- # Overview
- This example uses basic Quickmatch and Peer-to-Peer networking to creating a cross-platform ball shooting game.
- Quickmatch is used to find other players for a match and Networking is used to synchronize player
- state such as movement of the balls.
- # Application Setup
- 1. Open the Project in Unity 5.4.1p1 or later
- 2. Import the OculusPlatform Unity package (Main Menu -> Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package)
- ## Rift
- 1. Create your Rift application on the Oculus Developer Dashboard
- 2. Copy the Application ID into the Project (Main Menu -> Oculus Platform -> Edit Settings -> Oculus Rift App Id)
- ## GearVR
- 1. Create the GearVR application on the Oculus Developer Dashboard
- 2. Move the GearVR application into the Rift application's App Grouping
- 3. Copy the Application ID into the Project (Main Menu -> Oculus Platform -> Edit Settings -> Gear VR App Id)
- 4. Copy the OSIG files for the GearVR devices you are testing to Assets\Plugins\Android\Assets
- # Configure Matchmaking
- 1. On the Oculus Dashboard, navigate to the Matchmaking section for your App Grouping
- 2. Click Create Pool
- 3. For the Pool Key use: NORMAL_QUICKMATCH, or if you want to use a different Pool Key, update the constant in MatchmakingManager.cs
- 4. Choose Quickmatch mode
- 5. Enter 2 for Min Users and 3 for Max Users
- 6. Choose None for Skill Pool
- 7. Leave Advanced Quickmatch set to No
- 8. Leave Should Consider Ping Time? at the default setting of No
- 9. Don't add anything under Data Settings
- 10. Click Submit.
- # Configure Leaderboards
- This sample uses two Leaderboards to track player scores. One leaderboard tracks the player that has
- won the most games and another tracks who achieved the highest score in a single game. Setup the leaderboards
- using the following steps:
- 1. Navigate to your App Grouping section on the Developer Dashboard
- 2. Create a new leadername with the API NAME **MOST_MATCHES_WON** and sort order **Higher is Better**
- 3. Create a new leadername with the API NAME **HIGHEST_MATCH_SCORE** and sort order **Higher is Better**
- # Configure Achievements
- The sample updates an achievement that counts the number of times a player has won. Follow these steps to create an
- achievement that is unlocked when the player has won 10 matches:
- 1. Navigate to your App Grouping section on the Developer Dashboard
- 2. Click on the **Create Achievement** button
- 3. Set the API Name to **LIKES_TO_WIN**
- 4. Set an appropriate Title and Description
- 5. Leave the Write Policy as **CLIENT_AUTHORITATIVE**
- 6. Leave Is Achievement Secret untoggled
- 7. Set the Type to **Count**
- 7. Set the Target to *10*
- # Upload your builds
- Build executables from Unity and upload them to your Application Dashboard
- * Rift
- 1. Add the executable and data folder to a zip file
- 2. Upload the zip to the Alpha channel on your Dashboard
- 3. Set the executable name you chose in the zip file
- 4. Add Friends you are testing with as Subscribed Users for the Alpha channel
- * GearVR
- 1. Create an android keystore (if you don't have one) so Unity can sign the build. (Player Settings -> Publishing Settings)
- 2. Upload the apk to the Alpha channel on your Dashboard
- 3. Each apk you upload needs a new build number (Player Settings -> Other Settings)
- 4. Add Friends you are testing with as Subscribed Users for the Alpha channel