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Shader "Hidden/TFHCFlipBookUVAnimation"
_A ("_UV", 2D) = "white" {}
_B ("_Columns", 2D) = "white" {}
_C ("_Rows", 2D) = "white" {}
_D ("_Speed", 2D) = "white" {}
_E ("_StartFrame", 2D) = "white" {}
_F ("_Speed", 2D) = "white" {}
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#pragma vertex vert_img
#pragma fragment frag
sampler2D _A;
sampler2D _B;
sampler2D _C;
sampler2D _D;
sampler2D _E;
sampler2D _F;
float _EditorTime;
//Time port disconnected
float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target
float2 uv = tex2D( _A, i.uv ).rg;
float col = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r;
float row = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r;
float spd = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r;
float str = tex2D( _E, i.uv ).r;
float fbtotaltiles = col * row;
float fbcolsoffset = 1.0f / col;
float fbrowsoffset = 1.0f / row;
float fbspeed = _EditorTime * spd;
float2 fbtiling = float2(fbcolsoffset, fbrowsoffset);
float fbcurrenttileindex = round( fmod( fbspeed + str, fbtotaltiles) );
fbcurrenttileindex += ( fbcurrenttileindex < 0) ? fbtotaltiles : 0;
float fblinearindextox = round ( fmod ( fbcurrenttileindex, col ) );
float fboffsetx = fblinearindextox * fbcolsoffset;
float fblinearindextoy = round( fmod( ( fbcurrenttileindex - fblinearindextox ) / col, row ) );
fblinearindextoy = (int)(row-1) - fblinearindextoy;
float fboffsety = fblinearindextoy * fbrowsoffset;
float2 fboffset = float2(fboffsetx, fboffsety);
float2 fbuv = float4( uv, 0.0 , 0.0 ) * fbtiling + fboffset;
return float4(fbuv, 0 , 0);
//Time port connected
float4 frag(v2f_img i) : SV_Target
float2 uv = tex2D( _A, i.uv ).rg;
float col = tex2D( _B, i.uv ).r;
float row = tex2D( _C, i.uv ).r;
float spd = tex2D( _D, i.uv ).r;
float str = tex2D( _E, i.uv ).r;
float time = tex2D( _F, i.uv ).r;
float fbtotaltiles = col * row;
float fbcolsoffset = 1.0f / col;
float fbrowsoffset = 1.0f / row;
float fbspeed = time * spd;
float2 fbtiling = float2(fbcolsoffset, fbrowsoffset);
float fbcurrenttileindex = round( fmod( fbspeed + str, fbtotaltiles) );
fbcurrenttileindex += ( fbcurrenttileindex < 0) ? fbtotaltiles : 0;
float fblinearindextox = round ( fmod ( fbcurrenttileindex, col ) );
float fboffsetx = fblinearindextox * fbcolsoffset;
float fblinearindextoy = round( fmod( ( fbcurrenttileindex - fblinearindextox ) / col, row ) );
fblinearindextoy = (int)(row-1) - fblinearindextoy;
float fboffsety = fblinearindextoy * fbrowsoffset;
float2 fboffset = float2(fboffsetx, fboffsety);
float2 fbuv = float4( uv, 0.0 , 0.0 ) * fbtiling + fboffset;
return float4(fbuv, 0 , 0);