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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class PropertyDataCollector
public int NodeId;
public int OrderIndex;
public string PropertyName;
public WirePortDataType DataType;
public PropertyDataCollector( int nodeId, string propertyName, int orderIndex = -1 )
NodeId = nodeId;
PropertyName = propertyName;
OrderIndex = orderIndex;
public class InputCoordsCollector
public int NodeId;
public string CoordName;
public WirePortDataType DataType;
public PrecisionType Precision;
public int TextureSlot;
public int TextureIndex;
public InputCoordsCollector( int nodeId, string coordName, WirePortDataType dataType, PrecisionType precision, int textureSlot, int textureIndex )
NodeId = nodeId;
CoordName = coordName;
DataType = dataType;
Precision = precision;
TextureSlot = textureSlot;
TextureIndex = textureIndex;
public class TextureDefaultsDataColector
private List<string> m_names = new List<string>();
private List<Texture> m_values = new List<Texture>();
public void AddValue( string newName, Texture newValue )
m_names.Add( newName );
m_values.Add( newValue );
public void Destroy()
m_names = null;
m_values = null;
public string[] NamesArr { get { return m_names.ToArray(); } }
public Texture[] ValuesArr { get { return m_values.ToArray(); } }
public enum TextureChannelUsage
public class MasterNodeDataCollector
private bool m_showDebugMessages = false;
private string m_input;
private string m_customInput;
private string m_properties;
private string m_instancedProperties;
private string m_instanceBlockName;
private string m_uniforms;
private string m_includes;
private string m_pragmas;
private string m_defines;
private string m_instructions;
private string m_localVariables;
private string m_vertexLocalVariables;
private string m_specialLocalVariables;
private string m_vertexData;
private string m_customOutput;
private string m_functions;
private string m_grabPass;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_inputList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_customInputList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_propertiesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_instancedPropertiesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_uniformsList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_includesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_additionalDirectivesList;
//private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_tagsList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_pragmasList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_definesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_instructionsList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_localVariablesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_vertexLocalVariablesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_specialLocalVariablesList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_vertexDataList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_customOutputList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_functionsList;
private List<PropertyDataCollector> m_grabPassList;
private List<InputCoordsCollector> m_customShadowCoordsList;
private List<int> m_packSlotsList;
private string m_customAppDataItems;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_inputDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_customInputDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_propertiesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_instancedPropertiesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_uniformsDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_includesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_additionalDirectivesDict;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_includesExclusionDict;
//private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_tagsDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_pragmasDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_definesDict;
private Dictionary<string, int> m_virtualCoordinatesDict;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_virtualVariablesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_localVariablesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_vertexLocalVariablesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_specialLocalVariablesDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_vertexDataDict;
private Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector> m_customOutputDict;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_localFunctions;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_grabPassDict;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_customAppDataItemsDict;
private Dictionary<string, InputCoordsCollector> m_customShadowCoordsDict;
private TextureChannelUsage[] m_requireTextureProperty = { TextureChannelUsage.Not_Used, TextureChannelUsage.Not_Used, TextureChannelUsage.Not_Used, TextureChannelUsage.Not_Used };
private bool m_dirtyAppData;
private bool m_dirtyInputs;
private bool m_dirtyCustomInputs;
private bool m_dirtyFunctions;
private bool m_dirtyProperties;
private bool m_dirtyInstancedProperties;
private bool m_dirtyUniforms;
private bool m_dirtyIncludes;
private bool m_dirtyPragmas;
private bool m_dirtyDefines;
private bool m_dirtyAdditionalDirectives;
private bool m_dirtyInstructions;
private bool m_dirtyLocalVariables;
private bool m_dirtyVertexLocalVariables;
private bool m_dirtySpecialLocalVariables;
private bool m_dirtyPerVertexData;
private bool m_dirtyNormal;
private bool m_forceNormal;
private bool m_usingInternalData;
private bool m_usingVertexColor;
private bool m_usingWorldPosition;
private bool m_usingWorldNormal;
private bool m_usingScreenPos;
private bool m_usingWorldReflection;
private bool m_usingViewDirection;
private bool m_usingLightAttenuation;
private bool m_usingArrayDerivatives;
private bool m_usingHigherSizeTexcoords;
private bool m_usingCustomScreenPos;
