+ Texture: Mine cart
+ Texture: Concrete
+ Texture: Rust (for crane)
+ Texture: Building
+ Texture: Metal (2 x variants)
+ Terrain Texture: Cracked Sand
+ Skybox: "Junk Sky" (Purple)
+ Texture: Ben's metal object textures (color still not changed as requested)
+ Added stair path near the edge of the scaffold
> All objects have their textures (movable object textures still need changes)
> Seperated Pully system into two FBX objects: Pully Platform and Pully Extension
> Re-positioned some of the tutorial signs
> Changed the tutorial sign for Pull/Push. It no longer shows the LT button.
> Placed some fences on the building to prevent "flying-platform" exploits.
> Placed several invisible walls next to the above mentioned fences.
- Redundant placeholder textures for characters and objects
- Several metal beams that were placed in the mine carts
- Static mine carts before the fence (replaced by "Mine Cart Movable" prefab)
- Old Pully System FBX (was not unwrapped before)