====================================== PROJECT JUNKER ====================================== TEXT FILE LAST UPDATE: 31.8.2015 ========================================================================== > GAME OBJECTS ========================================================================== > All game objects must be exported as a .FBX file. > For ease of use, all objects should use the following naming convention: "obj_XX.fbx" where "XX" is the name of the object. E.g. "obj_cart.fbx" > If there are two or more variations of an object, an alphabet prefix should be used at the end of the object name. ******DO NOT USE NUMBERS as the ending prefix****** E.g. "obj_scaffold_A.fbx" "obj_scaffold_B.fbx" "obj_scaffold_C.fbx" etc.... ========================================================================== > CUSTOM MESHES ========================================================================== > Custom-shaped meshes should be used for objects with complex shapes for proper object collision in-game. > ***ONLY use a custom mesh WHERE NECESSARY. If an object will be used simplistically, an appropriate mesh should be assigned in Unity (e.g. Box Collider) > All customn meshes must be exported as a .FBX file. > All custom meshes must be placed in the "Custom Meshes" folder. > All custom meshes should use the following naming convention: "mesh_XX.fbx" where "XX" is the name of the object. E.g. "mesh_cart.fbx" > If there are two or more variations of a mesh, an alphabet prefix should be at the end of the object name. ******DO NOT USE NUMBERS as the ending prefix****** E.g. "mesh_scaffold_A.fbx" "mesh_scaffold_B.fbx" "mesh_scaffold_C.fbx" etc....