using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// Base class all logic blocks are derived from
public abstract class LogicBlock : ScriptableObject
#region Inspector Fields
[Header("Base Settings")]
[Tooltip("Wait until this block is resolved before moving to next")]
protected bool WaitUntilFinished = false;
[Tooltip("Amount of times to run this Block before moving to next")]
protected int RepeatAmount = 1;
#endregion Inspector Fields
#region private variables
/// Amount of times this block has run
protected int RepeatCount = 0;
#endregion private variables
#region Class Functions
/// Runs the block
/// returns true if block is finished
public virtual bool Run()
return (RepeatCount == RepeatAmount);
/// Returns the amount of space this logic block takes up
/// Int which controlls how much space this takes up
public virtual int Size()
return 1;
/// Where derived callses should implement the logic for their classes
/// returns true if block is finished
protected abstract void BlockLogic();
#endregion Class Functions