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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public enum TemplateSemantics
public enum TemplateInfoOnSematics
public enum TemplateShaderPropertiesIdx
Name = 2,
public enum TemplateShaderGlobalsIdx
Type = 1,
Name = 2
public enum TemplateDataCheck
public enum InvisibleOptionsEnum
SyncProperties = 1 << 0
public enum TemplateSpecialTags
public class TemplateReplaceHelper
public TemplateMultiPassMasterNode MasterNode = null;
public bool Used = false;
public TemplateReplaceHelper( TemplateMultiPassMasterNode masterNode ) { MasterNode = masterNode; }
public class TemplatesTagData
public string Name;
public string Value;
public TemplatesTagData( string name, string value )
Name = name;
Value = value;
public class TemplateModuleData
public bool IndependentModule = true;
public TemplateDataCheck DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
public string InlineData = string.Empty;
public int StartIdx;
public bool IsValid { get { return DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid; } }
public virtual void SetAllModulesDefault() { IndependentModule = false; DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid; }
public sealed class TemplateTagsModuleData : TemplateModuleData
public string TagsId;
public List<TemplatesTagData> Tags = new List<TemplatesTagData>();
public void Destroy()
Tags = null;
public void Reset()
public void Dump()
string dump = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < Tags.Count; i++ )
dump += string.Format( "[{0}] Name: {1} Value: {2}\n", i, Tags[ i ].Name, Tags[ i ].Value );
Debug.Log( dump );
public class TemplateShaderModelData : TemplateModuleData
public string Id = string.Empty;
public string Value = "2.5";
public int InterpolatorAmount = 8;
public bool Encapsulate = false;
public override void SetAllModulesDefault()
Id = string.Empty;
Value = "3.0";
InterpolatorAmount = 10;
Encapsulate = true;
public sealed class TemplateDepthData : TemplateModuleData
public bool ValidZWrite;
public string ZWriteModeId;
public ZWriteMode ZWriteModeValue;
public int ZWriteStartIndex;
public string ZWriteInlineValue;
public bool ValidZTest;
public string ZTestModeId;
public ZTestMode ZTestModeValue;
public int ZTestStartIndex;
public string ZTestInlineValue;
public bool ValidOffset;
public string OffsetId;
public float OffsetFactor;
public float OffsetUnits;
public int OffsetStartIndex;
public string OffsetFactorInlineValue;
public string OffsetUnitsInlineValue;
public override void SetAllModulesDefault()
ValidZWrite = true;
ZWriteModeId = string.Empty;
ZWriteModeValue = ZWriteMode.On;
ZWriteStartIndex = -1;
ZWriteInlineValue = string.Empty;
ValidZTest = true;
ZTestModeId = string.Empty;
ZTestModeValue = ZTestMode.LEqual;
ZTestStartIndex = -1;
ZTestInlineValue = string.Empty;
ValidOffset = true;
OffsetId = string.Empty;
OffsetFactor = 0;
OffsetUnits = 0;
OffsetStartIndex = -1;
OffsetFactorInlineValue = string.Empty;
OffsetUnitsInlineValue = string.Empty;
public sealed class TemplateStencilData : TemplateModuleData
public string StencilBufferId;
public bool Active = true;
public int Reference;
public string ReferenceInline;
public int ReadMask = 255;
public string ReadMaskInline;
public int WriteMask = 255;
public string WriteMaskInline;
public string ComparisonFront;
public string ComparisonFrontInline;
public string PassFront;
public string PassFrontInline;
public string FailFront;
public string FailFrontInline;
public string ZFailFront;
public string ZFailFrontInline;
public string ComparisonBack;
public string ComparisonBackInline;
public string PassBack;
public string PassBackInline;
public string FailBack;
public string FailBackInline;
public string ZFailBack;
public string ZFailBackInline;
public void SetDefaultValues()
Active = false;
StencilBufferId = string.Empty;
Reference = 255;
ReferenceInline = string.Empty;
ReadMask = 255;
ReadMaskInline = string.Empty;
WriteMask = 255;
WriteMaskInline = string.Empty;
ComparisonFront = "always";
ComparisonFrontInline = string.Empty;
PassFront = "keep";
PassFrontInline = string.Empty;
FailFront = "keep";
FailFrontInline = string.Empty;
ZFailFront = "keep";
ZFailFrontInline = string.Empty;
ComparisonBack = "always";
ComparisonBackInline = string.Empty;
PassBack = "keep";
PassBackInline = string.Empty;
FailBack = "keep";
FailBackInline = string.Empty;
ZFailBack = "keep";
ZFailBackInline = string.Empty;
public void SetIndependentDefault()
IndependentModule = true;
DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
public override void SetAllModulesDefault()
public sealed class TemplateBlendData : TemplateModuleData
public bool ValidBlendMode = false;
public bool BlendModeOff = true;
public string BlendModeId;
public bool SeparateBlendFactors = false;
public AvailableBlendFactor SourceFactorRGB = AvailableBlendFactor.One;
public string SourceFactorRGBInline;
public AvailableBlendFactor DestFactorRGB = AvailableBlendFactor.Zero;
public string DestFactorRGBInline;
public int BlendModeStartIndex;
public AvailableBlendFactor SourceFactorAlpha = AvailableBlendFactor.One;
public string SourceFactorAlphaInline;
public AvailableBlendFactor DestFactorAlpha = AvailableBlendFactor.Zero;
public string DestFactorAlphaInline;
public bool ValidBlendOp = false;
public string BlendOpId;
public bool SeparateBlendOps = false;
public AvailableBlendOps BlendOpRGB = AvailableBlendOps.OFF;
public string BlendOpRGBInline;
public AvailableBlendOps BlendOpAlpha = AvailableBlendOps.OFF;
public string BlendOpAlphaInline;
public int BlendOpStartIndex;
public bool IndependentAlphaToMask = false;
public bool ValidAlphaToMask = false;
public bool AlphaToMaskValue = false;
public string AlphaToMaskId;
public override void SetAllModulesDefault()
if( !ValidAlphaToMask )
ValidAlphaToMask = true;
AlphaToMaskValue = false;
AlphaToMaskId = string.Empty;
if( !ValidBlendMode )
ValidBlendMode = true;
BlendModeOff = true;
BlendModeId = string.Empty;
SeparateBlendFactors = false;
SourceFactorRGB = AvailableBlendFactor.One;
SourceFactorRGBInline = string.Empty;
DestFactorRGB = AvailableBlendFactor.Zero;
DestFactorRGBInline = string.Empty;
BlendModeStartIndex = -1;
SourceFactorAlpha = AvailableBlendFactor.One;
SourceFactorAlphaInline = string.Empty;
DestFactorAlpha = AvailableBlendFactor.Zero;
DestFactorAlphaInline = string.Empty;
if( !ValidBlendOp )
ValidBlendOp = true;
BlendOpId = string.Empty;
SeparateBlendOps = false;
BlendOpRGB = AvailableBlendOps.OFF;
BlendOpRGBInline = string.Empty;
BlendOpAlpha = AvailableBlendOps.OFF;
BlendOpAlphaInline = string.Empty;
BlendOpStartIndex = -1;
DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
public sealed class TemplateCullModeData : TemplateModuleData
public string CullModeId;
public CullMode CullModeData = CullMode.Back;
public override void SetAllModulesDefault()
CullModeId = string.Empty;
CullModeData = CullMode.Back;
public sealed class TemplateColorMaskData : TemplateModuleData
public string ColorMaskId;
public bool[] ColorMaskData = { true, true, true, true };
public override void SetAllModulesDefault()
ColorMaskId = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < ColorMaskData.Length; i++ )
ColorMaskData[ i ] = true;
public static class TemplateHelperFunctions
struct DirectionalLightData
uint lightLayers;
float3 positionRWS;
float3 color;
int cookieIndex;
float volumetricDimmer;
float3 right;
float3 up;
float3 forward;
int tileCookie;
int shadowIndex;
int contactShadowIndex;
float4 shadowMaskSelector;
