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#include "UnityCG.cginc"
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> _Vectorscope;
Texture2D<float4> _Source;
uint _IsLinear;
float4 _Res;
#define GROUP_SIZE 32
float3 RgbToYUV(float3 c)
float Y = 0.299 * c.r + 0.587 * c.g + 0.114 * c.b;
float U = -0.169 * c.r - 0.331 * c.g + 0.500 * c.b;
float V = 0.500 * c.r - 0.419 * c.g - 0.081 * c.b;
return float3(Y, U, V);
#pragma kernel KVectorscope
void KVectorscope(uint2 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)
if (dispatchThreadId.x < (uint)_Res.x && dispatchThreadId.y < (uint)_Res.y)
float3 color = saturate(_Source[dispatchThreadId].xyz);
if (_IsLinear > 0)
color = LinearToGammaSpace(color);
float3 yuv = RgbToYUV(color);
if (length(yuv.yz) > 0.49)
yuv.yz = normalize(yuv.yz) * 0.49;
yuv.yz += (0.5).xx;
uint u = (uint)floor(yuv.y * _Res.x);
uint v = (uint)floor(yuv.z * _Res.y);
InterlockedAdd(_Vectorscope[v * _Res.x + u], 1);
#pragma kernel KVectorscopeClear
void KVectorscopeClear(uint2 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)
if (dispatchThreadId.x < (uint)_Res.x && dispatchThreadId.y < (uint)_Res.y)
_Vectorscope[dispatchThreadId.y * _Res.x + dispatchThreadId.x] = 0u;