using System; namespace UnityEngine.PostProcessing { [Serializable] public class MotionBlurModel : PostProcessingModel { [Serializable] public struct Settings { [Range(0f, 360f), Tooltip("The angle of rotary shutter. Larger values give longer exposure.")] public float shutterAngle; [Range(4, 32), Tooltip("The amount of sample points, which affects quality and performances.")] public int sampleCount; [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("The strength of multiple frame blending. The opacity of preceding frames are determined from this coefficient and time differences.")] public float frameBlending; public static Settings defaultSettings { get { return new Settings { shutterAngle = 270f, sampleCount = 10, frameBlending = 0f }; } } } [SerializeField] Settings m_Settings = Settings.defaultSettings; public Settings settings { get { return m_Settings; } set { m_Settings = value; } } public override void Reset() { m_Settings = Settings.defaultSettings; } } }