private bool m_usingCustomOutlineColor;
private bool m_usingCustomOutlineWidth;
private bool m_usingCustomOutlineAlpha;
private int m_customOutlineSelectedAlpha = 0;
private bool m_usingCustomOutput;
private bool m_safeNormalizeLightDir;
private bool m_safeNormalizeViewDir;
private bool m_isOutlineDataCollector = false;
private bool m_forceNormalIsDirty;
private bool m_grabPassIsDirty;
private bool m_tesselationActive;
private Dictionary<int, PropertyNode> m_propertyNodes;
private MasterNode m_masterNode;
private int m_availableVertexTempId = 0;
private int m_availableFragTempId = 0;
private MasterNodePortCategory m_portCategory;
private PortGenType m_genType;
private RenderPath m_renderPath = RenderPath.All;
private NodeAvailability m_currentCanvasMode = NodeAvailability.SurfaceShader;
//Templates specific data
private AvailableShaderTypes m_masterNodeCategory;
private List<string> m_vertexInputList;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_vertexInputDict;
private List<string> m_interpolatorsList;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_interpolatorsDict;
private List<string> m_vertexInterpDeclList;
private Dictionary<string, string> m_vertexInterpDeclDict;
private TemplateDataCollector m_templateDataCollector;
public MasterNodeDataCollector( MasterNode masterNode ) : this()
m_masterNode = masterNode;
m_masterNodeCategory = masterNode.CurrentMasterNodeCategory;
m_currentCanvasMode = masterNode.ContainerGraph.CurrentCanvasMode;
public MasterNodeDataCollector()
//m_masterNode = masterNode;
m_input = "struct Input\n\t\t{\n";
m_customInput = "\t\tstruct SurfaceOutput{0}\n\t\t{\n";
m_properties = IOUtils.PropertiesBegin;//"\tProperties\n\t{\n";
m_uniforms = string.Empty;
m_instructions = string.Empty;
m_includes = string.Empty;
m_pragmas = string.Empty;
m_defines = string.Empty;
m_localVariables = string.Empty;
m_specialLocalVariables = string.Empty;
m_customOutput = string.Empty;
m_inputList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_customInputList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_propertiesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_instancedPropertiesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_uniformsList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_includesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_additionalDirectivesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
//m_tagsList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_pragmasList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_definesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_instructionsList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_localVariablesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_vertexLocalVariablesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_specialLocalVariablesList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_vertexDataList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_customOutputList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_functionsList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_grabPassList = new List<PropertyDataCollector>();
m_customAppDataItems = string.Empty;
m_customAppDataItemsDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_customShadowCoordsList = new List<InputCoordsCollector>();
m_packSlotsList = new List<int>();
m_inputDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_customInputDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_propertiesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_instancedPropertiesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_uniformsDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_includesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_additionalDirectivesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_includesExclusionDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//m_tagsDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_pragmasDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_definesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_virtualCoordinatesDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
m_localVariablesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_virtualVariablesDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_specialLocalVariablesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_vertexLocalVariablesDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_localFunctions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_vertexDataDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_customOutputDict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDataCollector>();
m_grabPassDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_customShadowCoordsDict = new Dictionary<string, InputCoordsCollector>();
m_dirtyAppData = false;
m_dirtyInputs = false;
m_dirtyCustomInputs = false;
m_dirtyProperties = false;
m_dirtyInstancedProperties = false;
m_dirtyUniforms = false;
m_dirtyInstructions = false;
m_dirtyIncludes = false;
m_dirtyPragmas = false;
m_dirtyDefines = false;
m_dirtyAdditionalDirectives = false;
m_dirtyLocalVariables = false;
m_dirtySpecialLocalVariables = false;
m_grabPassIsDirty = false;
m_portCategory = MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment;
m_propertyNodes = new Dictionary<int, PropertyNode>();
m_showDebugMessages = ( m_showDebugMessages && DebugConsoleWindow.DeveloperMode );
//m_masterNodeCategory = masterNode.CurrentMasterNodeCategory;
m_vertexInputList = new List<string>();
m_vertexInputDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_interpolatorsList = new List<string>();
m_interpolatorsDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_vertexInterpDeclList = new List<string>();
m_vertexInterpDeclDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
m_templateDataCollector = new TemplateDataCollector();
public void SetChannelUsage( int channelId, TextureChannelUsage usage )
if( channelId > -1 && channelId < 4 )
