using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Random = System.Random; public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { public float walkSpeed; public float gravity; public GameObject model; public CharacterController cController; public Camera cam; public HerdController herd; public float speedMulitplier; private float randomizer; private float directionRandmoizer; private Vector2 receivedInput; public Vector3 moveDirection =; private float moveDelta; private float lastMoveTime; private bool isRagdoll = false; public bool isGrounded { get { return (cController != null) ? cController.isGrounded : false; } } // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { speedMulitplier = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f); cController = GetComponent(); randomizer = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10); cam = FindObjectOfType(); herd = FindObjectOfType(); } public void SetMovement(Vector2 input) { receivedInput = input; } public void UpdatePosition() { moveDelta = Time.time - lastMoveTime; lastMoveTime = Time.time; float HorseX, HorseZ; HorseZ = receivedInput.y; HorseX = receivedInput.x; if (receivedInput.magnitude != 0) { if (Mathf.Abs(HorseZ) == Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(HorseZ), Mathf.Abs(HorseX))) { HorseZ += directionRandmoizer; } else { HorseX += directionRandmoizer; } } if (cController.isGrounded) { if (!isRagdoll) { moveDirection =; moveDirection += new Vector3(HorseX, 0, HorseZ) * (walkSpeed * (1 + speedMulitplier)); } } moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; cController.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime); if (cController.isGrounded) isRagdoll = false; } public float RotateObject(float xInput, float zInput) { float to = model.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; //Debug.Log(to); if (receivedInput.x != 0 || receivedInput.y != 0) { if (zInput > 0 && xInput == 0) to = 0; else if (zInput < 0 && xInput == 0) to = 180; else if (zInput == 0 && xInput > 0) to = 90; else if (zInput == 0 && xInput < 0) to = 270; else if (zInput > 0 && xInput > 0) to = 45; else if (zInput < 0 && xInput > 0) to = 135; else if (zInput < 0 && xInput < 0) to = 225; else if (zInput > 0 && xInput < 0) to = 315; } return to; } public void MoveObject(float wait) { StartCoroutine(RandomWait(wait)); } public IEnumerator RandomWait(float wait) { Vector3 input = receivedInput; yield return new WaitForSeconds(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, wait / 2)); if (cController.isGrounded) { Vector3 rotateDir = new Vector3(90 * Math.Sign(input.y), 0, -90 * Math.Sign(input.x)); model.transform.Rotate(rotateDir, Space.World); } } public void DestroyOffCamera() { Vector3 viewPos = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(transform.position); if (viewPos.y < -0.1) herd.RemoveHorse(this); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { speedMulitplier = ((Mathf.Sin(Time.time * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.95f, 1.05f) + randomizer) + 2) * 0.25f); directionRandmoizer = Mathf.Cos(Time.time + randomizer / 2) * 0.0f; UpdatePosition(); DestroyOffCamera(); } public void AddForce(Vector3 direction) { moveDirection += direction; isRagdoll = true; } }