using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using System; namespace TMPro { public class TMP_TextEventHandler : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler { [Serializable] public class CharacterSelectionEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class SpriteSelectionEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class WordSelectionEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class LineSelectionEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class LinkSelectionEvent : UnityEvent { } /// /// Event delegate triggered when pointer is over a character. /// public CharacterSelectionEvent onCharacterSelection { get { return m_OnCharacterSelection; } set { m_OnCharacterSelection = value; } } [SerializeField] private CharacterSelectionEvent m_OnCharacterSelection = new CharacterSelectionEvent(); /// /// Event delegate triggered when pointer is over a sprite. /// public SpriteSelectionEvent onSpriteSelection { get { return m_OnSpriteSelection; } set { m_OnSpriteSelection = value; } } [SerializeField] private SpriteSelectionEvent m_OnSpriteSelection = new SpriteSelectionEvent(); /// /// Event delegate triggered when pointer is over a word. /// public WordSelectionEvent onWordSelection { get { return m_OnWordSelection; } set { m_OnWordSelection = value; } } [SerializeField] private WordSelectionEvent m_OnWordSelection = new WordSelectionEvent(); /// /// Event delegate triggered when pointer is over a line. /// public LineSelectionEvent onLineSelection { get { return m_OnLineSelection; } set { m_OnLineSelection = value; } } [SerializeField] private LineSelectionEvent m_OnLineSelection = new LineSelectionEvent(); /// /// Event delegate triggered when pointer is over a link. /// public LinkSelectionEvent onLinkSelection { get { return m_OnLinkSelection; } set { m_OnLinkSelection = value; } } [SerializeField] private LinkSelectionEvent m_OnLinkSelection = new LinkSelectionEvent(); private TMP_Text m_TextComponent; private Camera m_Camera; private Canvas m_Canvas; private int m_selectedLink = -1; private int m_lastCharIndex = -1; private int m_lastWordIndex = -1; private int m_lastLineIndex = -1; void Awake() { // Get a reference to the text component. m_TextComponent = gameObject.GetComponent(); // Get a reference to the camera rendering the text taking into consideration the text component type. if (m_TextComponent.GetType() == typeof(TextMeshProUGUI)) { m_Canvas = gameObject.GetComponentInParent(); if (m_Canvas != null) { if (m_Canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) m_Camera = null; else m_Camera = m_Canvas.worldCamera; } } else { m_Camera = Camera.main; } } void LateUpdate() { if (TMP_TextUtilities.IsIntersectingRectTransform(m_TextComponent.rectTransform, Input.mousePosition, m_Camera)) { #region Example of Character or Sprite Selection int charIndex = TMP_TextUtilities.FindIntersectingCharacter(m_TextComponent, Input.mousePosition, m_Camera, true); if (charIndex != -1 && charIndex != m_lastCharIndex) { m_lastCharIndex = charIndex; TMP_TextElementType elementType = m_TextComponent.textInfo.characterInfo[charIndex].elementType; // Send event to any event listeners depending on whether it is a character or sprite. if (elementType == TMP_TextElementType.Character) SendOnCharacterSelection(m_TextComponent.textInfo.characterInfo[charIndex].character, charIndex); else if (elementType == TMP_TextElementType.Sprite) SendOnSpriteSelection(m_TextComponent.textInfo.characterInfo[charIndex].character, charIndex); } #endregion #region Example of Word Selection // Check if Mouse intersects any words and if so assign a random color to that word. int wordIndex = TMP_TextUtilities.FindIntersectingWord(m_TextComponent, Input.mousePosition, m_Camera); if (wordIndex != -1 && wordIndex != m_lastWordIndex) { m_lastWordIndex = wordIndex; // Get the information about the selected word. TMP_WordInfo wInfo = m_TextComponent.textInfo.wordInfo[wordIndex]; // Send the event to any listeners. SendOnWordSelection(wInfo.GetWord(), wInfo.firstCharacterIndex, wInfo.characterCount); } #endregion #region Example of Line Selection // Check if Mouse intersects any words and if so assign a random color to that word. int lineIndex = TMP_TextUtilities.FindIntersectingLine(m_TextComponent, Input.mousePosition, m_Camera); if (lineIndex != -1 && lineIndex != m_lastLineIndex) { m_lastLineIndex = lineIndex; // Get the information about the selected word. TMP_LineInfo lineInfo = m_TextComponent.textInfo.lineInfo[lineIndex]; // Send the event to any listeners. char[] buffer = new char[lineInfo.characterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lineInfo.characterCount && i < m_TextComponent.textInfo.characterInfo.Length; i++) { buffer[i] = m_TextComponent.textInfo.characterInfo[i + lineInfo.firstCharacterIndex].character; } string lineText = new string(buffer); SendOnLineSelection(lineText, lineInfo.firstCharacterIndex, lineInfo.characterCount); } #endregion #region Example of Link Handling // Check if mouse intersects with any links. int linkIndex = TMP_TextUtilities.FindIntersectingLink(m_TextComponent, Input.mousePosition, m_Camera); // Handle new Link selection. if (linkIndex != -1 && linkIndex != m_selectedLink) { m_selectedLink = linkIndex; // Get information about the link. TMP_LinkInfo linkInfo = m_TextComponent.textInfo.linkInfo[linkIndex]; // Send the event to any listeners. SendOnLinkSelection(linkInfo.GetLinkID(), linkInfo.GetLinkText(), linkIndex); } #endregion } else { // Reset all selections given we are hovering outside the text container bounds. m_selectedLink = -1; m_lastCharIndex = -1; m_lastWordIndex = -1; m_lastLineIndex = -1; } } public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { //Debug.Log("OnPointerEnter()"); } public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { //Debug.Log("OnPointerExit()"); } private void SendOnCharacterSelection(char character, int characterIndex) { if (onCharacterSelection != null) onCharacterSelection.Invoke(character, characterIndex); } private void SendOnSpriteSelection(char character, int characterIndex) { if (onSpriteSelection != null) onSpriteSelection.Invoke(character, characterIndex); } private void SendOnWordSelection(string word, int charIndex, int length) { if (onWordSelection != null) onWordSelection.Invoke(word, charIndex, length); } private void SendOnLineSelection(string line, int charIndex, int length) { if (onLineSelection != null) onLineSelection.Invoke(line, charIndex, length); } private void SendOnLinkSelection(string linkID, string linkText, int linkIndex) { if (onLinkSelection != null) onLinkSelection.Invoke(linkID, linkText, linkIndex); } } }