using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ChestDemo : MonoBehaviour { //This script goes on the ChestComplete prefab; public Animator chestAnim; //Animator for the chest; // Use this for initialization void Awake () { //get the Animator component from the chest; chestAnim = GetComponent(); //start opening and closing the chest for demo purposes; StartCoroutine(OpenCloseChest()); } IEnumerator OpenCloseChest() { //play open animation; chestAnim.SetTrigger("open"); //wait 2 seconds; yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); //play close animation; chestAnim.SetTrigger("close"); //wait 2 seconds; yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); //Do it again; StartCoroutine(OpenCloseChest()); } }