward rendering path also
- does not support MSAA when using HDR render buffers. If you need to disable MSAA, you should at least attempt
- to compensate with an AA post fx. The MSAA settings for SteamVR's render buffers are controlled via Unity's
- Quality settings (Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Anti Aliasing).
- Upgrading from previous versions:
- The easiest and safest thing to do is to delete your SteamVR folder, and any files and folders in your
- Plugins directory called 'openvr_api', 'steam_api' or 'steam_unity' (and variants). Additionally, verify there
- are no SteamVR files found in Assets/Editor. Then import the new unitypackage into your project.
- This latest version has been greatly simplified. SteamVR_CameraEye has been removed as well as the menu
- option from SteamVR_Setup to 'Setup Selected Camera(s)'. The SteamVR_Camera object is instead rendered twice
- (once per eye) and the game view rendering handled in SteamVR_GameView. SteamVR_Camera now has 'head' and
- 'origin' properties for accessing the associated Transforms, and 'offset' has been deprecated in favor of using
- 'head'. By pressing the 'Expand' button below the SteamVR logo in SteamVR_Camera's Inspector, these objects are
- automatically created. This is useful for attaching objects appropriately, and removes the need for managing
- separate FollowHead and FollowEyes arrays. Similarly, the RenderComponents list is no longer needed as the
- SteamVR_Camera is itself used to render each eye. And finally, the button below the SteamVR logo will change to
- 'Collapse' to restore the camera to its previous setup.
- SteamVR_Camera's Overlay support has been broken out into a separate SteamVR_Overlay component. This can be
- added to any object in your scene. If you wish to use it in some scenes, but not others, it is good practice
- to add the component to each of your scenes and ensure its Texture is set to None in those that you do not wish
- it rendered in.
- The experimental binaural audio support has been removed as there are better plugins on the Unity Asset Store now,
- and this was an incomplete and unsupported solution.
- Files:
- Assets/Plugins/openvr_api.cs - This direct wrapper for the native SteamVR SDK support mirrors SteamVR.h and
- is the only script required. It exposes all functionality provided by SteamVR. It is not recommended you make
- changes to this file. It should be kept in sync with the associated openvr_api dll.
- The remaining files found in Assets/SteamVR/Scripts are provided as a reference implementation, and to get you
- up and running quickly and easily. You are encouraged to modify these to suit your project's unique needs,
- and provide feedback at http://steamcommunity.com/app/250820 or http://steamcommunity.com/app/358720/discussions
- Assets/SteamVR/Scenes/example.unity - A sample scene demonstrating the functionality provided by this plugin.
- This also shows you how to set up a separate camera for rendering gui elements.
- Details:
- Note that these scripts are a work in progress. Many of these will change in future releases and we will not
- necessarily be able to maintain compatibility with this version.
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR.cs - Handles initialization and shutdown of subsystems. Use SteamVR.instance
- to access. This may return null if initialization fails for any reason. Use SteamVR.active to determine if
- VR has been initialized without attempting to initialized it in the process.
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Camera.cs - Adds VR support to your existing camera object.
- To combat stretching incurred by distortion correction, we render scenes at a higher resolution off-screen.
- Since all camera's in Unity are rendered sequentially, we share a single static render texture across each
- eye camera. SteamVR provides a recommended render target size as a minimum to account for distortion,
- however, rendering to a higher resolution provides additional multisampling benefits at the associated
- expense. This can be controlled via SteamVR_Camera.sceneResolutionScale.
- Note: Both GUILayer and FlareLayer are not compatible with SteamVR_Camera since they render in screen space
- rather than world space. These are automatically moved the SteamVR_GameView object which itself is automatically
- added to the SteamVR_Camera's parent 'head' object. The AudioListener also gets transferred to the head in order
- for audio to be properly spacialized.
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Overlay.cs - This component is provided to assist in rendering 2D content in VR.
- The specified texture is composited into the scene on a virtual curved surface using a special render path for
- increased fidelity. See the [Status] prefab in the example scene for how to set this up. Since it uses GUIText,
- it should be dragged into the Hierarchy window rather than into the Scene window so it retains its default position
- at the origin.
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_TrackedObject.cs - Add this to any object that you want to use tracking. The
- hmd has one set up for it automatically. For controllers, select the index of the object to map to. In general
- you should parent these objects to the camera's 'origin' object so they track in the same space. However, if
- that is inconvenient, you can specify the 'origin' in the TrackedObject itself.
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_RenderModel.cs - Dynamically creates associated SteamVR provided models for tracked
- objects. See <SteamVR Runtime Path>/resources/rendermodels for the full list of overrides.
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Utils.cs - Various bits for working with the SteamVR API in Unity including a
- simple event system, a RigidTransform class for working with vector/quaternion pairs, matrix conversions, and
- other useful functions.
- Prefabs:
- [CameraRig] - This is the camera setup used by the example scene. It is simply a default camera with the
- SteamVR_Camera component added to it, and the Expand button clicked. It also includes a full set of Tracked Devices
- which will display and follow any connected tracked devices (e.g. controllers, base stations and cameras).
- [Status] - The prefab is for demonstration purposes only. It adds an escape menu to your scene.
- Note: It uses the SteamVR_Overlay component, which is rather expensive rendering-wise.