int nonLightmappedOnly;
float diffuseScale;
float specularScale;
public static string HDLightInfoFormat = "_DirectionalLightDatas[{0}].{1}";
public static string[] VectorSwizzle = { "x", "y", "z", "w" };
public static string[] ColorSwizzle = { "r", "g", "b", "a" };
public static readonly Dictionary<string, InvisibleOptionsEnum> InvisibleOptions = new Dictionary<string, InvisibleOptionsEnum>()
{ "SyncP", InvisibleOptionsEnum.SyncProperties }
public static readonly Dictionary<string, TemplateSpecialTags> StringToReservedTags = new Dictionary<string, TemplateSpecialTags>()
{ TemplateSpecialTags.RenderType.ToString(), TemplateSpecialTags.RenderType},
{ TemplateSpecialTags.Queue.ToString(), TemplateSpecialTags.Queue},
public static readonly Dictionary<string, RenderType> StringToRenderType = new Dictionary<string, RenderType>
public static readonly Dictionary<string, RenderQueue> StringToRenderQueue = new Dictionary<string, RenderQueue>
{"Background",RenderQueue.Background },
{"Geometry",RenderQueue.Geometry },
{"AlphaTest",RenderQueue.AlphaTest },
{"Transparent",RenderQueue.Transparent },
{"Overlay",RenderQueue.Overlay }
public static readonly Dictionary<string, WirePortDataType> PropertyToWireType = new Dictionary<string, WirePortDataType>
public static readonly Dictionary<WirePortDataType, int> DataTypeChannelUsage = new Dictionary<WirePortDataType, int>
{WirePortDataType.OBJECT,0 },
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT,1 },
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT2,2 },
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3,3 },
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4,4 },
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3,0 },
{WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4,0 },
{WirePortDataType.COLOR,4 },
{WirePortDataType.INT,1 },
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D,0 },
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D,0 },
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D,0 },
{WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE,0 }
public static readonly Dictionary<int, WirePortDataType> ChannelToDataType = new Dictionary<int, WirePortDataType>
public static readonly Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, string> SemanticsDefaultName = new Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, string>
{TemplateSemantics.COLOR ,"ase_color"},
{TemplateSemantics.NORMAL ,"ase_normal"},
{TemplateSemantics.POSITION ,"ase_position"},
{TemplateSemantics.SV_POSITION ,"ase_sv_position"},
{TemplateSemantics.TANGENT ,"ase_tangent"},
{TemplateSemantics.VFACE ,"ase_vface"},
{TemplateSemantics.SV_VertexID ,"ase_vertexId"},
{TemplateSemantics.SV_PrimitiveID ,"ase_primitiveId"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD0 ,"ase_tex_coord0"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD1 ,"ase_tex_coord1"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD2 ,"ase_tex_coord2"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD3 ,"ase_tex_coord3"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD4 ,"ase_tex_coord4"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD5 ,"ase_tex_coord5"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD6 ,"ase_tex_coord6"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD7 ,"ase_tex_coord7"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD8 ,"ase_tex_coord8"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD9 ,"ase_tex_coord9"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD10 ,"ase_tex_coord10"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD11 ,"ase_tex_coord11"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD12 ,"ase_tex_coord12"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD13 ,"ase_tex_coord13"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD14 ,"ase_tex_coord14"},
{TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD15 ,"ase_tex_coord15"},
public static readonly Dictionary<int, TemplateInfoOnSematics> IntToInfo = new Dictionary<int, TemplateInfoOnSematics>
{0,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES0 },
{1,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES1 },
{2,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES2 },
{3,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES3 },
{4,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES4 },
{5,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES5 },
{6,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES6 },
{7,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES7 },
public static readonly Dictionary<string, TemplateInfoOnSematics> ShortcutToInfo = new Dictionary<string, TemplateInfoOnSematics>
{"p" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.POSITION },
{"sp" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.SCREEN_POSITION },
{"c" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.COLOR },
{"uv0" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES0 },
{"uv1" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES1 },
{"uv2" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES2 },
{"uv3" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES3 },
{"n" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.NORMAL },
{"t" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TANGENT },
{"wn" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_NORMAL},
{"wt" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_TANGENT},
{"wbt" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_BITANGENT},
{"wvd" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_VIEW_DIR},
{"wp" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_POSITION},
{"rwp" ,TemplateInfoOnSematics.RELATIVE_WORLD_POS}
public static readonly Dictionary<TemplateInfoOnSematics, string> InfoToLocalVar = new Dictionary<TemplateInfoOnSematics, string>
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.POSITION,GeneratorUtils.VertexPosition4Str },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.SCREEN_POSITION,GeneratorUtils.ScreenPositionStr },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.COLOR, "ase_color" },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES0, "ase_uv0" },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES1, "ase_uv1" },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES2, "ase_uv2" },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES3, "ase_uv3" },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.NORMAL, GeneratorUtils.VertexNormalStr },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TANGENT, GeneratorUtils.VertexTangentStr },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_NORMAL, GeneratorUtils.WorldNormalStr},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_TANGENT, GeneratorUtils.WorldTangentStr},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_BITANGENT, GeneratorUtils.WorldBitangentStr},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_VIEW_DIR, GeneratorUtils.WorldViewDirectionStr},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_POSITION, GeneratorUtils.WorldPositionStr},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.RELATIVE_WORLD_POS, GeneratorUtils.RelativeWorldPositionStr}
public static readonly Dictionary<TemplateInfoOnSematics, WirePortDataType> InfoToWirePortType = new Dictionary<TemplateInfoOnSematics, WirePortDataType>