m_requireTextureProperty[ channelId ] = usage;
public TextureChannelUsage GetChannelUsage( int channelId )
if( channelId > -1 && channelId < 4 )
return m_requireTextureProperty[ channelId ];
return TextureChannelUsage.Not_Used;
public void OpenPerVertexHeader( bool includeCustomData )
string appData ="inout " + (m_dirtyAppData ? Constants.CustomAppDataFullName : Constants.AppDataFullName)+" ";
if( m_dirtyPerVertexData )
m_dirtyPerVertexData = true;
if( m_tesselationActive )
m_vertexData = "\t\tvoid " + Constants.VertexDataFunc + "( "+ appData + Constants.VertexShaderInputStr + " )\n\t\t{\n";
m_vertexData = "\t\tvoid " + Constants.VertexDataFunc + "( "+ appData + Constants.VertexShaderInputStr + ( includeCustomData ? ( string.Format( ", out Input {0}", Constants.VertexShaderOutputStr ) ) : string.Empty ) + " )\n\t\t{\n";
if( includeCustomData )
m_vertexData += string.Format( "\t\t\tUNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT( Input, {0} );\n", Constants.VertexShaderOutputStr );
public void ClosePerVertexHeader()
if( m_dirtyPerVertexData )
m_vertexData += "\t\t}\n\n";
public void AddToVertexDisplacement( string value, VertexMode vertexMode )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_dirtyPerVertexData )
OpenPerVertexHeader( true );
switch( vertexMode )
case VertexMode.Relative:
m_vertexData += "\t\t\t" + Constants.VertexShaderInputStr + " += " + value + ";\n";
case VertexMode.Absolute:
m_vertexData += "\t\t\t" + Constants.VertexShaderInputStr + " = " + value + ";\n";
public void AddToVertexNormal( string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_dirtyPerVertexData )
OpenPerVertexHeader( true );
m_vertexData += "\t\t\t" + Constants.VertexShaderInputStr + ".normal = " + value + ";\n";
public void AddVertexInstruction( string value, int nodeId = -1, bool addDelimiters = true )
if( !m_dirtyPerVertexData && !IsOutlineDataCollector/*&& !(m_usingCustomOutlineColor || m_usingCustomOutlineWidth)*/ )
OpenPerVertexHeader( true );
if( !m_vertexDataDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_vertexDataDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_vertexDataList.Add( m_vertexDataDict[ value ] );
m_vertexData += ( addDelimiters ? ( "\t\t\t" + value + ";\n" ) : value );
public bool ContainsInput( string value )
return m_inputDict.ContainsKey( value );
public void AddToInput( int nodeId, string interpName, WirePortDataType dataType, PrecisionType precision = PrecisionType.Float, bool addSemiColon = true )
string value = UIUtils.FinalPrecisionWirePortToCgType( precision, dataType ) + " " + interpName;
AddToInput( nodeId, value, addSemiColon );
if( !m_customShadowCoordsDict.ContainsKey( interpName ) )
int slot = 0;
int index = 0;
int size = UIUtils.GetChannelsAmount( dataType );
if( m_packSlotsList.Count == 0 )
m_packSlotsList.Add( 4 );
for( int i = 0; i < m_packSlotsList.Count; i++ )
slot = i;
if( m_packSlotsList[ i ] >= size )
index = 4 - m_packSlotsList[ i ];
m_packSlotsList[ i ] -= size;
else if( i == m_packSlotsList.Count - 1 )
m_packSlotsList.Add( 4 );
m_customShadowCoordsDict.Add( interpName, new InputCoordsCollector( nodeId, interpName, dataType, precision, slot, index ) );
m_customShadowCoordsList.Add( m_customShadowCoordsDict[ interpName ] );
public void AddToInput( int nodeId, SurfaceInputs surfaceInput, PrecisionType precision = PrecisionType.Float, bool addSemiColon = true )
switch( surfaceInput )
case SurfaceInputs.VIEW_DIR:
UsingViewDirection = true;
case SurfaceInputs.SCREEN_POS:
UsingScreenPos = true;
case SurfaceInputs.WORLD_POS:
UsingWorldPosition = true;
case SurfaceInputs.WORLD_REFL:
UsingWorldReflection = true;
case SurfaceInputs.WORLD_NORMAL:
UsingWorldNormal = true;
case SurfaceInputs.INTERNALDATA:
UsingInternalData = true;
case SurfaceInputs.COLOR:
UsingVertexColor = true;
AddToInput( nodeId, UIUtils.GetInputDeclarationFromType( precision, surfaceInput ), addSemiColon );
/// <summary>
/// Direct access to inputs, plese use another overload
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeId"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <param name="addSemiColon"></param>
public void AddToInput( int nodeId, string value, bool addSemiColon )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_inputDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_inputDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_inputList.Add( m_inputDict[ value ] );
m_input += "\t\t\t" + value + ( ( addSemiColon ) ? ( ";\n" ) : "\n" );
m_dirtyInputs = true;
public void CloseInputs()
m_input += "\t\t};";
public void ChangeCustomInputHeader( string value )
m_customInput = m_customInput.Replace( "{0}", value );
public void AddToCustomInput( int nodeId, string value, bool addSemiColon )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_customInputDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_customInputDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_customInputList.Add( m_customInputDict[ value ] );
m_customInput += "\t\t\t" + value + ( ( addSemiColon ) ? ( ";\n" ) : "\n" );
m_dirtyCustomInputs = true;
public void CloseCustomInputs()
m_customInput += "\t\t};";
// Used by Template Master Node to add tabs into variable declaration
public void TabifyInstancedVars()
for( int i = 0; i < m_instancedPropertiesList.Count; i++ )
m_instancedPropertiesList[ i ].PropertyName = '\t' + m_instancedPropertiesList[ i ].PropertyName;
private int GetWeightForInstancedType( WirePortDataType type )
switch( type )
case WirePortDataType.INT:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT: return -1;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT2: return -2;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3: return -3;
case WirePortDataType.COLOR:
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4: return -4;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT3x3: return -9;
case WirePortDataType.FLOAT4x4: return -16;
case WirePortDataType.OBJECT:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER1D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D:
