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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
[Serializable] public class UsageListSamplerNodes : NodeUsageRegister<SamplerNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListFloatIntNodes : NodeUsageRegister<PropertyNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListTexturePropertyNodes : NodeUsageRegister<TexturePropertyNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListTextureArrayNodes : NodeUsageRegister<TextureArrayNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListPropertyNodes : NodeUsageRegister<PropertyNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListScreenColorNodes : NodeUsageRegister<ScreenColorNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListRegisterLocalVarNodes : NodeUsageRegister<RegisterLocalVarNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListFunctionInputNodes : NodeUsageRegister<FunctionInput> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListFunctionNodes : NodeUsageRegister<FunctionNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListFunctionOutputNodes : NodeUsageRegister<FunctionOutput> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListFunctionSwitchNodes : NodeUsageRegister<FunctionSwitch> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListFunctionSwitchCopyNodes : NodeUsageRegister<FunctionSwitch> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListTemplateMultiPassMasterNodes : NodeUsageRegister<TemplateMultiPassMasterNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListCustomExpressionsOnFunctionMode : NodeUsageRegister<CustomExpressionNode> { }
[Serializable] public class UsageListGlobalArrayNodes : NodeUsageRegister<GlobalArrayNode> { }
public class NodeUsageRegister<T> where T : ParentNode
// Sampler Nodes registry
private List<T> m_nodes;
private string[] m_nodesArr;
private int[] m_nodeIDs;
ParentGraph m_containerGraph;
public NodeUsageRegister()
m_nodesArr = new string[ 0 ];
m_nodeIDs = new int[ 0 ];
m_nodes = new List<T>();
public void Destroy()
m_nodes = null;
m_nodesArr = null;
m_nodeIDs = null;
public void Clear()
public int AddNode( T node )
if( node == null )
return -1;
if( !m_nodes.Contains( node ) )
if( m_containerGraph != null )
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( m_containerGraph.ParentWindow, Constants.UndoRegisterNodeId );
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( m_containerGraph, Constants.UndoRegisterNodeId );
m_nodes.Add( node );
return m_nodes.Count - 1;
else if( node.UniqueId > -1 )
return -1;
public bool HasNode( int uniqueId )
return m_nodes.FindIndex( x => x.UniqueId == uniqueId ) > -1 ? true : false;
//int count = m_nodes.Count;
//for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
// if( m_nodes[ i ].UniqueId == uniqueId )
// return true;
//return false;
public void RemoveNode( T node )
if( node == null )
if( m_nodes.Contains( node ) )
if( m_containerGraph != null )
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( m_containerGraph.ParentWindow, Constants.UndoUnregisterNodeId );
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( m_containerGraph, Constants.UndoUnregisterNodeId );
m_nodes.Remove( node );
public void UpdateNodeArr()
int nodeCount = m_nodes.Count;
if( nodeCount != m_nodesArr.Length )
m_nodesArr = new string[ nodeCount ];
m_nodeIDs = new int[ nodeCount ];
for( int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++ )
m_nodesArr[ i ] = m_nodes[ i ].DataToArray;
m_nodeIDs[ i ] = m_nodes[ i ].UniqueId;
public T GetNode( int idx )
if( idx > -1 && idx < m_nodes.Count )
return m_nodes[ idx ];
return null;
public T GetNodeByUniqueId( int uniqueId )
return m_nodes.Find( x => x.UniqueId == uniqueId );
public T GetNodeByDataToArray( string data )
return m_nodes.Find( x => x.DataToArray.Equals( data ));
public int GetNodeRegisterIdx( int uniqueId )
return m_nodes.FindIndex( x => x.UniqueId == uniqueId );
//int count = m_nodes.Count;
//for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
// if( m_nodes[ i ].UniqueId == uniqueId )
// {
// return i;
// }
//return -1;
public void UpdateDataOnNode( int uniqueId, string data )
int index = m_nodes.FindIndex( x => x.UniqueId == uniqueId );
if( index > -1 )
m_nodesArr[ index ] = data;
m_nodeIDs[ index ] = uniqueId;
//int count = m_nodes.Count;
//for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
// if( m_nodes[ i ].UniqueId == uniqueId )
// {
// m_nodesArr[ i ] = data;
// m_nodeIDs[ i ] = uniqueId;
// }
public void Dump()
string data = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < m_nodesArr.Length; i++ )
data += m_nodesArr[ i ] + " " + m_nodeIDs[ i ] + '\n';
Debug.Log( data );
public string[] NodesArr { get { return m_nodesArr; } }
public int[] NodeIds { get { return m_nodeIDs; } }
public List<T> NodesList { get { return m_nodes; } }
public int Count { get { return m_nodes.Count; } }
public ParentGraph ContainerGraph { get { return m_containerGraph; } set { m_containerGraph = value; } }