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.POSITION,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.SCREEN_POSITION,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.COLOR, WirePortDataType.COLOR },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES0, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES1, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES2, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES3, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.NORMAL, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.TANGENT, WirePortDataType.FLOAT4 },
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_NORMAL, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_TANGENT, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_BITANGENT, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_VIEW_DIR, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.WORLD_POSITION, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{TemplateInfoOnSematics.RELATIVE_WORLD_POS, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
public static readonly Dictionary<int, TemplateInfoOnSematics> IntToUVChannelInfo = new Dictionary<int, TemplateInfoOnSematics>
{0,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES0 },
{1,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES1 },
{2,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES2 },
{3,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES3 },
{4,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES4 },
{5,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES5 },
{6,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES6 },
{7,TemplateInfoOnSematics.TEXTURE_COORDINATES7 }
public static readonly Dictionary<int, TemplateSemantics> IntToSemantic = new Dictionary<int, TemplateSemantics>
{ 0,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD0 },
{ 1,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD1 },
{ 2,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD2 },
{ 3,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD3 },
{ 4,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD4 },
{ 5,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD5 },
{ 6,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD6 },
{ 7,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD7 },
{ 8,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD8 },
{ 9,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD9 },
{ 10,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD10 },
{ 11,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD11 },
{ 12,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD12 },
{ 13,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD13 },
{ 14,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD14 },
{ 15,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD15 }
public static readonly Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, int> SemanticToInt = new Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, int>
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD0,0 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD1,1 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD2,2 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD3,3 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD4,4 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD5,5 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD6,6 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD7,7 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD8,8 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD9,9 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD10,10 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD11,11 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD12,12 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD13,13 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD14,14 },
{ TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD15,15 },
public static readonly Dictionary<string, TemplateSemantics> ShortcutToSemantic = new Dictionary<string, TemplateSemantics>
{ "p" ,TemplateSemantics.POSITION },
{ "sp" ,TemplateSemantics.SV_POSITION },
{ "c" ,TemplateSemantics.COLOR },
{ "n" ,TemplateSemantics.NORMAL },
{ "t" ,TemplateSemantics.TANGENT },
{ "tc0" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD0 },
{ "tc1" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD1 },
{ "tc2" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD2 },
{ "tc3" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD3 },
{ "tc4" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD4 },
{ "tc5" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD5 },
{ "tc6" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD6 },
{ "tc7" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD7 },
{ "tc8" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD8 },
{ "tc9" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD9 },
{ "tc10" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD10 },
{ "tc11" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD11 },
{ "tc12" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD12 },
{ "tc13" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD13 },
{ "tc14" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD14 },
{ "tc15" ,TemplateSemantics.TEXCOORD15 }
public static readonly Dictionary<string, WirePortDataType> CgToWirePortType = new Dictionary<string, WirePortDataType>()
{"float" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT},
{"float2" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT2},
{"float3" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{"float4" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4},
{"float3x3" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3},
{"float4x4" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4},
{"half" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT},
{"half2" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT2},
{"half3" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{"half4" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4},
{"half3x3" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3},
{"half4x4" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4},
{"fixed" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT},
{"fixed2" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT2},
{"fixed3" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT3},
{"fixed4" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4},
{"fixed3x3" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3},
{"fixed4x4" ,WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4},
{"int" ,WirePortDataType.INT},
{"uint" ,WirePortDataType.INT},
{"sampler1D" ,WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D},
{"sampler2D" ,WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D},
{"sampler2D_float" ,WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D},
{"sampler3D" ,WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D},
{"samplerCUBE" ,WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE}
public static readonly Dictionary<string, int> AvailableInterpolators = new Dictionary<string, int>()
{"2.0",8 },
{"2.5",8 },
public static readonly string[] AvailableShaderModels =
{ "2.0", "2.5", "3.0", "3.5", "4.0", "4.5", "4.6", "5.0" };
public static readonly Dictionary<string, int> ShaderModelToArrayIdx = new Dictionary<string, int>()
public static readonly string HDPBRTag = "UNITY_MATERIAL_LIT";
public static readonly Dictionary<string, TemplateSRPType> TagToRenderPipeline = new Dictionary<string, TemplateSRPType>()
{ "LightweightPipeline",TemplateSRPType.Lightweight },
{ "HDRenderPipeline",TemplateSRPType.HD }