case WirePortDataType.SAMPLERCUBE:
return 0;
public void OptimizeInstancedProperties()
if( m_instancedPropertiesList.Count > 0 )
m_instancedProperties = string.Empty;
m_instancedPropertiesList.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return GetWeightForInstancedType( x.DataType ).CompareTo( GetWeightForInstancedType( y.DataType ) ); } );
int count = m_instancedPropertiesList.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
m_instancedProperties += m_instancedPropertiesList[ i ].PropertyName;
// Instanced properties
public void SetupInstancePropertiesBlock( string blockName )
m_instanceBlockName = blockName;
if( IsTemplate )
//if( DebugConsoleWindow.DeveloperMode )
// Debug.LogWarning( "SetupInstancePropertiesBlock should not be used during template mode" );
if( m_dirtyInstancedProperties )
m_instancedProperties = string.Format( IOUtils.InstancedPropertiesBeginTabs, blockName ) + m_instancedProperties + IOUtils.InstancedPropertiesEndTabs;
public void AddToInstancedProperties( WirePortDataType dataType, int nodeId, string value, int orderIndex )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_instancedPropertiesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
PropertyDataCollector dataColl = new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value, orderIndex );
dataColl.DataType = dataType;
m_instancedPropertiesDict.Add( value, dataColl );
m_instancedPropertiesList.Add( dataColl );
m_instancedProperties += value;
m_dirtyInstancedProperties = true;
public void CloseInstancedProperties()
if( m_dirtyInstancedProperties )
m_instancedProperties += IOUtils.InstancedPropertiesEnd;
// Properties
public void CopyPropertiesFromDataCollector( MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector )
if( dataCollector == null )
int propertyCount = dataCollector.PropertiesList.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++ )
AddToProperties( dataCollector.PropertiesList[ i ].NodeId,
dataCollector.PropertiesList[ i ].PropertyName,
dataCollector.PropertiesList[ i ].OrderIndex );
foreach( KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dataCollector.GrabPassDict )
AddGrabPass( kvp.Value );
public void AddToProperties( int nodeId, string value, int orderIndex )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_propertiesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
//Debug.Log( UIUtils );
m_propertiesDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value, orderIndex ) );
m_propertiesList.Add( m_propertiesDict[ value ] );
m_properties += string.Format( IOUtils.PropertiesElement, value );
m_dirtyProperties = true;
public string BuildPropertiesString()
List<PropertyDataCollector> list = new List<PropertyDataCollector>( m_propertiesDict.Values );
//for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
// Debug.Log( list[ i ].OrderIndex + " " + list[ i ].PropertyName );
list.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
CleanUpList( ref list );
m_properties = IOUtils.PropertiesBegin;
for( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
m_properties += string.Format( IOUtils.PropertiesElement, list[ i ].PropertyName );
m_properties += IOUtils.PropertiesEnd;
return m_properties;
public string[] BuildUnformatedPropertiesStringArr()
List<PropertyDataCollector> list = new List<PropertyDataCollector>( m_propertiesDict.Values );
list.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.OrderIndex.CompareTo( y.OrderIndex ); } );
CleanUpList( ref list );
string[] arr = new string[ list.Count ];
for( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
arr[ i ] = list[ i ].PropertyName;
return arr;
//This clean up was set to remove Header attributes from shader functions which would be last on the property list
//Thus creating a label on the inspector with no properties below
public void CleanUpList( ref List<PropertyDataCollector> list )
if( list.Count == 0 )
if( list[ list.Count - 1 ].PropertyName.Contains( "[Header(" ) )
//Check if this is a complete property or just a standalone header
Match match = Regex.Match( list[ list.Count - 1 ].PropertyName, TemplateHelperFunctions.PropertiesPatternD );
if( !match.Success )
list.RemoveAt( list.Count - 1 );
CleanUpList( ref list );
public void CloseProperties()
if( m_dirtyProperties )
m_properties += IOUtils.PropertiesEnd;
public void AddGrabPass( string value )
if( m_grabPassDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_grabPassDict.Add( value, value );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_grabPassIsDirty )
m_grabPass += IOUtils.GrabPassEmpty;
m_grabPass += IOUtils.GrabPassBegin + value + IOUtils.GrabPassEnd;
m_grabPassList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, m_grabPass.Replace( "\t", string.Empty ).Replace( "\n", string.Empty ) ) );
m_grabPassIsDirty = true;
// This is used by templates global variables to register already existing globals/properties
//public void SoftRegisterUniform( string dataName )
// if( !m_uniformsDict.ContainsKey( dataName ) )
// {
// m_uniformsDict.Add( dataName, new PropertyDataCollector( -1, dataName ) );
// }
public void SoftRegisterUniform( TemplateShaderPropertyData data )
bool excludeUniformKeyword = ( data.PropertyType == PropertyType.InstancedProperty ) || IsSRP;
string uniformName = UIUtils.GenerateUniformName( excludeUniformKeyword, data.PropertyDataType, data.PropertyName );
if( !m_uniformsDict.ContainsKey( uniformName ) )
m_uniformsDict.Add( uniformName, new PropertyDataCollector( -1, uniformName ) );
public void AddToUniforms( int nodeId, string dataType, string dataName )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( dataName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( dataType ) )
string value = UIUtils.GenerateUniformName( IsSRP, dataType, dataName );
if( !m_uniformsDict.ContainsKey( value ) && !m_uniformsDict.ContainsKey( dataName ) )
m_uniforms += "\t\t" + value + '\n';
m_uniformsDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_uniformsList.Add( m_uniformsDict[ value ] );
