-- ProGrids 2.5.0f0 - # Features - Single key shortcuts now configurable via preferences. # Bug Fixes - Don't prevent compiling to Windows Store target. - Single key shortcuts no long beep on Mac. - Fix null reference error if GameObject has a null component. -- ProGrids 2.4.1f0 - # Bug Fixes - Prevent About Window from opening other tool changelogs. -- ProGrids 2.4.0f0 - # Features - Add `pg_IgnoreSnapAttribute` and `ProGridsConditionalSnapAttribute` to disable or conditionally disable snapping on objects. - Increase accessible grid multiplier range. # Bug Fixes - Fix sRGB import settings on icons. - Prevert overflow when increasing grid multiplier. -- ProGrids 2.3.0f0 - # Features - Add option to set major line increment. - Automatically hide and show the Unity grid when opening / closing ProGrids. # Bug Fixes - Fix bug where ProGrids could fail to find icons when root folder is moved. - Fix bug where ProGrids would not remember it's state between Unity sessions. # Changes - Slightly increase opacity of default grid colors. -- ProGrids 2.2.7f0 - # Bug Fixes - Fix cases where `Snap on Selected Axes` would sometimes be unset. -- ProGrids 2.2.6f0 - # Bug Fixes - Fix warnings in Unity 5.4 regarding API use during serialization. -- ProGrids 2.2.5f0 - # Bug Fixes - Fix an issue where ProGrids would not stay open across Unity restarts. -- ProGrids 2.2.4f0 - # Bug Fixes - Fix issue where adjusting grid offset would not repaint grid. - Attempt to load GUI resources on deserialization, possibly addressing issues with menu icons not loading. -- ProGrids 2.2.3f0 - # Bug Fixes - If icons aren't found, search the project for matching images (allows user to rename or move ProGrids folder). - Make menu usable even if icons aren't found in project. - Fix bug where grid would fail to render on Mac. - Improve performance of grid rendering and increase draw distance. -- ProGrids 2.2.2f0 - # Bug Fixes - Fix possible leak in pg_GridRenderer. - Fix 10th line highlight being lost on script reload. - Remember open/closed state between Unity loads. - Fix bug where multiple ProGrids instances could potentially be instantiated. -- ProGrids 2.2.1f0 - # Features - New interface jettisons bulky Editor Window in favor of a minimal dropdown in the active sceneview. - New "Predictive Grid" option will automatically change the grid plane to best match the current movement. - Add option to snap all selected objects independently of on another (toggle off "Snap as Group"). # Bug Fixes - Improve support for multiple open scene view windows. - Respect local rotation when calculating snap value. -- ProGrids 2.1.7f0 - # Features - Add preference to enabled snapping scale values. -- ProGrids 2.1.6p2 - # Features - Unity 5 compatibility. # Patch 1 - Add documentation PDF. # Patch 2 - Fix Upgradable API warning. - Fix version marking in About. -- ProGrids 2.1.5 - # Bug Fixes - Fix crash on OSX in Unity 5. - Remember grid position when closing and re-opening ProGrids. - Grid lines no longer render on top of geometry in Deferred Rendering. - Improve performance of Editor when rendering perspective grids. -- ProGrids 2.1.4 - # Bug Fixes - Remember On/Off state when closing window. - ProBuilder now respects temporary snapping disable toggle. - ProBuilder now respects temporary axis constraint toggles. - Snap value resolution now retained when using -/+ keys to increase or decrease size. # Changes - Remove deprecated SixBySeven.dll. - Remove unused font from Resources folder. -- ProGrids 2.1.3 - # Bug Fixes - Catch instance where GridRenderer would not detect Deferred Rendering path, causing grid to appear black and spotty. - Remember grid show/hide preferences across Unity launches. -- ProGrids 2.1.2 - # Bug Fixes - Fix missing grid when using Deferred Rendering path. - Fix conflicting shortcut for toggle axis constraints. -- ProGrids 2.1.1 - # Features - New perspective plane grids. - New perspective 3d grid. - Redesigned interface - New `[` and `]` shortcuts decrease and increase grid resolution. - New `-` and `+` shortcuts move 3d plane grid forwards and backwards along axis. - New `\` shortcut key to toggle between orthographic axis and perspective modes. - Improve orthographic grid rendering performance. - Highlight every 10th line. - New preference toggles use of Axis Constraints while dragging objects (use 'C' key to invert preference on the fly). - Shiny new About window. # Bug Fixes - Update grid in real time while modifying preferences. - Catch a rare divide by zero exception on Unity 3. # Changes - Move ProGrids from 6by7 folder to ProCore. - Use new `ProCore.dll` library instead of `SixBySeven.dll`.