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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 7929efa0d0fa84d269f932355f708f12 | |||||
DefaultImporter: | |||||
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: c9c7412211778407f9c1450e23c597fc | |||||
NativeFormatImporter: | |||||
userData: |
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guid: 334a07353496b3f4682903e0a28dbad0 | |||||
folderAsset: yes | |||||
DefaultImporter: | |||||
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: ef3b7b6cdc3ee234899234695bd8d7c3 | |||||
NativeFormatImporter: | |||||
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 001b004239ebbc846b32fe5e3bbab73c | |||||
NativeFormatImporter: | |||||
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 4e19020496989f94dba07a0025059bcf | |||||
NativeFormatImporter: | |||||
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 0ed59f0aa227af74e943e157e83fd03e | |||||
NativeFormatImporter: | |||||
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guid: a03922fd2222daf45aa6220f0ae167ad | |||||
NativeFormatImporter: | |||||
userData: |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ | |||||
using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class P1weapon : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
public float pushMagnitude = 500; | |||||
void Start () { | |||||
renderer.enabled = false; | |||||
} | |||||
void Update (){ | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.KeypadEnter)) { | |||||
// show | |||||
renderer.enabled = true; | |||||
collider2D.enabled = true; | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.KeypadEnter)){ | |||||
renderer.enabled = false; | |||||
collider2D.enabled = false; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D other){ | |||||
Vector2 ab = new Vector2 (0, 0); | |||||
//pushmagntiude | |||||
if (other.gameObject.name == "Cube2") { | |||||
//Get a and b | |||||
Vector2 a; | |||||
Vector2 b; | |||||
a = transform.position; | |||||
b = other.transform.position; | |||||
//Calculate AB-> | |||||
ab = b - a; | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Modify to add height | |||||
ab = new Vector2 (ab.x,ab.y +0.8f); | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Normalise AB | |||||
ab.Normalize(); | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Multiple AB by push magnitude | |||||
ab = ab * pushMagnitude; | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Push opponent by AB * magnitude | |||||
other.gameObject.rigidbody2D.AddForce (ab, ForceMode2D.Force); | |||||
other.gameObject.GetComponent<player2_controls>().Pushed(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// Update is called once per frame | |||||
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ | |||||
fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 048f4317d0f555545a68dd6b84173109 | |||||
MonoImporter: | |||||
serializedVersion: 2 | |||||
defaultReferences: [] | |||||
executionOrder: 0 | |||||
icon: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
userData: |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ | |||||
using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class P2_weapon : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
public float pushMagnitude = 500; | |||||
void Start () { | |||||
renderer.enabled = false; | |||||
} | |||||
void Update (){ | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space)) { | |||||
// show | |||||
renderer.enabled = true; | |||||
collider2D.enabled = true; | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.Space)){ | |||||
renderer.enabled = false; | |||||
collider2D.enabled = false; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D col){ | |||||
Vector2 ab = new Vector2 (0, 0); | |||||
//pushmagntiude | |||||
if (col.gameObject.name == "Cube") { | |||||
//Get a and b | |||||
Vector2 a; | |||||
Vector2 b; | |||||
a = transform.position; | |||||
b = col.transform.position; | |||||
//Calculate AB-> | |||||
ab = b - a; | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Modify to add height | |||||
ab = new Vector2 (ab.x,ab.y +0.8f); | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Normalise AB | |||||
ab.Normalize(); | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Multiple AB by push magnitude | |||||
ab = ab * pushMagnitude; | |||||
Debug.Log (ab); | |||||
//Push opponent by AB * magnitude | |||||
col.gameObject.rigidbody2D.AddForce (ab, ForceMode2D.Force); | |||||
