Global Game Jam 2021
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
2.8 KiB

  1. // UI Editable properties
  2. uniform sampler2D _FaceTex; // Alpha : Signed Distance
  3. uniform float _FaceUVSpeedX;
  4. uniform float _FaceUVSpeedY;
  5. uniform fixed4 _FaceColor; // RGBA : Color + Opacity
  6. uniform float _FaceDilate; // v[ 0, 1]
  7. uniform float _OutlineSoftness; // v[ 0, 1]
  8. uniform sampler2D _OutlineTex; // RGBA : Color + Opacity
  9. uniform float _OutlineUVSpeedX;
  10. uniform float _OutlineUVSpeedY;
  11. uniform fixed4 _OutlineColor; // RGBA : Color + Opacity
  12. uniform float _OutlineWidth; // v[ 0, 1]
  13. uniform float _Bevel; // v[ 0, 1]
  14. uniform float _BevelOffset; // v[-1, 1]
  15. uniform float _BevelWidth; // v[-1, 1]
  16. uniform float _BevelClamp; // v[ 0, 1]
  17. uniform float _BevelRoundness; // v[ 0, 1]
  18. uniform sampler2D _BumpMap; // Normal map
  19. uniform float _BumpOutline; // v[ 0, 1]
  20. uniform float _BumpFace; // v[ 0, 1]
  21. uniform samplerCUBE _Cube; // Cube / sphere map
  22. uniform fixed4 _ReflectFaceColor; // RGB intensity
  23. uniform fixed4 _ReflectOutlineColor;
  24. //uniform float _EnvTiltX; // v[-1, 1]
  25. //uniform float _EnvTiltY; // v[-1, 1]
  26. uniform float3 _EnvMatrixRotation;
  27. uniform float4x4 _EnvMatrix;
  28. uniform fixed4 _SpecularColor; // RGB intensity
  29. uniform float _LightAngle; // v[ 0,Tau]
  30. uniform float _SpecularPower; // v[ 0, 1]
  31. uniform float _Reflectivity; // v[ 5, 15]
  32. uniform float _Diffuse; // v[ 0, 1]
  33. uniform float _Ambient; // v[ 0, 1]
  34. uniform fixed4 _UnderlayColor; // RGBA : Color + Opacity
  35. uniform float _UnderlayOffsetX; // v[-1, 1]
  36. uniform float _UnderlayOffsetY; // v[-1, 1]
  37. uniform float _UnderlayDilate; // v[-1, 1]
  38. uniform float _UnderlaySoftness; // v[ 0, 1]
  39. uniform fixed4 _GlowColor; // RGBA : Color + Intesity
  40. uniform float _GlowOffset; // v[-1, 1]
  41. uniform float _GlowOuter; // v[ 0, 1]
  42. uniform float _GlowInner; // v[ 0, 1]
  43. uniform float _GlowPower; // v[ 1, 1/(1+4*4)]
  44. // API Editable properties
  45. uniform float _ShaderFlags;
  46. uniform float _WeightNormal;
  47. uniform float _WeightBold;
  48. uniform float _ScaleRatioA;
  49. uniform float _ScaleRatioB;
  50. uniform float _ScaleRatioC;
  51. uniform float _VertexOffsetX;
  52. uniform float _VertexOffsetY;
  53. //uniform float _UseClipRect;
  54. uniform float _MaskID;
  55. uniform sampler2D _MaskTex;
  56. uniform float4 _MaskCoord;
  57. uniform float4 _ClipRect; // bottom left(x,y) : top right(z,w)
  58. //uniform float _MaskWipeControl;
  59. //uniform float _MaskEdgeSoftness;
  60. //uniform fixed4 _MaskEdgeColor;
  61. //uniform bool _MaskInverse;
  62. uniform float _MaskSoftnessX;
  63. uniform float _MaskSoftnessY;
  64. // Font Atlas properties
  65. uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
  66. uniform float _TextureWidth;
  67. uniform float _TextureHeight;
  68. uniform float _GradientScale;
  69. uniform float _ScaleX;
  70. uniform float _ScaleY;
  71. uniform float _PerspectiveFilter;
  72. uniform float _Sharpness;