- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System;
- public class OvrAvatarPacket
- {
- // Used with SDK driven packet flow
- public IntPtr ovrNativePacket = IntPtr.Zero;
- // ===============================================================
- // All code below used for unity only pose blending option.
- // ===============================================================
- List<float> frameTimes = new List<float>();
- List<OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame> frames = new List<OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame>();
- List<byte[]> encodedAudioPackets = new List<byte[]>();
- public float Duration { get { return frameTimes[frameTimes.Count - 1]; } }
- public OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame FinalFrame { get { return frames[frames.Count - 1]; } }
- public OvrAvatarPacket()
- {
- }
- public OvrAvatarPacket(OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame initialPose)
- {
- frameTimes.Add(0.0f);
- frames.Add(initialPose);
- }
- OvrAvatarPacket(List<float> frameTimes, List<OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame> frames, List<byte[]> audioPackets)
- {
- this.frameTimes = frameTimes;
- this.frames = frames;
- }
- public void AddFrame(OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame frame, float deltaSeconds)
- {
- frameTimes.Add(Duration + deltaSeconds);
- frames.Add(frame);
- }
- public OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame GetPoseFrame(float seconds)
- {
- if (frames.Count == 1)
- {
- return frames[0];
- }
- // This can be replaced with a more efficient binary search
- int tailIndex = 1;
- while (tailIndex < frameTimes.Count && frameTimes[tailIndex] < seconds)
- {
- ++tailIndex;
- }
- OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame a = frames[tailIndex - 1];
- OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame b = frames[tailIndex];
- float aTime = frameTimes[tailIndex - 1];
- float bTime = frameTimes[tailIndex];
- float t = (seconds - aTime) / (bTime - aTime);
- return OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame.Interpolate(a, b, t);
- }
- public static OvrAvatarPacket Read(Stream stream)
- {
- BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
- // Todo: bounds check frame count
- int frameCount = reader.ReadInt32();
- List<float> frameTimes = new List<float>(frameCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
- {
- frameTimes.Add(reader.ReadSingle());
- }
- List<OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame> frames = new List<OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame>(frameCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
- {
- frames.Add(reader.ReadPoseFrame());
- }
- // Todo: bounds check audio packet count
- int audioPacketCount = reader.ReadInt32();
- List<byte[]> audioPackets = new List<byte[]>(audioPacketCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < audioPacketCount; ++i)
- {
- int audioPacketSize = reader.ReadInt32();
- byte[] audioPacket = reader.ReadBytes(audioPacketSize);
- audioPackets.Add(audioPacket);
- }
- return new OvrAvatarPacket(frameTimes, frames, audioPackets);
- }
- public void Write(Stream stream)
- {
- BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
- // Write all of the frames
- int frameCount = frameTimes.Count;
- writer.Write(frameCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
- {
- writer.Write(frameTimes[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
- {
- OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame frame = frames[i];
- writer.Write(frame);
- }
- // Write all of the encoded audio packets
- int audioPacketCount = encodedAudioPackets.Count;
- writer.Write(audioPacketCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < audioPacketCount; ++i)
- {
- byte[] packet = encodedAudioPackets[i];
- writer.Write(packet.Length);
- writer.Write(packet);
- }
- }
- }
- static class BinaryWriterExtensions
- {
- public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame frame)
- {
- writer.Write(frame.headPosition);
- writer.Write(frame.headRotation);
- writer.Write(frame.handLeftPosition);
- writer.Write(frame.handLeftRotation);
- writer.Write(frame.handRightPosition);
- writer.Write(frame.handRightRotation);
- writer.Write(frame.voiceAmplitude);
- writer.Write(frame.controllerLeftPose);
- writer.Write(frame.controllerRightPose);
- }
- public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, Vector3 vec3)
- {
- writer.Write(vec3.x);
- writer.Write(vec3.y);
- writer.Write(vec3.z);
- }
- public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, Vector2 vec2)
- {
- writer.Write(vec2.x);
- writer.Write(vec2.y);
- }
- public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, Quaternion quat)
- {
- writer.Write(quat.x);
- writer.Write(quat.y);
- writer.Write(quat.z);
- writer.Write(quat.w);
- }
- public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, OvrAvatarDriver.ControllerPose pose)
- {
- writer.Write((uint)pose.buttons);
- writer.Write((uint)pose.touches);
- writer.Write(pose.joystickPosition);
- writer.Write(pose.indexTrigger);
- writer.Write(pose.handTrigger);
- writer.Write(pose.isActive);
- }
- }
- static class BinaryReaderExtensions
- {
- public static OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame ReadPoseFrame(this BinaryReader reader)
- {
- return new OvrAvatarDriver.PoseFrame
- {
- headPosition = reader.ReadVector3(),
- headRotation = reader.ReadQuaternion(),
- handLeftPosition = reader.ReadVector3(),
- handLeftRotation = reader.ReadQuaternion(),
- handRightPosition = reader.ReadVector3(),
- handRightRotation = reader.ReadQuaternion(),
- voiceAmplitude = reader.ReadSingle(),
- controllerLeftPose = reader.ReadControllerPose(),
- controllerRightPose = reader.ReadControllerPose(),
- };
- }
- public static Vector2 ReadVector2(this BinaryReader reader)
- {
- return new Vector2
- {
- x = reader.ReadSingle(),
- y = reader.ReadSingle()
- };
- }
- public static Vector3 ReadVector3(this BinaryReader reader)
- {
- return new Vector3
- {
- x = reader.ReadSingle(),
- y = reader.ReadSingle(),
- z = reader.ReadSingle()
- };
- }
- public static Quaternion ReadQuaternion(this BinaryReader reader)
- {
- return new Quaternion
- {
- x = reader.ReadSingle(),
- y = reader.ReadSingle(),
- z = reader.ReadSingle(),
- w = reader.ReadSingle(),
- };
- }
- public static OvrAvatarDriver.ControllerPose ReadControllerPose(this BinaryReader reader)
- {
- return new OvrAvatarDriver.ControllerPose
- {
- buttons = (ovrAvatarButton)reader.ReadUInt32(),
- touches = (ovrAvatarTouch)reader.ReadUInt32(),
- joystickPosition = reader.ReadVector2(),
- indexTrigger = reader.ReadSingle(),
- handTrigger = reader.ReadSingle(),
- isActive = reader.ReadBoolean(),
- };
- }
- }