col.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerControler>().Pushed(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// Update is called once per frame | |||||
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ | |||||
fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: f348d28f3452e574c9fe07574e3ca5ee | |||||
MonoImporter: | |||||
serializedVersion: 2 | |||||
defaultReferences: [] | |||||
executionOrder: 0 | |||||
icon: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 96897ea8068e16045a2b6b10cf1b62dd | |||||
ModelImporter: | |||||
serializedVersion: 16 | |||||
fileIDToRecycleName: | |||||
100000: pCube1 | |||||
100002: pCylinder1 | |||||
100004: //RootNode | |||||
100006: polySurface2 | |||||
100008: polySurface3 | |||||
100010: polySurface4 | |||||
100012: polySurface5 | |||||
100014: polySurface6 | |||||
100016: polySurface7 | |||||
100018: polySurface9 | |||||
100020: transform1 | |||||
100022: transform2 | |||||
100024: transform3 | |||||
100026: transform4 | |||||
100028: transform5 | |||||
100030: transform6 | |||||
100032: transform7 | |||||
100034: transform8 | |||||
400000: pCube1 | |||||
400002: pCylinder1 | |||||
400004: //RootNode | |||||
400006: polySurface2 | |||||
400008: polySurface3 | |||||
400010: polySurface4 | |||||
400012: polySurface5 | |||||
400014: polySurface6 | |||||
400016: polySurface7 | |||||
400018: polySurface9 | |||||
400020: transform1 | |||||
400022: transform2 | |||||
400024: transform3 | |||||
400026: transform4 | |||||
400028: transform5 | |||||
400030: transform6 | |||||
400032: transform7 | |||||
400034: transform8 | |||||
2300000: polySurface9 | |||||
3300000: polySurface9 | |||||
4300000: polySurface9 | |||||
9500000: //RootNode | |||||
materials: | |||||
importMaterials: 1 | |||||
materialName: 0 | |||||
materialSearch: 1 | |||||
animations: | |||||
legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 | |||||
bakeSimulation: 0 | |||||
optimizeGameObjects: 0 | |||||
motionNodeName: | |||||
animationCompression: 1 | |||||
animationRotationError: .5 | |||||
animationPositionError: .5 | |||||
animationScaleError: .5 | |||||
animationWrapMode: 0 | |||||
extraExposedTransformPaths: [] | |||||
clipAnimations: [] | |||||
isReadable: 1 | |||||
meshes: | |||||
lODScreenPercentages: [] | |||||
globalScale: .00999999978 | |||||
meshCompression: 0 | |||||
addColliders: 0 | |||||
importBlendShapes: 1 | |||||
swapUVChannels: 0 | |||||
generateSecondaryUV: 0 | |||||
useFileUnits: 1 | |||||
optimizeMeshForGPU: 1 | |||||
weldVertices: 1 | |||||
secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 | |||||
secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 | |||||
secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 | |||||
secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 | |||||
tangentSpace: | |||||
normalSmoothAngle: 60 | |||||
splitTangentsAcrossUV: 1 | |||||
normalImportMode: 0 | |||||
tangentImportMode: 1 | |||||
importAnimation: 1 | |||||
copyAvatar: 0 | |||||
humanDescription: | |||||
human: [] | |||||
skeleton: [] | |||||
armTwist: .5 | |||||
foreArmTwist: .5 | |||||
upperLegTwist: .5 | |||||
legTwist: .5 | |||||
armStretch: .0500000007 | |||||
legStretch: .0500000007 | |||||
feetSpacing: 0 | |||||
rootMotionBoneName: | |||||
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
animationType: 2 | |||||
additionalBone: 0 | |||||
userData: |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ | |||||
using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class PlayerControler : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
void Start () { | |||||
} | |||||
bool pushed = false; | |||||
public float speed; | |||||
public Vector2 jumpVector; | |||||
public GameObject bullet; | |||||
bool canJump = true; | |||||
bool facingLeft = true; | |||||
float currentSpeed; | |||||
float pushtime; | |||||
void Update() { | |||||
if (!pushed) { | |||||
Vector2 velo = rigidbody2D.velocity; | |||||
velo.x = (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal_P1") * speed); | |||||
rigidbody2D.velocity = velo; | |||||
} else { | |||||
Vector2 velo = rigidbody2D.velocity; | |||||
if (velo.x < 0.4f && Time.time > pushtime) | |||||
pushed = false; | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow)){ | |||||
if (canJump == true){ | |||||
rigidbody2D.velocity = jumpVector; | |||||
canJump = false; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("RightArrow") && facingLeft) { | |||||
transform.Rotate (Vector3.up * 180); | |||||
facingLeft = false; | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("LeftArrow") && !facingLeft) { | |||||
