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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace ProGrids
* A substitute for GUIContent that offers some additional functionality.
public class pg_ToggleContent
public string text_on, text_off;
public Texture2D image_on, image_off;
public string tooltip;
GUIContent gc = new GUIContent();
public pg_ToggleContent(string t_on, string t_off, string tooltip)
this.text_on = t_on;
this.text_off = t_off;
this.image_on = (Texture2D)null;
this.image_off = (Texture2D)null;
this.tooltip = tooltip;
gc.tooltip = tooltip;
public pg_ToggleContent(string t_on, string t_off, Texture2D i_on, Texture2D i_off, string tooltip)
this.text_on = t_on;
this.text_off = t_off;
this.image_on = i_on;
this.image_off = i_off;
this.tooltip = tooltip;
gc.tooltip = tooltip;
public static bool ToggleButton(Rect r, pg_ToggleContent content, bool enabled, GUIStyle imageStyle, GUIStyle altStyle)
content.gc.image = enabled ? content.image_on : content.image_off;
content.gc.text = content.gc.image == null ? (enabled ? content.text_on : content.text_off) : "";
return GUI.Button(r, content.gc, content.gc.image != null ? imageStyle : altStyle);