Global Game Jam 2023
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
458 B

2 years ago
  1. fileFormatVersion: 2
  2. guid: 149ad5cadb53dd44fbbd738e048286c4
  3. AudioImporter:
  4. externalObjects: {}
  5. serializedVersion: 6
  6. defaultSettings:
  7. loadType: 0
  8. sampleRateSetting: 0
  9. sampleRateOverride: 44100
  10. compressionFormat: 1
  11. quality: 1
  12. conversionMode: 0
  13. platformSettingOverrides: {}
  14. forceToMono: 0
  15. normalize: 1
  16. preloadAudioData: 1
  17. loadInBackground: 0
  18. ambisonic: 0
  19. 3D: 1
  20. userData:
  21. assetBundleName:
  22. assetBundleVariant: