+ Script: PlayerSounds + Texture: Magnet Rods (Pull & Push) + GUI Image: Game Logo (not yet implemented in UI) + Unity Scene: Title Screen + SFX: Footsteps (sand), test beep, switch-player sound, wind ambience + BGM: Just Dessert (2nd Part) (This was cut from previous facebook mp3 upload) Purely for testing purposes. + Audio Source for wind ambience sounds CHANGED: > A duplicate of "Cycle Run" was made so that sound events can be keyframed into the running animation (FBX-animations were initially read-only) > Added "PlayFootstep" sound event to running animation. > Changed invisible wall positions near the starting point area > Slightly lowered the first concrete platform's position near the long metal beam and small crates > Slightly increased the height of the first fences > Added small bits of terrain hills to create "distant cliff illusion" > SceneController script now has connection with PlayerSound script to allow switch-player sound > MagnetGun script (Player 1) now has connection with PlayerSound script to allow object-rotation sound > Added an Audio Source to the Player 1 Avatar object. All player sounds are assigned to this component. NOTE: > Only Player 1 has some sounds. Player 2 will have sounds once Player 1 has 100% sounds. > Cutscene management will need to be discussed. Unsure whether single-scene camera changes are possible and easy to implement due to script structure. Having a cutscene in a seperate scene will be demanding, processor-wise, but can be done. > Still have not received updated movable object textures at this time. Way past its deadline. KNOWN ISSUES: - On my Gaming PC, playing the game for an extended amount of time can cause the frame rate to flacuate from 30 to 60fps at set intervals of approximatelly every 5sec. - The above issue can be mitigated via restarting your PC. FPS issues could possibly be caused by junk metadata build-up. - The above issue has also been found in week #8 playtest build.master
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using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class PlayerSounds : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
private AudioSource source; | |||||
private float volLowRange = 0.5f; // Volume Low Range | |||||
private float volHighRange = 1.0f; // Volume High Range | |||||
private float pitchLowRange = 0.90f; // Pitch Low Range | |||||
private float pitchHighRange = 1.5f; // Pitch High Range | |||||
private float pitchDefault = 1.0f; // Pitch Default Value | |||||
// AUDIO CLIPS | |||||
// All sound effects are listed here. | |||||
public AudioClip sfxFootstep; | |||||
public AudioClip sfxFootstepTEST; | |||||
public AudioClip sfxSwitch; | |||||
public AudioClip sfxRotate; | |||||
// FUNCTION: Find Audio Source component (attached to Player Avatar Object) | |||||
void Awake(){ | |||||
source = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); | |||||
} | |||||
// FUNCTIONS: Play Sound Effects (SFX) | |||||
// NOTE: Must add the events to the relevant keyframe within animation clips. | |||||
void PlayFootstep(){ | |||||
float volRandom = Random.Range (volLowRange, volHighRange); | |||||
source.pitch = Random.Range (pitchLowRange, pitchHighRange); | |||||
source.PlayOneShot (sfxFootstep,volRandom); | |||||
} | |||||
void PlayFootstepTEST(){ | |||||
float volRandom = Random.Range (volLowRange, volHighRange); | |||||
source.pitch = Random.Range (pitchLowRange, pitchHighRange); | |||||
source.PlayOneShot (sfxFootstepTEST,volRandom); | |||||
} | |||||
public void PlaySwitch(){ | |||||
source.pitch = pitchDefault; | |||||
source.PlayOneShot (sfxSwitch,0.7f); | |||||
} | |||||
public void PlayRotate(){ | |||||
source.pitch = pitchDefault; | |||||
source.PlayOneShot (sfxRotate); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
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