m_dirtyUniforms = true;
//else if ( m_uniformsDict[ value ].NodeId != nodeId )
// if ( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToUniforms:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
public void AddToUniforms( int nodeId, string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_uniformsDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_uniforms += "\t\t" + value + '\n';
m_uniformsDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_uniformsList.Add( m_uniformsDict[ value ] );
m_dirtyUniforms = true;
else if( m_uniformsDict[ value ].NodeId != nodeId )
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToUniforms:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
public void AddToMisc( string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_additionalDirectivesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
PropertyDataCollector data = new PropertyDataCollector( -1, value );
m_additionalDirectivesDict.Add( value, data );
m_additionalDirectivesList.Add( data );
m_dirtyAdditionalDirectives = true;
public void AddToIncludes( int nodeId, string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( m_includesExclusionDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
if( IsTemplate )
if( m_templateDataCollector.HasDirective( AdditionalLineType.Include, value ) )
if( !m_includesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
PropertyDataCollector data = new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, "#include \"" + value + "\"" );
m_includesDict.Add( value, data );
m_includesList.Add( data );
m_includes += "\t\t#include \"" + value + "\"\n";
m_dirtyIncludes = true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToIncludes:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
public void RemoveFromIncludes( string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( !m_includesExclusionDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_includesExclusionDict.Add( value, value );
if( m_includesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
PropertyDataCollector data = m_includesDict[ value ];
m_includesDict.Remove( value );
m_includesList.Remove( data );
m_dirtyIncludes = true;
string finalValueName = "\t\t#include \"" + value + "\"\n";
m_includes = m_includes.Replace( finalValueName, string.Empty );
//public void AddToTags( int nodeId, string name, string value )
// if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
// return;
// if( !m_tagsDict.ContainsKey( name ) )
// {
// string finalResult = string.Format( "\"{0}\"=\"{1}\"", name, value );
// m_tagsDict.Add( name, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, finalResult ) );
// m_tagsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, finalResult ) );
// }
public void AddToPragmas( int nodeId, string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( IsTemplate )
if( m_templateDataCollector.HasDirective( AdditionalLineType.Pragma, value ) )
if( !m_pragmasDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_pragmasDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, "#pragma " + value ) );
m_pragmasList.Add( m_pragmasDict[ value ] );
m_pragmas += "\t\t#pragma " + value + "\n";
m_dirtyPragmas = true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToPragmas:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
public void AddToDefines( int nodeId, string value, bool define = true )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( IsTemplate )
if( m_templateDataCollector.HasDirective( AdditionalLineType.Define, value ) )
if( !m_definesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
string defineValue = ( define ? "#define " : "#undef " ) + value;
m_definesDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, defineValue ) );
m_definesList.Add( m_definesDict[ value ] );
m_defines += "\t\t"+ defineValue + "\n";
m_dirtyDefines = true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToDefines:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
public int GetVirtualCoordinatesId( int nodeId, string coord, string lodBias )
if( !m_virtualCoordinatesDict.ContainsKey( coord ) )
m_virtualCoordinatesDict.Add( coord, nodeId );
AddLocalVariable( nodeId, "VirtualCoord " + Constants.VirtualCoordNameStr + nodeId + " = VTComputeVirtualCoord" + lodBias + "(" + coord + ");" );
return nodeId;
int fetchedId = 0;
m_virtualCoordinatesDict.TryGetValue( coord, out fetchedId );
return fetchedId;
public bool AddToLocalVariables( MasterNodePortCategory category, int nodeId, PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type, string varName, string varValue )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( varName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( varValue ) )
return false;
string value = UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precisionType, type ) + " " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";";
return AddToLocalVariables( category, nodeId, value );
public bool AddToLocalVariables( int nodeId, PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type, string varName, string varValue )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( varName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( varValue ) )
return false;
string value = UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precisionType, type ) + " " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";";
return AddToLocalVariables( nodeId, value );
public bool AddToLocalVariables( MasterNodePortCategory category, int nodeId, string value, bool ignoreDuplicates = false )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
return false;
switch( category )
case MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex:
case MasterNodePortCategory.Tessellation:
return AddToVertexLocalVariables( nodeId, value, ignoreDuplicates );
case MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment:
case MasterNodePortCategory.Debug:
return AddToLocalVariables( nodeId, value, ignoreDuplicates );
return false;
public bool AddLocalVariable( int nodeId, string customType, string varName, string varValue )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( varName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( varValue ) )
return false;
string value = customType + " " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";";
return AddLocalVariable( nodeId, value );
public bool AddLocalVariable( int nodeId, PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type, string varName, string varValue )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( varName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( varValue ) )
return false;
string value = UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precisionType, type ) + " " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";";
return AddLocalVariable( nodeId, value );
public bool AddLocalVariable( int nodeId, string name, string value, bool ignoreDuplicates = false )
return AddLocalVariable( nodeId, name + " = " + value, ignoreDuplicates );
public bool AddLocalVariable( int nodeId, string value, bool ignoreDuplicates = false )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
return false;
switch( m_portCategory )
case MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex:
case MasterNodePortCategory.Tessellation:
return AddToVertexLocalVariables( nodeId, value, ignoreDuplicates );
case MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment:
case MasterNodePortCategory.Debug:
return AddToLocalVariables( nodeId, value, ignoreDuplicates );
return false;
public string AddVirtualLocalVariable( int nodeId, string variable, string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
return string.Empty;
string result = string.Empty;
//switch ( m_portCategory )
//case MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex:
//case MasterNodePortCategory.Tessellation:
//case MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment:
//case MasterNodePortCategory.Debug:
if( !m_virtualVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_virtualVariablesDict.Add( value, variable );
result = variable;
m_virtualVariablesDict.TryGetValue( value, out result );
return result;
public void AddCodeComments( bool forceForwardSlash, params string[] comments )
if( m_portCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Tessellation || m_portCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Vertex )
AddToVertexLocalVariables( 0, IOUtils.CreateCodeComments( forceForwardSlash, comments ) );
AddToLocalVariables( 0, IOUtils.CreateCodeComments( forceForwardSlash, comments ) );
public bool AddToLocalVariables( int nodeId, string value, bool ignoreDuplicates = false )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
return false;
if( m_usingCustomOutput )
if( !m_customOutputDict.ContainsKey( value ) || ignoreDuplicates )
if( !m_customOutputDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_customOutputDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_customOutputList.Add( m_customOutputDict[ value ] );
m_customOutput += "\t\t\t" + value + '\n';
return true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToLocalVariables:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
if( !m_localVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) || ignoreDuplicates )
if( !m_localVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_localVariablesDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_localVariablesList.Add( m_localVariablesDict[ value ] );
AddToSpecialLocalVariables( nodeId, value, ignoreDuplicates );
return true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToLocalVariables:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
return false;
public void AddToSpecialLocalVariables( int nodeId, string value, bool ignoreDuplicates = false )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
if( m_usingCustomOutput )
if( !m_customOutputDict.ContainsKey( value ) || ignoreDuplicates )
if( !m_customOutputDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_customOutputDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_customOutputList.Add( m_customOutputDict[ value ] );
m_customOutput += "\t\t\t" + value + '\n';
m_dirtySpecialLocalVariables = true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToSpecialLocalVariables:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
if( !m_specialLocalVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) || ignoreDuplicates )
if( !m_specialLocalVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_specialLocalVariablesDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_specialLocalVariablesList.Add( m_specialLocalVariablesDict[ value ] );
m_specialLocalVariables += "\t\t\t" + value + '\n';
m_dirtySpecialLocalVariables = true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToSpecialLocalVariables:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
public void ClearSpecialLocalVariables()
m_specialLocalVariables = string.Empty;
m_dirtySpecialLocalVariables = false;
public bool AddToVertexLocalVariables( int nodeId, string varName, string varValue )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( varName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( varValue ) )
return false;
string value = varName + " = " + varValue + ";";
return AddToVertexLocalVariables( nodeId, value );
public bool AddToVertexLocalVariables( int nodeId, PrecisionType precisionType, WirePortDataType type, string varName, string varValue )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( varName ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( varValue ) )
return false;
string value = UIUtils.PrecisionWirePortToCgType( precisionType, type ) + " " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";";
return AddToVertexLocalVariables( nodeId, value );
public bool AddToVertexLocalVariables( int nodeId, string value, bool ignoreDuplicates = false )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
