- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- half _GerstnerIntensity;
- inline half3 PerPixelNormal(sampler2D bumpMap, half4 coords, half3 vertexNormal, half bumpStrength)
- {
- half4 bump = tex2D(bumpMap, coords.xy) + tex2D(bumpMap, coords.zw);
- bump.xy = bump.wy - half2(1.0, 1.0);
- half3 worldNormal = vertexNormal + bump.xxy * bumpStrength * half3(1,0,1);
- return normalize(worldNormal);
- }
- inline half3 PerPixelNormalUnpacked(sampler2D bumpMap, half4 coords, half bumpStrength)
- {
- half4 bump = tex2D(bumpMap, coords.xy) + tex2D(bumpMap, coords.zw);
- bump = bump * 0.5;
- half3 normal = UnpackNormal(bump);
- normal.xy *= bumpStrength;
- return normalize(normal);
- }
- inline half3 GetNormal(half4 tf) {
- return half3(2,1,2) * tf.rbg - half3(1,0,1);
- #else
- return half3(0,1,0);
- #endif
- }
- inline half GetDistanceFadeout(half screenW, half speed) {
- return 1.0f / abs(0.5f + screenW * speed);
- }
- half4 GetDisplacement3(half4 tileableUv, half4 tiling, half4 directionSpeed, sampler2D mapA, sampler2D mapB, sampler2D mapC)
- {
- half4 displacementUv = tileableUv * tiling + _Time.xxxx * directionSpeed;
- half4 tf = tex2Dlod(mapA, half4(displacementUv.xy, 0.0,0.0));
- tf += tex2Dlod(mapB, half4(displacementUv.zw, 0.0,0.0));
- tf += tex2Dlod(mapC, half4(displacementUv.xw, 0.0,0.0));
- tf *= 0.333333;
- #else
- half4 tf = half4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0);
- #endif
- return tf;
- }
- half4 GetDisplacement2(half4 tileableUv, half4 tiling, half4 directionSpeed, sampler2D mapA, sampler2D mapB)
- {
- half4 displacementUv = tileableUv * tiling + _Time.xxxx * directionSpeed;
- half4 tf = tex2Dlod(mapA, half4(displacementUv.xy, 0.0,0.0));
- tf += tex2Dlod(mapB, half4(displacementUv.zw, 0.0,0.0));
- tf *= 0.5;
- #else
- half4 tf = half4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0);
- #endif
- return tf;
- }
- inline void ComputeScreenAndGrabPassPos (float4 pos, out float4 screenPos, out float4 grabPassPos)
- {
- float scale = -1.0;
- #else
- float scale = 1.0f;
- #endif
- screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(pos);
- grabPassPos.xy = ( float2( pos.x, pos.y*scale ) + pos.w ) * 0.5;
- grabPassPos.zw = pos.zw;
- }
- inline half3 PerPixelNormalUnpacked(sampler2D bumpMap, half4 coords, half bumpStrength, half2 perVertxOffset)
- {
- half4 bump = tex2D(bumpMap, coords.xy) + tex2D(bumpMap, coords.zw);
- bump = bump * 0.5;
- half3 normal = UnpackNormal(bump);
- normal.xy *= bumpStrength;
- normal.xy += perVertxOffset;
- return normalize(normal);
- }
- inline half3 PerPixelNormalLite(sampler2D bumpMap, half4 coords, half3 vertexNormal, half bumpStrength)
- {
- half4 bump = tex2D(bumpMap, coords.xy);
- bump.xy = bump.wy - half2(0.5, 0.5);
- half3 worldNormal = vertexNormal + bump.xxy * bumpStrength * half3(1,0,1);
- return normalize(worldNormal);
- }
- inline half4 Foam(sampler2D shoreTex, half4 coords, half amount)
- {
- half4 foam = ( tex2D(shoreTex, coords.xy) * tex2D(shoreTex,coords.zw) ) - 0.125;
- foam.a = amount;
- return foam;
- }
- inline half4 Foam(sampler2D shoreTex, half4 coords)
- {
- half4 foam = (tex2D(shoreTex, coords.xy) * tex2D(shoreTex,coords.zw)) - 0.125;
- return foam;
- }
- inline half Fresnel(half3 viewVector, half3 worldNormal, half bias, half power)
- {
- half facing = clamp(1.0-max(dot(-viewVector, worldNormal), 0.0), 0.0,1.0);
- half refl2Refr = saturate(bias+(1.0-bias) * pow(facing,power));
- return refl2Refr;
- }
- inline half FresnelViaTexture(half3 viewVector, half3 worldNormal, sampler2D fresnel)
- {
- half facing = saturate(dot(-viewVector, worldNormal));
- half fresn = tex2D(fresnel, half2(facing, 0.5f)).b;
- return fresn;
- }
- inline half2 GetTileableUv(half4 vertex)
- {
- // @NOTE: use worldSpaceVertex.xz instead of ws to make it rotation independent
- half2 ws = half2(_Object2World[0][3],_Object2World[2][3]);
- half2 tileableUv = (ws + vertex.xz/unity_Scale.w);
- return tileableUv;
- }
- inline void VertexDisplacementHQ( sampler2D mapA, sampler2D mapB,
- sampler2D mapC, half4 uv,
- half vertexStrength, half3 normal,
- out half4 vertexOffset, out half2 normalOffset)
- {
- half4 tf = tex2Dlod(mapA, half4(uv.xy, 0.0,0.0));
- tf += tex2Dlod(mapB, half4(uv.zw, 0.0,0.0));
- tf += tex2Dlod(mapC, half4(uv.xw, 0.0,0.0));
- tf /= 3.0;
- tf.rga = tf.rga-half3(0.5,0.5,0.0);
- // height displacement in alpha channel, normals info in rgb
- vertexOffset = tf.a * half4(normal.xyz, 0.0) * vertexStrength;
- normalOffset = tf.rg;
- }
- inline void VertexDisplacementLQ( sampler2D mapA, sampler2D mapB,
- sampler2D mapC, half4 uv,
- half vertexStrength, half normalsStrength,
- out half4 vertexOffset, out half2 normalOffset)
- {
- // @NOTE: for best performance, this should really be properly packed!