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
public static string CoreColorLib = "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl";
public static string CoreCommonLib = "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl";
public static string CoreCommonLib = "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl";
public static string CoreColorLib = "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl";
public static string HidePassPattern = @"\/\*ase_hide_pass[:]*([a-zA-Z:]*)\*\/";
public static string BlendWholeWordPattern = @"\bBlend\b";
public static string BlendOpWholeWordPattern = @"\bBlendOp\b";
public static string ALphaToMaskPattern = @"\bAlphaToMask (\w*)";
public static string CullWholeWordPattern = @"\bCull\b";
public static string ColorMaskWholeWordPattern = @"\bColorMask\b";
public static string StencilWholeWordPattern = @"\bStencil\b";
public static string ZWriteWholeWordPattern = @"\bZWrite\b";
public static string ZTestWholeWordPattern = @"\bZTest\b";
public static string ZOffsetWholeWordPattern = @"\bOffset\b";
public static string TagsWholeWordPattern = @"\bTags\b";
public static string CustomInspectorPattern = "^\\s*CustomEditor\\s+\\\"(\\w*)\\\"";
public static string FallbackPattern = "^\\s*Fallback\\s+\\\"(\\w*)\\\"";
public static string DefinesPattern = @"^\s*#define\s+([\w .]*)";
public static string PragmasPattern = @"^\s*#pragma\s+([\w .]*)";
public static string IncludesPattern = "^\\s*#include\\s+\"([\\w.\\/]*)\"";
public static string GlobalDirectivesPattern = "[#]+(define|pragma|include)\\s+([\\w .\\/\\\"]*)";
public static string VertexPragmaPattern = @"#pragma vertex\s+(\w+)";
public static string FragmentPragmaPattern = @"#pragma fragment\s+(\w+)";
public static string FunctionBodyStartPattern = @"\s+{0}\s*\(";
public static string ShaderModelPattern = @"#pragma\s+target\s+([0-9]*[.]*[0-9]*)";
public static readonly string LocalVarPattern = @"\/\*ase_local_var[:]*(\w*)\*\/\s*(\w*)\s+(\w*)";
public static readonly string SubShaderLODPattern = @"LOD\s+(\w+)";
public static readonly string PassNamePattern = "Name\\s+\\\"([\\w\\+\\-\\*\\/\\(\\) ]*)\\\"";
public static readonly string TagsPattern = "\"(\\w+)\"\\s*=\\s*\"(\\w+\\+*\\w*)\"";
public static readonly string ZTestPattern = @"\s*ZTest\s+(\[*\w+\]*)";
public static readonly string ZWritePattern = @"\s*ZWrite\s+(\[*\w+\]*)";
//public static readonly string ZOffsetPattern = @"\s*Offset\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*,\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)";
public static readonly string ZOffsetPattern = @"\s*Offset\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+|\[*\w+\]*)\s*,\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+|\[*\w+\]*)\s*";
public static readonly string VertexDataPattern = @"(\w+)\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*([A-Z0-9_]+);";
public static readonly string InterpRangePattern = @"ase_interp\((\d\.{0,1}\w{0,4}),(\d*)\)";
//public static readonly string PropertiesPatternB = "(\\w*)\\s*\\(\\s*\"([\\w ]*)\"\\s*\\,\\s*(\\w*)\\s*.*\\)";
//public static readonly string PropertiesPatternC = "^\\s*(\\w*)\\s*\\(\\s*\"([\\w\\(\\)\\+\\-\\\\* ]*)\"\\s*\\,\\s*(\\w*)\\s*.*\\)";
public static readonly string PropertiesPatternD = "(\\/\\/\\s*)*(\\w*)\\s*\\(\\s*\"([\\w\\(\\)\\+\\-\\\\* ]*)\"\\s*\\,\\s*(\\w*)\\s*.*\\)";
public static readonly string CullModePattern = @"\s*Cull\s+(\[*\w+\]*)";
public static readonly string ColorMaskPattern = @"\s*ColorMask\s+(\[*\w+\]*)";
//public static readonly string BlendModePattern = @"\s*Blend\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)(?:[\s,]+(\w+)\s+(\w+)|)";
//public static readonly string BlendModePattern = @"\s*Blend\s+(\[*\w+\]*)\s+(\[*\w+\]*)(?:[\s,]+(\[*\w+\]*)\s+(\[*\w+\]*)|)";
public static readonly string BlendModePattern = @"\s*Blend\s+(?:(?=\d)|(\[*\w+\]*)\s+(\[*\w+\]*)(?:[\s,]+(\[*\w+\]*)\s+(\[*\w+\]*)|))";
//public static readonly string BlendOpPattern = @"\s*BlendOp\s+(\w+)[\s,]*(?:(\w+)|)";
//public static readonly string BlendOpPattern = @"\s*BlendOp\s+(\[*\w+\]*)[\s,]*(?:(\[*\w+\]*)|)";
public static readonly string BlendOpPattern = @"\s*BlendOp\s+(?:(?=\d)|(\[*\w+\]*)[\s,]*(?:(\[*\w+\]*)|))";
public static readonly string StencilOpGlobalPattern = @"Stencil\s*{([\w\W\s]*)}";
public static readonly string StencilOpLinePattern = @"(\w+)\s*(\[*\w+\]*)";
public static readonly string ShaderGlobalsOverallPattern = "(?:\\/\\*ase_pragma\\*\\/|[\\}\\#])[\\w\\s\\;\\/\\*\\.\\\"]*\\/\\*ase_globals\\*\\/";
public static readonly string ShaderGlobalsMultilinePattern = @"^\s*(?:uniform\s*)*(\w*)\s*(\w*);$";
public static readonly string TexSemantic = "float4 {0} : TEXCOORD{1};";
public static readonly string TexFullSemantic = "float4 {0} : {1};";
public static readonly string InterpFullSemantic = "{0} {1} : {2};";
public static readonly string BaseInterpolatorName = "ase_texcoord";
public static readonly string TexUVFullSemantic = "float4 ase_texcoord{0} : TEXCOORD{0};";
public static readonly string InterpMacro = "{0}({1})";
public static readonly string InterpolatorDecl = Constants.VertexShaderOutputStr + ".{0} = " + Constants.VertexShaderInputStr + ".{0};";
public static readonly string TemplateVariableDecl = "{0} = {1};";
public static readonly string TemplateVarFormat = "{0}.{1}";
public static string ReplaceAt( this string body, string oldStr, string newStr, int startIndex )
return body.Remove( startIndex, oldStr.Length ).Insert( startIndex, newStr );
public static bool FetchInvisibleInfo( string input, ref int optionsArr, ref string id, ref int idIndex )
Match match = Regex.Match( input, HidePassPattern );
if( match.Success )
id = match.Value;
idIndex = match.Index;
if( match.Groups.Count > 1 )
string[] properties = match.Groups[ 1 ].Value.Split( ':' );
for( int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++ )
if( InvisibleOptions.ContainsKey( properties[ i ] ) )
optionsArr |= (int)InvisibleOptions[ properties[ i ] ];
return match.Success;
static public string GenerateTextureSemantic( ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, int uv )
string texCoordName = BaseInterpolatorName;
if( uv > 0 )
texCoordName += uv.ToString();
string texCoordData = string.Format( TexSemantic, texCoordName, uv );
dataCollector.AddToVertexInput( texCoordData );
dataCollector.AddToInterpolators( texCoordData );
dataCollector.AddToVertexInterpolatorsDecl( string.Format( InterpolatorDecl, texCoordName ) );
return texCoordName;
public static void CreatePragmaIncludeList( string data, TemplateIncludePragmaContainter includePragmaContainer )
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( data, GlobalDirectivesPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline ) )
if( match.Success )
includePragmaContainer.AddNativeDirective( match.Groups[ 0 ].Value );
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( data, PragmasPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline ) )
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
includePragmaContainer.AddPragma( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( data, DefinesPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline ) )
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
includePragmaContainer.AddDefine( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( data, IncludesPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline ) )
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
includePragmaContainer.AddInclude( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
