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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class GLDraw
* Clipping code:
* Thick line drawing code:
public static Material LineMaterial = null;
public static bool MultiLine = false;
private static Shader LineShader = null;
private static Rect BoundBox = new Rect();
private static Vector3[] Allv3Points = new Vector3[] { };
private static Vector2[] AllPerpendiculars = new Vector2[] { };
private static Color[] AllColors = new Color[] { };
private static Vector2 StartPt =;
private static Vector2 EndPt =;
private static Vector3 Up = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
private static Vector3 Zero = new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 );
private static Vector2 Aux1Vec2 =;
private static int HigherBoundArray = 0;
public static void CreateMaterial()
if( (object)LineMaterial != null && (object)LineShader != null )
LineShader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( "50fc796413bac8b40aff70fb5a886273" ) );
LineMaterial = new Material( LineShader );
LineMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
public static void DrawCurve( Vector3[] allPoints, Vector2[] allNormals, Color[] allColors, int pointCount )
LineMaterial.SetPass( ( MultiLine ? 1 : 0 ) );
for( int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++ )
GL.Color( allColors[ i ] );
GL.TexCoord( Zero );
GL.Vertex3( allPoints[ i ].x - allNormals[ i ].x, allPoints[ i ].y - allNormals[ i ].y, 0 );
GL.TexCoord( Up );
GL.Vertex3( allPoints[ i ].x + allNormals[ i ].x, allPoints[ i ].y + allNormals[ i ].y, 0 );
public static Rect DrawBezier( Vector2 start, Vector2 startTangent, Vector2 end, Vector2 endTangent, Color color, float width, int type = 1 )
int segments = Mathf.FloorToInt( ( start - end ).magnitude / 20 ) * 3; // Three segments per distance of 20
return DrawBezier( start, startTangent, end, endTangent, color, width, segments, type );
public static Rect DrawBezier( Vector2 start, Vector2 startTangent, Vector2 end, Vector2 endTangent, Color color, float width, int segments, int type = 1 )
return DrawBezier( start, startTangent, end, endTangent, color, color, width, segments, type );
public static Rect DrawBezier( Vector2 start, Vector2 startTangent, Vector2 end, Vector2 endTangent, Color startColor, Color endColor, float width, int segments, int type = 1 )
int pointsCount = segments + 1;
int linesCount = segments;
HigherBoundArray = HigherBoundArray > pointsCount ? HigherBoundArray : pointsCount;
Allv3Points = Handles.MakeBezierPoints( start, end, startTangent, endTangent, pointsCount );
if( AllColors.Length < HigherBoundArray )
AllColors = new Color[ HigherBoundArray ];
AllPerpendiculars = new Vector2[ HigherBoundArray ];
startColor.a = ( type * 0.25f );
endColor.a = ( type * 0.25f );
float minX = Allv3Points[ 0 ].x;
float minY = Allv3Points[ 0 ].y;
float maxX = Allv3Points[ 0 ].x;
float maxY = Allv3Points[ 0 ].y;
float amount = 1 / (float)linesCount;
for( int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++ )
if( i == 0 )
AllColors[ 0 ] = startColor;
StartPt.Set( startTangent.y, start.x );
EndPt.Set( start.y, startTangent.x );
else if( i == pointsCount - 1 )
AllColors[ pointsCount - 1 ] = endColor;
StartPt.Set( end.y, endTangent.x );
EndPt.Set( endTangent.y, end.x );
AllColors[ i ] = Color.LerpUnclamped( startColor, endColor, amount * i );
minX = ( Allv3Points[ i ].x < minX ) ? Allv3Points[ i ].x : minX;
minY = ( Allv3Points[ i ].y < minY ) ? Allv3Points[ i ].y : minY;
maxX = ( Allv3Points[ i ].x > maxX ) ? Allv3Points[ i ].x : maxX;
maxY = ( Allv3Points[ i ].y > maxY ) ? Allv3Points[ i ].y : maxY;
StartPt.Set( Allv3Points[ i + 1 ].y, Allv3Points[ i - 1 ].x );
EndPt.Set( Allv3Points[ i - 1 ].y, Allv3Points[ i + 1 ].x );
Aux1Vec2.Set( StartPt.x - EndPt.x, StartPt.y - EndPt.y );
FastNormalized( ref Aux1Vec2 );
Aux1Vec2.Set( Aux1Vec2.x * width, Aux1Vec2.y * width );
AllPerpendiculars[ i ] = Aux1Vec2;
BoundBox.Set( minX, minY, ( maxX - minX ), ( maxY - minY ) );
DrawCurve( Allv3Points, AllPerpendiculars, AllColors, pointsCount );
return BoundBox;
private static void FastNormalized( ref Vector2 v )
float len = Mathf.Sqrt( v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y );
v.Set( v.x / len, v.y / len );
public static void Destroy()
GameObject.DestroyImmediate( LineMaterial );
LineMaterial = null;
Resources.UnloadAsset( LineShader );
LineShader = null;
//public static class VectorEx
// public static void FastNormalized( this Vector2 v )
// {
// float len = Mathf.Sqrt( v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y );
// v.Set( v.x / len, v.y / len );
// }