return false;
if( !m_vertexLocalVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) || ignoreDuplicates )
if( !m_vertexLocalVariablesDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_vertexLocalVariablesDict.Add( value, new PropertyDataCollector( nodeId, value ) );
m_vertexLocalVariablesList.Add( m_vertexLocalVariablesDict[ value ] );
m_vertexLocalVariables += "\t\t\t" + value + '\n';
m_dirtyVertexLocalVariables = true;
return true;
if( m_showDebugMessages ) UIUtils.ShowMessage( "AddToVertexLocalVariables:Attempting to add duplicate " + value, MessageSeverity.Warning );
return false;
public void ClearVertexLocalVariables()
m_vertexLocalVariables = string.Empty;
m_dirtyVertexLocalVariables = false;
public bool CheckFunction( string header )
return m_localFunctions.ContainsKey( header );
public string AddFunctions( string header, string body, params object[] inParams )
if( !m_localFunctions.ContainsKey( header ) )
m_localFunctions.Add( header, body );
m_functionsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, body.Replace( "\t\t", string.Empty ) ) );
m_functions += "\n" + body + "\n";
m_dirtyFunctions = true;
return String.Format( header, inParams );
public string AddFunctions( string header, string[] bodyLines, bool addNewLine, params object[] inParams )
if( !m_localFunctions.ContainsKey( header ) )
string body = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < bodyLines.Length; i++ )
body += ( m_masterNodeCategory == AvailableShaderTypes.Template ) ? bodyLines[ i ] : "\t\t" + bodyLines[ i ];
if( addNewLine )
body += '\n';
m_localFunctions.Add( header, body );
m_functionsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, body ) );
m_functions += "\n" + body + "\n";
m_dirtyFunctions = true;
return String.Format( header, inParams );
public bool HasFunction( string functionId )
return m_localFunctions.ContainsKey( functionId );
public void AddFunction( string functionId, string body )
if( !m_localFunctions.ContainsKey( functionId ) )
m_functionsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, body ) );
m_localFunctions.Add( functionId, body );
m_functions += "\n" + body + "\n";
m_dirtyFunctions = true;
public void AddFunction( string functionId, string[] bodyLines, bool addNewline )
if( !m_localFunctions.ContainsKey( functionId ) )
string body = string.Empty;
for( int i = 0; i < bodyLines.Length; i++ )
body += ( m_masterNodeCategory == AvailableShaderTypes.Template ) ? bodyLines[ i ] : "\t\t" + bodyLines[ i ];
if( addNewline )
body += '\n';
m_functionsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, body ) );
m_localFunctions.Add( functionId, body );
m_functions += "\n" + body + "\n";
m_dirtyFunctions = true;
public void AddInstructions( string value, bool addTabs = false, bool addLineEnding = false )
m_instructionsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, value ) );
m_instructions += addTabs ? "\t\t\t" + value : value;
if( addLineEnding )
m_instructions += '\n';
m_dirtyInstructions = true;
public void AddInstructions( bool addLineEnding, bool addTabs, params string[] values )
for( int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++ )
m_instructionsList.Add( new PropertyDataCollector( -1, values[ i ] ) );
m_instructions += addTabs ? "\t\t\t" + values[ i ] : values[ i ];
if( addLineEnding )
m_instructions += '\n';
m_dirtyInstructions = true;
public void AddToStartInstructions( string value )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
m_instructions = value + m_instructions;
m_dirtyInstructions = true;
public void ResetInstructions()
m_instructions = string.Empty;
m_dirtyInstructions = false;
public void ResetVertexInstructions()
m_vertexData = string.Empty;
m_dirtyPerVertexData = false;
public void AddPropertyNode( PropertyNode node )
if( !m_propertyNodes.ContainsKey( node.UniqueId ) )
m_propertyNodes.Add( node.UniqueId, node );
public void UpdateMaterialOnPropertyNodes( Material material )
m_masterNode.UpdateMaterial( material );
foreach( KeyValuePair<int, PropertyNode> kvp in m_propertyNodes )
kvp.Value.UpdateMaterial( material );
public void AddToVertexInput( string value )
if( !m_vertexInputDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_vertexInputDict.Add( value, value );
m_vertexInputList.Add( value );
public void AddToInterpolators( string value )
if( !m_interpolatorsDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_interpolatorsDict.Add( value, value );
m_interpolatorsList.Add( value );
public void AddToVertexInterpolatorsDecl( string value )
if( !m_vertexInterpDeclDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_vertexInterpDeclDict.Add( value, value );
m_vertexInterpDeclList.Add( value );
public void UpdateShaderImporter( ref Shader shader )
ShaderImporter importer = (ShaderImporter)ShaderImporter.GetAtPath( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( shader ) );
if( m_propertyNodes.Count > 0 )
bool hasContents = false;
TextureDefaultsDataColector defaultCol = new TextureDefaultsDataColector();
foreach( KeyValuePair<int, PropertyNode> kvp in m_propertyNodes )
hasContents = kvp.Value.UpdateShaderDefaults( ref shader, ref defaultCol ) || hasContents;
if( hasContents )
importer.SetDefaultTextures( defaultCol.NamesArr, defaultCol.ValuesArr );
defaultCol = null;
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
public void AddCustomAppData( string value )
if( m_customAppDataItemsDict.ContainsKey( value ) )
m_customAppDataItemsDict.Add( value, value );
m_customAppDataItems += "\t\t\t"+value+"\n";
m_dirtyAppData = true;
public string CustomAppDataName { get { return m_dirtyAppData ? Constants.CustomAppDataFullName : Constants.AppDataFullName; } }
public string CustomAppData
if( m_dirtyPerVertexData )
return Constants.CustomAppDataFullBody + m_customAppDataItems + "\t\t};\n";
return string.Empty;
public void Destroy()
m_masterNode = null;
m_customAppDataItemsDict = null;
m_inputList = null;
m_customInputList = null;
m_propertiesList = null;
m_instancedPropertiesList = null;