public static void CreateShaderPropertiesList( string propertyData, ref List<TemplateShaderPropertyData> propertiesList, ref Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData> duplicatesHelper )
int nameIdx = (int)TemplateShaderPropertiesIdx.Name;
int typeIdx = (int)TemplateShaderPropertiesIdx.Type;
int inspectorNameIdx = (int)TemplateShaderPropertiesIdx.InspectorName;
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( propertyData, PropertiesPatternD ) )
if( match.Groups.Count > 1 )
if( !match.Groups[ 1 ].Value.Contains( "//" ) )
if( !duplicatesHelper.ContainsKey( match.Groups[ nameIdx ].Value ) && PropertyToWireType.ContainsKey( match.Groups[ typeIdx ].Value ) )
TemplateShaderPropertyData newData = new TemplateShaderPropertyData( match.Groups[ inspectorNameIdx ].Value,
match.Groups[ nameIdx ].Value,
PropertyToWireType[ match.Groups[ typeIdx ].Value ],
PropertyType.Property );
propertiesList.Add( newData );
duplicatesHelper.Add( newData.PropertyName, newData );
public static void CreateShaderGlobalsList( string propertyData, ref List<TemplateShaderPropertyData> propertiesList, ref Dictionary<string, TemplateShaderPropertyData> duplicatesHelper )
int typeIdx = (int)TemplateShaderGlobalsIdx.Type;
int nameIdx = (int)TemplateShaderGlobalsIdx.Name;
MatchCollection matchCollection = Regex.Matches( propertyData, ShaderGlobalsOverallPattern );
string value = ( matchCollection.Count > 0 ) ? matchCollection[ 0 ].Groups[ 0 ].Value : propertyData;
foreach( Match lineMatch in Regex.Matches( value, ShaderGlobalsMultilinePattern, RegexOptions.Multiline ) )
if( lineMatch.Groups.Count > 1 )
if( !duplicatesHelper.ContainsKey( lineMatch.Groups[ nameIdx ].Value ) && CgToWirePortType.ContainsKey( lineMatch.Groups[ typeIdx ].Value ) )
TemplateShaderPropertyData newData = new TemplateShaderPropertyData( string.Empty, lineMatch.Groups[ nameIdx ].Value,
CgToWirePortType[ lineMatch.Groups[ typeIdx ].Value ],
PropertyType.Global );
duplicatesHelper.Add( newData.PropertyName, newData );
propertiesList.Add( newData );
public static void CreateStencilOps( string stencilData, ref TemplateStencilData stencilDataObj )
stencilDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
MatchCollection overallGlobalMatch = Regex.Matches( stencilData, StencilOpGlobalPattern );
if( overallGlobalMatch.Count == 1 && overallGlobalMatch[ 0 ].Groups.Count == 2 )
string property = string.Empty;
string value = overallGlobalMatch[ 0 ].Groups[ 1 ].Value;
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( value, StencilOpLinePattern ) )
stencilDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
if( match.Groups.Count == 3 )
switch( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value )
stencilDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
case "Ref":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.ReferenceInline = property;
stencilDataObj.Reference = Convert.ToInt32( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
stencilDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
case "ReadMask":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.ReadMaskInline = property;
stencilDataObj.ReadMask = Convert.ToInt32( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
stencilDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
case "WriteMask":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.WriteMaskInline = property;
stencilDataObj.WriteMask = Convert.ToInt32( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
stencilDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
case "CompFront":
case "Comp":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.ComparisonFrontInline = property;
stencilDataObj.ComparisonFront = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "PassFront":
case "Pass":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.PassFrontInline = property;
stencilDataObj.PassFront = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "FailFront":
case "Fail":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.FailFrontInline = property;
stencilDataObj.FailFront = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "ZFail":
case "ZFailFront":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.ZFailFrontInline = property;
stencilDataObj.ZFailFront = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "CompBack":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.ComparisonBackInline = property;
stencilDataObj.ComparisonBack = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "PassBack":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.PassBackInline = property;
stencilDataObj.PassBack = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "FailBack":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.FailBackInline = property;
stencilDataObj.FailBack = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
case "ZFailBack":
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
stencilDataObj.ZFailBackInline = property;
stencilDataObj.ZFailBack = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
public static void CreateColorMask( string colorMaskData, ref TemplateColorMaskData colorMaskObj )
colorMaskObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
Match match = Regex.Match( colorMaskData, ColorMaskPattern );
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
string property = string.Empty;
if( match.Groups[ 1 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
colorMaskObj.InlineData = property;
colorMaskObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
colorMaskObj.ColorMaskData[ i ] = false;
colorMaskObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
for( int i = 0; i < match.Groups[ 1 ].Value.Length; i++ )
switch( Char.ToLower( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value[ i ] ) )
case 'r': colorMaskObj.ColorMaskData[ 0 ] = true; break;
case 'g': colorMaskObj.ColorMaskData[ 1 ] = true; break;
case 'b': colorMaskObj.ColorMaskData[ 2 ] = true; break;
case 'a': colorMaskObj.ColorMaskData[ 3 ] = true; break;
case '0':
for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
colorMaskObj.ColorMaskData[ j ] = false;
colorMaskObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
colorMaskObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
public static void CreateCullMode( string cullModeData, ref TemplateCullModeData cullDataObj )
cullDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
Match match = Regex.Match( cullModeData, CullModePattern );
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
string property = string.Empty;
if( match.Groups[ 1 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
cullDataObj.InlineData = property;
cullDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
cullDataObj.CullModeData = (CullMode)Enum.Parse( typeof( CullMode ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
cullDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
catch( Exception e )
cullDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
Debug.LogException( e );
public static void CreateBlendMode( string blendModeData, ref TemplateBlendData blendDataObj )
blendDataObj.ValidBlendMode = true;
string property = string.Empty;
bool noMatches = true;
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( blendModeData, BlendModePattern ) )
if( match.Groups.Count == 3 )
if( match.Groups[ 0 ].Success &&
match.Groups[ 1 ].Success )
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.SourceFactorRGBInline = property;