transform.Rotate (Vector3.up * 180); | |||||
facingLeft = true; | |||||
} | |||||
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y,0); | |||||
} | |||||
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col){ | |||||
if (col.collider.tag == "ground") | |||||
canJump = true; | |||||
else if(col.collider.tag == "Player") | |||||
canJump = true; | |||||
} | |||||
public void Pushed(){ | |||||
pushed = true; | |||||
pushtime = Time.time + 0.5f; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
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defaultReferences: [] | |||||
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icon: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
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using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class bulletScript : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
// Use this for initialization | |||||
void Start () { | |||||
} | |||||
// Update is called once per frame | |||||
void Update () { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
userData: |
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using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class camera_controls : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
public Transform target; | |||||
// Update is called once per frame | |||||
void Update () { | |||||
transform.LookAt (target); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
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100000: //RootNode | |||||
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100018: polySurface8 | |||||
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100034: transform7 | |||||
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400004: pCylinder1 | |||||
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400008: polySurface3 | |||||
400010: polySurface4 | |||||
400012: polySurface5 | |||||
400014: polySurface6 | |||||
400016: polySurface7 | |||||
400018: polySurface8 | |||||
400020: polySurface9 | |||||
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400024: transform2 | |||||
400026: transform3 | |||||
400028: transform4 | |||||
400030: transform5 | |||||
400032: transform6 | |||||
400034: transform7 | |||||
2300000: pCylinder1 | |||||
2300002: polySurface8 | |||||
2300004: polySurface9 | |||||
3300000: pCylinder1 | |||||
3300002: polySurface8 | |||||
3300004: polySurface9 | |||||
4300000: polySurface8 | |||||
4300002: polySurface9 | |||||
4300004: pCylinder1 | |||||
9500000: //RootNode | |||||
materials: | |||||
importMaterials: 1 | |||||
materialName: 0 | |||||
materialSearch: 1 | |||||
animations: | |||||
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bakeSimulation: 0 | |||||
optimizeGameObjects: 0 | |||||
motionNodeName: | |||||
animationCompression: 1 | |||||
animationRotationError: .5 | |||||
animationPositionError: .5 | |||||
animationScaleError: .5 | |||||
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isReadable: 1 | |||||
meshes: | |||||
lODScreenPercentages: [] | |||||
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tangentImportMode: 1 | |||||
importAnimation: 1 | |||||
copyAvatar: 0 | |||||
humanDescription: | |||||
human: [] | |||||
skeleton: [] | |||||
armTwist: .5 | |||||
foreArmTwist: .5 | |||||
upperLegTwist: .5 | |||||
legTwist: .5 | |||||
armStretch: .0500000007 | |||||
legStretch: .0500000007 | |||||
feetSpacing: 0 | |||||
rootMotionBoneName: | |||||
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
animationType: 2 | |||||
additionalBone: 0 | |||||
userData: |
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fileIDToRecycleName: | |||||
100000: pCube1 | |||||
100002: pCube2 | |||||
100004: //RootNode | |||||
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100008: polySurface2 | |||||
100010: polySurface3 | |||||
100012: transform1 | |||||
100014: transform2 | |||||
100016: transform3 | |||||
100018: transform4 | |||||
400000: pCube1 | |||||
400002: pCube2 | |||||
400004: //RootNode | |||||
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400008: polySurface2 | |||||
400010: polySurface3 | |||||
400012: transform1 | |||||
400014: transform2 | |||||
400016: transform3 | |||||
400018: transform4 | |||||
2300000: polySurface3 | |||||
3300000: polySurface3 | |||||
4300000: polySurface3 | |||||
9500000: //RootNode | |||||
materials: | |||||
importMaterials: 1 | |||||
materialName: 0 | |||||
materialSearch: 1 | |||||
animations: | |||||
legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 | |||||
bakeSimulation: 0 | |||||
