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#if UNITY_2017
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class SubMeshFix {
private class Vertices {
List<Vector3> verts = null;
List<Vector2> uv1 = null;
List<Vector2> uv2 = null;
List<Vector2> uv3 = null;
List<Vector2> uv4 = null;
List<Vector3> normals = null;
List<Vector4> tangents = null;
List<Color32> colors = null;
List<BoneWeight> boneWeights = null;
public Vertices() {
verts = new List<Vector3>();
public Vertices(Mesh aMesh) {
verts = CreateList(aMesh.vertices);
uv1 = CreateList(aMesh.uv);
uv2 = CreateList(aMesh.uv2);
uv3 = CreateList(aMesh.uv3);
uv4 = CreateList(aMesh.uv4);
normals = CreateList(aMesh.normals);
tangents = CreateList(aMesh.tangents);
colors = CreateList(aMesh.colors32);
boneWeights = CreateList(aMesh.boneWeights);
private List<T> CreateList<T>(T[] aSource) {
if (aSource == null || aSource.Length == 0)
return null;
return new List<T>(aSource);
private void Copy<T>(ref List<T> aDest, List<T> aSource, int aIndex) {
if (aSource == null)
if (aDest == null)
aDest = new List<T>();
public int Add(Vertices aOther, int aIndex) {
int i = verts.Count;
Copy(ref verts, aOther.verts, aIndex);
Copy(ref uv1, aOther.uv1, aIndex);
Copy(ref uv2, aOther.uv2, aIndex);
Copy(ref uv3, aOther.uv3, aIndex);
Copy(ref uv4, aOther.uv4, aIndex);
Copy(ref normals, aOther.normals, aIndex);
Copy(ref tangents, aOther.tangents, aIndex);
Copy(ref colors, aOther.colors, aIndex);
Copy(ref boneWeights, aOther.boneWeights, aIndex);
return i;
public void AssignTo(Mesh aTarget) {
if (uv1 != null) aTarget.SetUVs(0, uv1);
if (uv2 != null) aTarget.SetUVs(1, uv2);
if (uv3 != null) aTarget.SetUVs(2, uv3);
if (uv4 != null) aTarget.SetUVs(3, uv4);
if (normals != null) aTarget.SetNormals(normals);
if (tangents != null) aTarget.SetTangents(tangents);
if (colors != null) aTarget.SetColors(colors);
if (boneWeights != null) aTarget.boneWeights = boneWeights.ToArray();
public static Mesh GetSubmesh(this Mesh aMesh, int aSubMeshIndex) {
if (aSubMeshIndex < 0 || aSubMeshIndex >= aMesh.subMeshCount)
return null;
int[] indices = aMesh.GetTriangles(aSubMeshIndex);
Vertices source = new Vertices(aMesh);
Vertices dest = new Vertices();
Dictionary<int, int> map = new Dictionary<int, int>();
int[] newIndices = new int[indices.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++) {
int o = indices[i];
int n;
if (!map.TryGetValue(o, out n)) {
n = dest.Add(source, o);
map.Add(o, n);
newIndices[i] = n;
Mesh m = new Mesh();
m.triangles = newIndices;
return m;