AvailableBlendFactor sourceAll = (AvailableBlendFactor)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendFactor ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
blendDataObj.SourceFactorRGB = sourceAll;
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.DestFactorRGBInline = property;
AvailableBlendFactor destAll = (AvailableBlendFactor)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendFactor ), match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
blendDataObj.DestFactorRGB = destAll;
blendDataObj.SeparateBlendFactors = false;
blendDataObj.BlendModeOff = false;
noMatches = false;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
blendDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
blendDataObj.ValidBlendMode = false;
else if( match.Groups.Count == 5 )
if( match.Groups[ 0 ].Success &&
match.Groups[ 1 ].Success )
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.SourceFactorRGBInline = property;
AvailableBlendFactor sourceRGB = (AvailableBlendFactor)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendFactor ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
blendDataObj.SourceFactorRGB = sourceRGB;
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.DestFactorRGBInline = property;
AvailableBlendFactor destRGB = (AvailableBlendFactor)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendFactor ), match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
blendDataObj.DestFactorRGB = destRGB;
if( match.Groups[ 3 ].Success && match.Groups[ 4 ].Success )
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 3 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.SourceFactorAlphaInline = property;
AvailableBlendFactor sourceA = (AvailableBlendFactor)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendFactor ), match.Groups[ 3 ].Value );
blendDataObj.SourceFactorAlpha = sourceA;
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 4 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.DestFactorAlphaInline = property;
AvailableBlendFactor destA = (AvailableBlendFactor)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendFactor ), match.Groups[ 4 ].Value );
blendDataObj.DestFactorAlpha = destA;
blendDataObj.SeparateBlendFactors = true;
blendDataObj.SeparateBlendFactors = false;
blendDataObj.BlendModeOff = false;
noMatches = false;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
blendDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
blendDataObj.ValidBlendMode = false;
if( noMatches )
blendDataObj.ValidBlendMode = false;
public static void CreateBlendOp( string blendOpData, ref TemplateBlendData blendDataObj )
bool noMatches = true;
blendDataObj.ValidBlendOp = true;
string property = string.Empty;
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( blendOpData, BlendOpPattern, RegexOptions.None ) )
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
if( match.Groups[ 0 ].Success &&
match.Groups[ 1 ].Success )
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.BlendOpRGBInline = property;
AvailableBlendOps blendOpsAll = (AvailableBlendOps)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendOps ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
blendDataObj.BlendOpRGB = blendOpsAll;
blendDataObj.SeparateBlendOps = false;
noMatches = false;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
blendDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
blendDataObj.ValidBlendOp = false;
else if( match.Groups.Count == 3 )
if( match.Groups[ 0 ].Success &&
match.Groups[ 1 ].Success )
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.BlendOpRGBInline = property;
AvailableBlendOps blendOpsRGB = (AvailableBlendOps)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendOps ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
blendDataObj.BlendOpRGB = blendOpsRGB;
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success )
if( IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
blendDataObj.BlendOpAlphaInline = property;
AvailableBlendOps blendOpsA = (AvailableBlendOps)Enum.Parse( typeof( AvailableBlendOps ), match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
blendDataObj.BlendOpAlpha = blendOpsA;
blendDataObj.SeparateBlendOps = true;
blendDataObj.SeparateBlendOps = false;
noMatches = false;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
blendDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
blendDataObj.ValidBlendOp = false;
if( noMatches )
blendDataObj.ValidBlendOp = false;
public static void FetchLocalVars( string body, ref List<TemplateLocalVarData> localVarList, TemplateFunctionData vertexFunction, TemplateFunctionData fragFunction )
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( body, LocalVarPattern ) )
if( match.Groups.Count == 4 )
if( CgToWirePortType.ContainsKey( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value ) )
MasterNodePortCategory category;
if( fragFunction.MainBodyLocalIdx > vertexFunction.MainBodyLocalIdx )
if( match.Index < fragFunction.MainBodyLocalIdx )
category = MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex;
category = MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment;
if( match.Index < vertexFunction.MainBodyLocalIdx )
category = MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment;
category = MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex;
if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value ) && ShortcutToInfo.ContainsKey( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value ) )
string id = match.Groups[ 0 ].Value.Substring( 0, match.Groups[ 0 ].Value.IndexOf( "*/" ) + 2 );
TemplateLocalVarData data = new TemplateLocalVarData( ShortcutToInfo[ match.Groups[ 1 ].Value ], id, CgToWirePortType[ match.Groups[ 2 ].Value ], category, match.Groups[ 3 ].Value, match.Index );
localVarList.Add( data );
TemplateLocalVarData data = new TemplateLocalVarData( CgToWirePortType[ match.Groups[ 2 ].Value ], category, match.Groups[ 3 ].Value, match.Index );
localVarList.Add( data );
public static TemplateSRPType CreateTags( ref TemplateTagsModuleData tagsObj, bool isSubShader )
TemplateSRPType srpType = TemplateSRPType.BuiltIn;
MatchCollection matchColl = Regex.Matches( tagsObj.TagsId, TagsPattern, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace );
int count = matchColl.Count;
if( count > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( matchColl[ i ].Groups.Count == 3 )
if( isSubShader && matchColl[ i ].Groups[ 1 ].Value.Equals( "RenderPipeline" ) )
if( TagToRenderPipeline.ContainsKey( matchColl[ i ].Groups[ 2 ].Value ) )
srpType = TagToRenderPipeline[ matchColl[ i ].Groups[ 2 ].Value ];
tagsObj.Tags.Add( new TemplatesTagData( matchColl[ i ].Groups[ 1 ].Value, matchColl[ i ].Groups[ 2 ].Value ) );
return srpType;
public static void CreateZWriteMode( string zWriteData, ref TemplateDepthData depthDataObj )
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
Match match = Regex.Match( zWriteData, ZWritePattern );
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
string property = string.Empty;
if( match.Groups[ 1 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
depthDataObj.ZWriteInlineValue = property;
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
depthDataObj.ValidZWrite = true;
depthDataObj.ZWriteModeValue = (ZWriteMode)Enum.Parse( typeof( ZWriteMode ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
depthDataObj.ValidZWrite = true;
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
public static void CreateZTestMode( string zTestData, ref TemplateDepthData depthDataObj )