- half4 tf = tex2Dlod(mapA, half4(uv.xy, 0.0,0.0));
- tf += tex2Dlod(mapB, half4(uv.zw, 0.0,0.0));
- tf *= 0.5;
- tf.rga = tf.rga-half3(0.5,0.5,0.0);
- // height displacement in alpha channel, normals info in rgb
- vertexOffset = tf.a * half4(0,1,0,0) * vertexStrength;
- normalOffset = tf.rg * normalsStrength;
- }
- half4 ExtinctColor (half4 baseColor, half extinctionAmount)
- {
- // tweak the extinction coefficient for different coloring
- return baseColor - extinctionAmount * half4(0.15, 0.03, 0.01, 0.0);
- }
- half3 GerstnerOffsets (half2 xzVtx, half steepness, half amp, half freq, half speed, half2 dir)
- {
- half3 offsets;
- offsets.x =
- steepness * amp * dir.x *
- cos( freq * dot( dir, xzVtx ) + speed * _Time.x);
- offsets.z =
- steepness * amp * dir.y *
- cos( freq * dot( dir, xzVtx ) + speed * _Time.x);
- offsets.y =
- amp * sin ( freq * dot( dir, xzVtx ) + speed * _Time.x);
- return offsets;
- }
- half3 GerstnerOffset4 (half2 xzVtx, half4 steepness, half4 amp, half4 freq, half4 speed, half4 dirAB, half4 dirCD)
- {
- half3 offsets;
- half4 AB = steepness.xxyy * amp.xxyy * dirAB.xyzw;
- half4 CD = steepness.zzww * amp.zzww * dirCD.xyzw;
- half4 dotABCD = freq.xyzw * half4(dot(dirAB.xy, xzVtx), dot(dirAB.zw, xzVtx), dot(dirCD.xy, xzVtx), dot(dirCD.zw, xzVtx));
- half4 TIME = _Time.yyyy * speed;
- half4 COS = cos (dotABCD + TIME);
- half4 SIN = sin (dotABCD + TIME);
- offsets.x = dot(COS, half4(AB.xz, CD.xz));
- offsets.z = dot(COS, half4(AB.yw, CD.yw));
- offsets.y = dot(SIN, amp);
- return offsets;
- }
- half3 GerstnerNormal (half2 xzVtx, half steepness, half amp, half freq, half speed, half2 dir)
- {
- half3 nrml = half3(0,0,0);
- nrml.x -=
- dir.x * (amp * freq) *
- cos(freq * dot( dir, xzVtx ) + speed * _Time.x);
- nrml.z -=
- dir.y * (amp * freq) *
- cos(freq * dot( dir, xzVtx ) + speed * _Time.x);
- return nrml;
- }
- half3 GerstnerNormal4 (half2 xzVtx, half4 amp, half4 freq, half4 speed, half4 dirAB, half4 dirCD)
- {
- half3 nrml = half3(0,2.0,0);
- half4 AB = freq.xxyy * amp.xxyy * dirAB.xyzw;
- half4 CD = freq.zzww * amp.zzww * dirCD.xyzw;
- half4 dotABCD = freq.xyzw * half4(dot(dirAB.xy, xzVtx), dot(dirAB.zw, xzVtx), dot(dirCD.xy, xzVtx), dot(dirCD.zw, xzVtx));
- half4 TIME = _Time.yyyy * speed;
- half4 COS = cos (dotABCD + TIME);
- nrml.x -= dot(COS, half4(AB.xz, CD.xz));
- nrml.z -= dot(COS, half4(AB.yw, CD.yw));
- nrml.xz *= _GerstnerIntensity;
- nrml = normalize (nrml);
- return nrml;
- }
- void Gerstner ( out half3 offs, out half3 nrml,
- half3 vtx, half3 tileableVtx,
- half4 amplitude, half4 frequency, half4 steepness,
- half4 speed, half4 directionAB, half4 directionCD )
- {
- offs = GerstnerOffset4(tileableVtx.xz, steepness, amplitude, frequency, speed, directionAB, directionCD);
- nrml = GerstnerNormal4(tileableVtx.xz + offs.xz, amplitude, frequency, speed, directionAB, directionCD);
- #else
- offs = half3(0,0,0);
- nrml = half3(0,1,0);
- #endif
- }
- #endif