optimizeGameObjects: 0 | |||||
motionNodeName: | |||||
animationCompression: 1 | |||||
animationRotationError: .5 | |||||
animationPositionError: .5 | |||||
animationScaleError: .5 | |||||
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clipAnimations: [] | |||||
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meshes: | |||||
lODScreenPercentages: [] | |||||
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meshCompression: 0 | |||||
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importBlendShapes: 1 | |||||
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useFileUnits: 1 | |||||
optimizeMeshForGPU: 1 | |||||
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secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 | |||||
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secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 | |||||
tangentSpace: | |||||
normalSmoothAngle: 60 | |||||
splitTangentsAcrossUV: 1 | |||||
normalImportMode: 0 | |||||
tangentImportMode: 1 | |||||
importAnimation: 1 | |||||
copyAvatar: 0 | |||||
humanDescription: | |||||
human: [] | |||||
skeleton: [] | |||||
armTwist: .5 | |||||
foreArmTwist: .5 | |||||
upperLegTwist: .5 | |||||
legTwist: .5 | |||||
armStretch: .0500000007 | |||||
legStretch: .0500000007 | |||||
feetSpacing: 0 | |||||
rootMotionBoneName: | |||||
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
animationType: 2 | |||||
additionalBone: 0 | |||||
userData: |
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TextureImporter: | |||||
fileIDToRecycleName: {} | |||||
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mipmaps: | |||||
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spriteExtrude: 1 | |||||
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spritePackingTag: | |||||
userData: |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ | |||||
using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class player2_controls : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
void Start () { | |||||
} | |||||
bool pushed = false; | |||||
public float speed; | |||||
public Vector2 jumpVector; | |||||
public GameObject bullet; | |||||
bool canJump = true; | |||||
bool facingRight = true; | |||||
float currentSpeed; | |||||
float pushtime; | |||||
void Update() { | |||||
if (!pushed) { | |||||
Vector2 velo = rigidbody2D.velocity; | |||||
velo.x = (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal_P2") * speed); | |||||
rigidbody2D.velocity = velo; | |||||
} else { | |||||
Vector2 velo = rigidbody2D.velocity; | |||||
if (velo.x < 0.4f && Time.time > pushtime) | |||||
pushed = false; | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.W)){ | |||||
if (canJump == true){ | |||||
rigidbody2D.velocity = jumpVector; | |||||
canJump = false; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("a") && facingRight) { | |||||
transform.Rotate (Vector3.up * 180); | |||||
facingRight = false; | |||||
} | |||||
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("d") && !facingRight) { | |||||
transform.Rotate (Vector3.up * 180); | |||||
facingRight = true; | |||||
} | |||||
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y,0); | |||||
} | |||||
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col){ | |||||
if (col.collider.tag == "ground") | |||||
canJump = true; | |||||
else if(col.collider.tag == "Player") | |||||
canJump = true; | |||||
} | |||||
public void Pushed(){ | |||||
pushed = true; | |||||
pushtime = Time.time + 0.5f; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ | |||||
fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: e1ccee01ee999524e8c0e99f0e5ac3d8 | |||||
MonoImporter: | |||||
serializedVersion: 2 | |||||
defaultReferences: [] | |||||
executionOrder: 0 | |||||
icon: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
userData: |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ | |||||
using UnityEngine; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
public class sc : MonoBehaviour { | |||||
Quaternion rotation; | |||||
// Use this for initialization | |||||
void Awake () { | |||||
rotation = transform.rotation; | |||||
} | |||||
// Update is called once per frame | |||||
void LateUpdate () { | |||||
transform.rotation = rotation; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ | |||||
fileFormatVersion: 2 | |||||
guid: 8664bb421145d654e8a7367a64b7ca5e | |||||
MonoImporter: | |||||
serializedVersion: 2 | |||||
defaultReferences: [] | |||||
executionOrder: 0 | |||||
icon: {instanceID: 0} | |||||
userData: |