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
Match match = Regex.Match( zTestData, ZTestPattern );
if( match.Groups.Count == 2 )
string property = string.Empty;
if( match.Groups[ 1 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
depthDataObj.ZTestInlineValue = property;
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
depthDataObj.ValidZTest = true;
depthDataObj.ZTestModeValue = (ZTestMode)Enum.Parse( typeof( ZTestMode ), match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
depthDataObj.ValidZTest = true;
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
public static void CreateZOffsetMode( string zOffsetData, ref TemplateDepthData depthDataObj )
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
Match match = Regex.Match( zOffsetData, ZOffsetPattern );
if( match.Groups.Count == 3 )
string property = string.Empty;
if( match.Groups[ 1 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value, ref property ) )
depthDataObj.OffsetFactorInlineValue = property;
depthDataObj.OffsetFactor = Convert.ToSingle( match.Groups[ 1 ].Value );
if( match.Groups[ 2 ].Success && IsInlineProperty( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value, ref property ) )
depthDataObj.OffsetUnitsInlineValue = property;
depthDataObj.OffsetUnits = Convert.ToSingle( match.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
depthDataObj.ValidOffset = true;
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Valid;
depthDataObj.DataCheck = TemplateDataCheck.Invalid;
public static List<TemplateVertexData> CreateVertexDataList( string vertexData, string parametersBody )
List<TemplateVertexData> vertexDataList = null;
Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, TemplateVertexData> vertexDataDict = null;
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( vertexData, VertexDataPattern ) )
if( match.Groups.Count > 1 )
if( vertexDataList == null )
vertexDataList = new List<TemplateVertexData>();
vertexDataDict = new Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, TemplateVertexData>();
WirePortDataType dataType = CgToWirePortType[ match.Groups[ 1 ].Value ];
string varName = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
TemplateSemantics semantics = (TemplateSemantics)Enum.Parse( typeof( TemplateSemantics ), match.Groups[ 3 ].Value );
TemplateVertexData templateVertexData = new TemplateVertexData( semantics, dataType, varName );
vertexDataList.Add( templateVertexData );
vertexDataDict.Add( semantics, templateVertexData );
if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( parametersBody ) )
string[] paramsArray = parametersBody.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
if( paramsArray.Length > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < paramsArray.Length; i++ )
string[] paramDataArr = paramsArray[ i ].Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR );
if( paramDataArr.Length == 2 )
string[] swizzleInfoArr = paramDataArr[ 1 ].Split( IOUtils.FLOAT_SEPARATOR );
TemplateSemantics semantic = ShortcutToSemantic[ swizzleInfoArr[ 0 ] ];
if( vertexDataDict.ContainsKey( semantic ) )
TemplateVertexData templateVertexData = vertexDataDict[ semantic ];
if( templateVertexData != null )
if( swizzleInfoArr.Length > 1 )
templateVertexData.DataSwizzle = "." + swizzleInfoArr[ 1 ];
templateVertexData.DataInfo = ShortcutToInfo[ paramDataArr[ 0 ] ];
templateVertexData.Available = true;
if( vertexDataDict != null )
vertexDataDict = null;
return vertexDataList;
public static TemplateInterpData CreateInterpDataList( string interpData, string fullLine, int maxInterpolators )
TemplateInterpData interpDataObj = null;
List<TemplateVertexData> interpDataList = null;
Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, TemplateVertexData> interpDataDict = null;
Match rangeMatch = Regex.Match( fullLine, InterpRangePattern );
if( rangeMatch.Groups.Count > 0 )
interpDataObj = new TemplateInterpData();
// Get range of available interpolators
int minVal = 0;
int maxVal = 0;
string[] minValArgs = rangeMatch.Groups[ 1 ].Value.Split( IOUtils.FLOAT_SEPARATOR );
minVal = Convert.ToInt32( minValArgs[ 0 ] );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( rangeMatch.Groups[ 2 ].Value ) )
maxVal = maxInterpolators - 1;
interpDataObj.DynamicMax = true;
maxVal = Convert.ToInt32( rangeMatch.Groups[ 2 ].Value );
if( minVal > maxVal )
int aux = minVal;
minVal = maxVal;
maxVal = aux;
for( int i = minVal; i <= maxVal; i++ )
interpDataObj.AvailableInterpolators.Add( new TemplateInterpElement( IntToSemantic[ i ] ) );
if( minValArgs.Length > 1 )
interpDataObj.AvailableInterpolators[ 0 ].SetAvailableChannelsFromString( minValArgs[ 1 ] );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
interpDataList = new List<TemplateVertexData>();
interpDataDict = new Dictionary<TemplateSemantics, TemplateVertexData>();
//Get Current interpolators
int parametersBeginIdx = fullLine.IndexOf( ":" ) + 1;
int parametersEnd = fullLine.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateEndOfLine );
string parametersBody = fullLine.Substring( parametersBeginIdx, parametersEnd - parametersBeginIdx );
foreach( Match match in Regex.Matches( interpData, VertexDataPattern ) )
if( match.Groups.Count > 1 )
WirePortDataType dataType = CgToWirePortType[ match.Groups[ 1 ].Value ];
string varName = match.Groups[ 2 ].Value;
TemplateSemantics semantics = (TemplateSemantics)Enum.Parse( typeof( TemplateSemantics ), match.Groups[ 3 ].Value );
TemplateVertexData templateVertexData = new TemplateVertexData( semantics, dataType, varName );
//interpDataList.Add( templateVertexData );
interpDataDict.Add( semantics, templateVertexData );
interpDataObj.RawInterpolators.Add( templateVertexData );
//Check if they are also on the free channels list and update their names
interpDataObj.ReplaceNameOnInterpolator( semantics, varName );
Dictionary<string, TemplateVertexData> auxDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateVertexData>();
// Get info for available interpolators
string[] paramsArray = parametersBody.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
if( paramsArray.Length > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < paramsArray.Length; i++ )
string[] paramDataArr = paramsArray[ i ].Split( IOUtils.VALUE_SEPARATOR );
if( paramDataArr.Length == 2 )
string[] swizzleInfoArr = paramDataArr[ 1 ].Split( IOUtils.FLOAT_SEPARATOR );
TemplateSemantics semantic = ShortcutToSemantic[ swizzleInfoArr[ 0 ] ];
if( interpDataDict.ContainsKey( semantic ) )
if( interpDataDict[ semantic ] != null )
string[] multiComponent = paramDataArr[ 0 ].Split( IOUtils.FLOAT_SEPARATOR );
if( multiComponent.Length > 1 )
TemplateVertexData templateInterpData = null;
if( auxDict.ContainsKey( multiComponent[ 0 ] ) )
templateInterpData = auxDict[ multiComponent[ 0 ] ];
templateInterpData = new TemplateVertexData( interpDataDict[ semantic ] );
//if( swizzleInfoArr.Length > 1 )
// templateInterpData.DataSwizzle = "." + swizzleInfoArr[ 1 ];
templateInterpData.DataInfo = ShortcutToInfo[ multiComponent[ 0 ] ];
templateInterpData.Available = true;
interpDataList.Add( templateInterpData );
auxDict.Add( multiComponent[ 0 ], templateInterpData );
if( swizzleInfoArr[ 1 ].Length == multiComponent[ 1 ].Length )
for( int channelIdx = 0; channelIdx < swizzleInfoArr[ 1 ].Length; channelIdx++ )
templateInterpData.RegisterComponent( multiComponent[ 1 ][ channelIdx ], interpDataDict[ semantic ].VarName + "." + swizzleInfoArr[ 1 ][ channelIdx ] );
TemplateVertexData templateInterpData = new TemplateVertexData( interpDataDict[ semantic ] );
