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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class Character : MonoBehaviour
public string nextScene;
#region Inspector Fields
[Tooltip ("Will move to this block at start, else will try and find a block below")]
private Block CurrentBlock;
[Tooltip ("Layers to ignore when checking for blocks")]
private LayerMask Ignore;
#endregion Inspector Fields
#region Unity Functions
private void Awake ()
//If no starting block find one below it
if (CurrentBlock == null)
Block.isBlockAtPosition (transform.position + Vector3.down / 2, 1, ~Ignore, out CurrentBlock);
//move to starting block
transform.position = CurrentBlock.VisualPosition;
#endregion Unity Functions
#region Class Implementation
/// <summary>
/// Moves one block in specefied direction, Can walk off obstacles
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">direction to walk</param>
/// <remarks>Technically is same as JumpLong(1) but kept seperate to avoid confusion</remarks>
public void Move (Direction direction)
//setting up variables
Vector3 position = CurrentBlock.position + direction.ToVector (transform); // position wanted
Block hit; //output of block detection
Block moveTo = CurrentBlock; //block we'll actually move to
//if move is obstucted no where to move
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position + Vector3.up, 1, ~Ignore))
//If block at Position is walkable set it to moveTo
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position, 1, ~Ignore, out hit) && hit.isWalkable (~Ignore))
moveTo = hit;
//else if block down one is walkable
else if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position + Vector3.down, 1, ~Ignore, out hit) && hit.isWalkable (~Ignore))
moveTo = hit;
//set current block && move
CurrentBlock = moveTo;
transform.position = CurrentBlock.VisualPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Upon collision with a floating block, collect its
/// Upon collision with the end portal, end of level
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other">name of collided object</param>
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "New Block") {
other.gameObject.SetActive (false);
Debug.Log ("You picked up the new coding block " + + "!");
if ( == "End Portal") {
other.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
Debug.Log ("You finished this level!");
/// <summary>
/// Rotates to point in specific direction based on current direction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">Local direction to point</param>
public void Rotate (Direction direction)
transform.forward = direction.ToVector (transform);
/// <summary>
/// Jumps in specefied direction, picks between Long Jump and Jumping up
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">Direction to Jump</param>
public void Jump (Direction direction)
//if there is a block infront JumpUp else LongJump
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (CurrentBlock.position + direction.ToVector (transform) + Vector3.up, 1, ~Ignore))
JumpUp (direction);
JumpLong (direction);
#endregion Class Implementation
#region Private Functions
/// <summary>
/// Jumps up obstacle of specific height. Jumps as high as possible
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">Direction of obstacle</param>
/// <param name="height">max height</param>
private void JumpUp (Direction direction, int height = 1)
//setting up variables
Vector3 position; // position wanted
Block hit; //output of block detection
Block moveTo = CurrentBlock; //block we'll actually move to
//Check blocks in going up then move to the heighest walkable one
for (int i = 0; i <= height; i++) {
//next position up the tower
position = CurrentBlock.position + direction.ToVector (transform) + (Vector3.up * i);
//if block is walkable set it to last known position
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position, 1, ~Ignore, out hit) && hit.isWalkable (~Ignore))
moveTo = hit;
//set current block && move
CurrentBlock = moveTo;
transform.position = CurrentBlock.VisualPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Long jumps forward a specified distance. Can Jump gaps. Stops at obstruction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">Direction to Jump</param>
/// <param name="Distance">Max distance</param>
private void JumpLong (Direction direction, int Distance = 2)
//setting up variables
Vector3 position; // position wanted
Block hit; //output of block detection
Block moveTo = CurrentBlock; //block we'll actually move to
//Check blocks in front until we hit an obstruction or went the distance
for (int i = 1; i <= Distance; i++) {
//Next position to MoveTo
position = CurrentBlock.position + (direction.ToVector (transform) * i);
//if jump is obstructed, stop and go to last known block
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position + Vector3.up, 1, ~Ignore))
//If block at Position is walkable set it to last known position
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position, 1, ~Ignore, out hit) && hit.isWalkable (~Ignore))
moveTo = hit;
//else if block down one is walkable
else if (Block.isBlockAtPosition (position + Vector3.down, 1, ~Ignore, out hit) && hit.isWalkable (~Ignore))
moveTo = hit;
}//end for
//Set Current Block and move
CurrentBlock = moveTo;
transform.position = CurrentBlock.VisualPosition;
#endregion Private Functions