- This CrossPlatform sample scene demonstrates how Oculus Avatars can now be used on non-Oculus devices.
- For more detailed information on this sample and cross-platform Avatar functionality, including details on customization and redistribution requirements, see the topic on this sample at: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/avatarsdk/latest/concepts/avatars-unity-crossplat-sample/
- Setup instructions:
- 1 - Install Steam and SteamVR
- 2 - Create a new Unity Project
- 3 - Import the Oculus Integration from the Unity Asset Store.
- 4 - Open the CrossPlatform scene (in Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Samples/CrossPlatform)
- 5 - Use the Oculus Dashboard (https://dashboard.oculus.com/) to create a placeholder Rift app and copy the App ID
- 6 - Paste the App ID in Unity under Oculus Avatars > Edit Configuration > Oculus Rift App Id
- 7 - Enable OpenVR:
- Open PlayerSettings in the Inspector tab (from menu bar, Edit > Project Settings > Player)
- Under Virtual Reality SDKs, add OpenVR if it's not there already
- Remove Oculus (or drag it below OpenVR) so that OpenVR is used when the scene is played.
- 8 - Click Play
- The scene should play using SteamVR rather than the Oculus platform, and you'll see 12 different Oculus Avatars in front of you.