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#include "ColorGrading.cginc"
// Grain
half2 _Grain_Params1; // x: lum_contrib, y: intensity
half4 _Grain_Params2; // x: xscale, h: yscale, z: xoffset, w: yoffset
sampler2D _GrainTex;
// Dithering
sampler2D _DitheringTex;
float4 _DitheringCoords;
float3 UberSecondPass(half3 color, float2 uv)
// Grain
float3 grain = tex2D(_GrainTex, uv * _Grain_Params2.xy +;
// Noisiness response curve based on scene luminance
float lum = 1.0 - sqrt(AcesLuminance(color));
lum = lerp(1.0, lum, _Grain_Params1.x);
color += color * grain * _Grain_Params1.y * lum;
// Blue noise dithering
// Symmetric triangular distribution on [-1,1] with maximal density at 0
float noise = tex2D(_DitheringTex, uv * _DitheringCoords.xy + * 2.0 - 1.0;
noise = sign(noise) * (1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - abs(noise))) / 255.0;
color += noise;
return color;