- [SteamVR] - This object controls some global settings for SteamVR, most notably Tracking Space. Legacy projects
- that want their viewed automatically centered on startup if not configured or to use the seated calibrated position
- should switch Tracking Space to Seated. This object is created automatically on startup if not added and defaults
- to Standing Tracking Space. It also provides the ability to set special masks for rendering each eye (in case you
- want to do something differently per-eye) and some simple help text that demonstrates rendering only to the
- companion window (which can be cleared or customized here).
- GUILayer, GUIText, and GUITexture:
- The recommended way for drawing 2D content is through SteamVR_Overlay. There is an example of how to set this up
- in the example scene. GUIText and GUITexture use their Transform to determine where they are drawn, so these
- objects will need to live near the origin. You will need to set up a separate camera using a Target Texture. To
- keep it from rendering other elements of your scene, you should create a unique layer used by all of your gui
- elements, and set the camera's Culling Mask to only draw those items. Set its depth to -1 to ensure it gets
- updated before composited into the final view.
- OnGUI:
- Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Menu.cs demonstrates use of OnGUI with SteamVR_Camera's overlay texture. The
- key is to set RenderTexture.active and restore it afterward. Beware when also using a camera to render to the
- same texture as it may clear your content.
- Camera layering:
- One powerful feature of Unity is its ability to layer cameras to render scenes (e.g. drawing a skybox scene
- with one camera, the rest of the environment with a second, and maybe a third for a 3D hud). This is performed
- by setting the latter cameras to only clear the depth buffer, and leveraging the cameras' cullingMask to control
- which items get rendered per-camera, and depth to control order.
- Camera scale:
- Setting SteamVR_Camera's gameObject scale will result in the world appearing (inversely) larger or smaller.
- This can be used to powerful effect, and is useful for allowing you to build skybox geometry at a sane scale
- while still making it feel far away. Similarly, it allows you to build geometry at scales the physics engine
- and nav mesh generation prefers, while visually feeling much smaller or larger. Of course, if you are building
- geometry to real-world scale you should leave this at its default of 1,1,1. Once a SteamVR_Camera has been
- expanded, its 'origin' Transform should be scaled instead.
- Camera masking:
- By manually adding a GameObject with the SteamVR_Render component on it to your scene, you can specify a left
- and right culling mask to use to control rendering per eye if necessary.
- Events:
- SteamVR fires off several events. These can be handled by registering for them through
- SteamVR_Events.<EventType>.Listen. Be sure to remove your handler when no longer needed.
- The best pattern is to Listen and Remove in OnEnable and OnDisable respectively.
- Initializing - This event is sent when the hmd's tracking status changes to or from Unitialized.
- Calibrating - This event is sent when starting or stopping calibration with the new state.
- OutOfRange - This event is sent when losing or reacquiring absolute positional tracking. This will
- never fire for the Rift DK1 since it does not have positional tracking. For camera based trackers, this
- happens when the hmd exits and enters the camera's view.
- DeviceConnected - This event is sent when devices are connected or disconnected. The device index is passed
- as the first argument, and the connected status (true / false) as the second argument.
- Keybindings (if using the [Status] prefab):
- Escape/Start - toggle menu
- PageUp/PageDown - adjust scale
- Home - reset scale
- I - toggle frame stats on/off
- Deploying on Steam:
- If you are releasing your game on Steam (i.e. have a Steam ID and are calling Steam_Init through the
- Steamworks SDK), then you may want to check ISteamUtils::IsSteamRunningInVRMode() in order to determine if you
- should automatically launch into VR mode or not.
- Known Issues:
- * If Unity finds an Assets\Plugins\x86 folder, it will ignore all files in Assets\Plugins. You will need to
- either move openv_api.dll into the x86 subfolder, or move the dlls in the x86 folder up a level and delete
- the x86 folder.
- Troubleshooting:
- * "Failed to connect to vrserver" - This often happens the first time you launch. Often simply trying a second time
- will clear this up.
- * HmdError_Init_VRClientDLLNotFound - Make sure the SteamVR runtime is installed. This can be found in Steam
- under Tools. Try uninstalling and reinstalling SteamVR. Try deleting <user>/AppData/Local/OpenVR/openvrpaths.vrpath
- and relaunching Steam to regenerate this file.
- * HmdError_Init_HmdNotFound - SteamVR cannot detect your VR headset, ensure the USB cable is plugged in.
- If that doesn't work, try deleting your Steam/config/steamvr.cfg.
- * HmdError_Init_InterfaceNotFound - Make sure your SteamVR runtime is up to date.
- * HmdError_IPC_ConnectFailed - SteamVR launches a separate process called vrserver.exe which directly talks
- to the hardware. Games communicate to vrserver through vrclient.dll over IPC. This error is usually due
- to the communication pipe between the two having closed. Use task manager to verify there are no rogue apps
- that got stuck trying to shut down. Often it's just a matter of the connection timing out the first time
- due to long load times. Launching a second time usually resolves this.
- * "Not using DXGI 1.1" - Older versions of Unity used DXGI 1.0 which doesn't support functionality the compositor
- requires to operate properly. To fix this, we've added a hook to Steam to force DXGI 1.1. To enable this hook
- set the environement variable ForceDXGICreateFactory1 = 1 and launch the Unity Editor or your standalone builds
- via Steam by manually adding them using the "Add Game..." button found in the lower left of the Library tab.
- * Core Parking often causes hitching. The easiest way to disable core parking is to download the tool called
- Core Parking Manager, slide the slider to 100% and click Apply.