if( swizzleInfoArr.Length > 1 )
templateInterpData.DataSwizzle = "." + swizzleInfoArr[ 1 ];
templateInterpData.DataInfo = ShortcutToInfo[ paramDataArr[ 0 ] ];
templateInterpData.Available = true;
interpDataList.Add( templateInterpData );
1) Remove interpDataList.Add( templateVertexData ); from initial foreach
2) When looping though each foreach array element, create a new TemplateVertexData
from the one containted on the interpDataDict and add it to interpDataList
for( int i = 0; i < interpDataList.Count; i++ )
interpDataList[ i ].BuildVar();
auxDict = null;
interpDataObj.Interpolators = interpDataList;
interpDataDict = null;
return interpDataObj;
public static void FetchDependencies( TemplateInfoContainer dependencies, ref string body )
int index = body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateDependenciesListTag );
if( index > 0 )
dependencies.Index = index;
dependencies.Id = TemplatesManager.TemplateDependenciesListTag;
dependencies.Data = TemplatesManager.TemplateDependenciesListTag;
int lastIndex = body.LastIndexOf( '}' );
if( lastIndex > 0 )
body = body.Insert( lastIndex, "\t" + TemplatesManager.TemplateDependenciesListTag + "\n" );
FetchDependencies( dependencies, ref body );
public static void FetchCustomInspector( TemplateInfoContainer inspectorContainer, ref string body )
Match match = Regex.Match( body, CustomInspectorPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline );
if( match != null && match.Groups.Count > 1 )
inspectorContainer.Index = match.Index;
inspectorContainer.Id = match.Groups[ 0 ].Value;
inspectorContainer.Data = match.Groups[ 1 ].Value;
int index = body.LastIndexOf( '}' );
if( index > 0 )
body = body.Insert( index, string.Format( "\tCustomEditor \"{0}\"\n", Constants.DefaultCustomInspector ) );
FetchCustomInspector( inspectorContainer, ref body );
public static void FetchFallback( TemplateInfoContainer fallbackContainer, ref string body )
Match match = Regex.Match( body, FallbackPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline );
if( match != null && match.Groups.Count > 1 )
fallbackContainer.Index = match.Index;
fallbackContainer.Id = match.Groups[ 0 ].Value;
fallbackContainer.Data = match.Groups[ 1 ].Value;
int index = body.LastIndexOf( '}' );
if( index > 0 )
body = body.Insert( index, "\tFallback \"\"\n" );
FetchFallback( fallbackContainer, ref body );
public static string AutoSwizzleData( string dataVar, WirePortDataType from, WirePortDataType to )
switch( from )
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
switch( to )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: dataVar += ".xyz"; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: dataVar += ".xy"; break;
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: dataVar += ".x"; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
switch( to )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: dataVar = string.Format( "float4({0},0)", dataVar ); break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: dataVar += ".xy"; break;
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: dataVar += ".x"; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
switch( to )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: dataVar = string.Format( "float4({0},0,0)", dataVar ); break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: dataVar = string.Format( "float3({0},0)", dataVar ); break;
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: dataVar += ".x"; break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
switch( to )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: dataVar = string.Format( "float4({0},0,0,0)", dataVar ); break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: dataVar = string.Format( "float3({0},0,0)", dataVar ); break;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: dataVar = string.Format( "float2({0},0)", dataVar ); break;
return dataVar;
public static bool CheckIfTemplate( string assetPath )
Shader shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>( assetPath );
if( shader != null )
string body = IOUtils.LoadTextFileFromDisk( assetPath );
return ( body.IndexOf( TemplatesManager.TemplateShaderNameBeginTag ) > -1 );
return false;
public static bool CheckIfCompatibles( WirePortDataType first, WirePortDataType second )
switch( first )
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT:
return true;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.INT:
switch( second )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE:
return false;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
switch( second )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE:
return false;
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE:
switch( second )
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4:
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.INT:
return false;
return true;
// Lightweight <-> Default functions
public static string WorldSpaceViewDir( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, string worldPosVec3, bool normalize )
string value = string.Empty;
if( dataCollector.IsTemplate && dataCollector.IsSRP )
value = string.Format( " - {0}", worldPosVec3 );
value = string.Format( "UnityWorldSpaceViewDir( {0} )", worldPosVec3 );
if( normalize )
value = SafeNormalize( dataCollector, value );
return value;
public static string SafeNormalize( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, string value )
if( dataCollector.IsTemplate && dataCollector.IsSRP )
value = string.Format( "SafeNormalize( {0} )", value );
dataCollector.AddToIncludes( -1, Constants.UnityBRDFLib );
value = string.Format( "Unity_SafeNormalize( {0} )", value );
return value;
public static string CreateUnpackNormalStr( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool applyScale, string scale )
string funcName;
if( dataCollector.IsTemplate && dataCollector.IsSRP )
funcName = "UnpackNormalmapRGorAG( {0}, " + scale + " )";
funcName = applyScale ? "UnpackScaleNormal( {0}, " + scale + " )" : "UnpackNormal( {0} )";
return funcName;
public static bool IsInlineProperty( string data, ref string property )
if( data.Length > 0 && data[ 0 ] == '[' && data[ data.Length - 1 ] == ']' )
property = data.Substring( 1, data.Length - 2 );
return true;
return false;
public static readonly string FetchDefaultDepthFormat = "UNITY_SAMPLE_DEPTH(tex2Dproj(_CameraDepthTexture,UNITY_PROJ_COORD( {0} )))";
public static readonly string FetchLWDepthFormat = "tex2Dproj( _CameraDepthTexture, {0} ).r";
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
public static readonly string FetchHDDepthFormat = " SampleCameraDepth( {0}.xy/{0}.w ).r";
public static readonly string FetchHDDepthFormat = " SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D( _CameraDepthTexture, s_point_clamp_sampler,{0}.xy/{0}.w ).r";
public static string CreateDepthFetch( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, string screenPos )
string screenDepthInstruction = string.Empty;
if( dataCollector.IsTemplate && dataCollector.IsSRP )
if( dataCollector.TemplateDataCollectorInstance.CurrentSRPType == TemplateSRPType.Lightweight )
screenDepthInstruction = string.Format( FetchLWDepthFormat, screenPos );
else if( dataCollector.TemplateDataCollectorInstance.CurrentSRPType == TemplateSRPType.HD )
screenDepthInstruction = string.Format( FetchHDDepthFormat, screenPos );
screenDepthInstruction = string.Format( FetchDefaultDepthFormat, screenPos );
return screenDepthInstruction;