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using System;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class SignalGeneratorNode : ParentNode, ISignalGenerator
public SignalGeneratorNode() : base() { }
public SignalGeneratorNode( int uniqueId, float x, float y, float width, float height ) : base( uniqueId, x, y, width, height ) { }
protected override void CommonInit( int uniqueId )
base.CommonInit( uniqueId );
SelfPowered = true;
public void GenerateSignalPropagation()
System.Type myType = GetType();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count; i++ )
if ( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )
m_inputPorts[ i ].GetOutputNode().ActivateNode( UniqueId, i, myType );
public void GenerateSignalInibitor()
for ( int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count; i++ )
if( m_inputPorts[ i ].IsConnected )
ParentNode node = m_inputPorts[ i ].GetOutputNode();
if( node != null )
node.DeactivateNode( i, false );