- # VR Simulator
- ## Instructions for using the VR Simulator
- * Follow the initial [Getting Started](/Assets/VRTK/Documentation/GETTING_STARTED.md) steps and then add the `VRTK/Source/SDK/Simulator/[VRSimulator_CameraRig]` prefab as a child of the SDK Setup GameObject.
- * Use the `Left Alt` to switch between mouse look and move a hand.
- * Press `Tab` to switch between left/right hands.
- * Hold `Left Shift` to change from translation to rotation for the hands.
- * Hold `Left Ctrl` to switch between X/Y and X/Z axis.
- * Additional button mappings can be found on `SDK_InputSimulator` on the prefab.
- * All button mappings can be remapped using the inspector on the prefab.