m_uniformsList = null;
m_additionalDirectivesList = null;
m_includesList = null;
//m_tagsList = null;
m_pragmasList = null;
m_definesList = null;
m_instructionsList = null;
m_localVariablesList = null;
m_vertexLocalVariablesList = null;
m_specialLocalVariablesList = null;
m_vertexDataList = null;
m_customOutputList = null;
m_functionsList = null;
m_grabPassList = null;
m_grabPassDict = null;
m_propertyNodes = null;
m_inputDict = null;
m_customInputDict = null;
m_propertiesDict = null;
m_instancedPropertiesDict = null;
m_uniformsDict = null;
m_includesDict = null;
m_additionalDirectivesDict = null;
m_includesExclusionDict = null;
//m_tagsDict = null;
m_pragmasDict = null;
m_definesDict = null;
m_virtualCoordinatesDict = null;
m_virtualVariablesDict = null;
m_localVariablesDict = null;
m_specialLocalVariablesDict = null;
m_vertexLocalVariablesDict = null;
m_localFunctions = null;
m_vertexDataDict = null;
m_customOutputDict = null;
m_vertexInputList = null;
m_vertexInputDict = null;
m_interpolatorsList = null;
m_interpolatorsDict = null;
m_vertexInterpDeclList = null;
m_vertexInterpDeclDict = null;
m_templateDataCollector = null;
m_customShadowCoordsDict = null;
m_customShadowCoordsDict = null;
m_packSlotsList = null;
public string Inputs { get { return m_input; } }
public string CustomInput { get { return m_customInput; } }
public string Properties { get { return m_properties; } }
public string InstanceBlockName { get { return m_instanceBlockName; } }
public string InstancedProperties { get { return m_instancedProperties; } }
public string Uniforms { get { return m_uniforms; } }
public string Instructions { get { return m_instructions; } }
public string Includes { get { return m_includes; } }
public string Pragmas { get { return m_pragmas; } }
public string Defines { get { return m_defines; } }
public string LocalVariables { get { return m_localVariables; } }
public string SpecialLocalVariables { get { return m_specialLocalVariables; } }
public string VertexLocalVariables { get { return m_vertexLocalVariables; } }
public string VertexLocalVariablesFromList
string result = string.Empty;
int count = m_vertexLocalVariablesList.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
result += m_vertexLocalVariablesList[ i ].PropertyName + "\n";
return result;
public string VertexData { get { return m_vertexData; } }
public string CustomOutput { get { return m_customOutput; } }
public string Functions { get { return m_functions; } }
public string GrabPass { get { return m_grabPass; } }
public bool DirtyAppData { get { return m_dirtyAppData; } }
public bool DirtyInstructions { get { return m_dirtyInstructions; } }
public bool DirtyUniforms { get { return m_dirtyUniforms; } }
public bool DirtyProperties { get { return m_dirtyProperties; } }
public bool DirtyInstancedProperties { get { return m_dirtyInstancedProperties; } }
public bool DirtyInputs { get { return m_dirtyInputs; } }
public bool DirtyCustomInput { get { return m_dirtyCustomInputs; } }
public bool DirtyIncludes { get { return m_dirtyIncludes; } }
public bool DirtyPragmas { get { return m_dirtyPragmas; } }
public bool DirtyDefines { get { return m_dirtyDefines; } }
public bool DirtyAdditionalDirectives { get { return m_dirtyAdditionalDirectives; } }
public bool DirtyLocalVariables { get { return m_dirtyLocalVariables; } }
public bool DirtyVertexVariables { get { return m_dirtyVertexLocalVariables; } }
public bool DirtySpecialLocalVariables { get { return m_dirtySpecialLocalVariables; } }
public bool DirtyPerVertexData { get { return m_dirtyPerVertexData; } }
public bool DirtyFunctions { get { return m_dirtyFunctions; } }
public bool DirtyGrabPass { get { return m_grabPassIsDirty; } }
public int LocalVariablesAmount { get { return m_localVariablesDict.Count; } }
public int SpecialLocalVariablesAmount { get { return m_specialLocalVariablesDict.Count; } }
public int VertexLocalVariablesAmount { get { return m_vertexLocalVariablesDict.Count; } }
public bool TesselationActive { set { m_tesselationActive = value; } get { return m_tesselationActive; } }
public int AvailableVertexTempId { get { return m_availableVertexTempId++; } }
public int AvailableFragTempId { get { return m_availableFragTempId++; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if Normal output is being written by something else
/// </summary>
public bool DirtyNormal
get { return m_dirtyNormal; }
set { m_dirtyNormal = value; }
public bool IsFragmentCategory
get { return m_portCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Fragment || m_portCategory == MasterNodePortCategory.Debug; }
public MasterNodePortCategory PortCategory
get { return m_portCategory; }
set { m_portCategory = value; }
public PortGenType GenType
get { return m_genType; }
set { m_genType = value; }
public bool IsTemplate { get { return m_masterNodeCategory == AvailableShaderTypes.Template; } }
public bool IsSRP { get { return ( TemplateDataCollectorInstance.CurrentSRPType == TemplateSRPType.Lightweight || TemplateDataCollectorInstance.CurrentSRPType == TemplateSRPType.HD); } }
public AvailableShaderTypes MasterNodeCategory
get { return m_masterNodeCategory; }
set { m_masterNodeCategory = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Forces write to Normal output when the output is not connected
/// </summary>
public bool ForceNormal
get { return m_forceNormal; }
if( value )
if( !m_forceNormalIsDirty )
m_forceNormal = value;
m_forceNormalIsDirty = value;
m_forceNormal = value;
public bool UsingVertexColor
get { return m_usingVertexColor; }
set { m_usingVertexColor = value; }
public bool UsingInternalData
get { return m_usingInternalData; }
set { m_usingInternalData = value; }
public bool UsingScreenPos
get { return m_usingScreenPos; }
set { m_usingScreenPos = value; }
public bool UsingCustomScreenPos
get { return m_usingCustomScreenPos; }
set { m_usingCustomScreenPos = value; }
public bool UsingWorldNormal
get { return m_usingWorldNormal; }
set { m_usingWorldNormal = value; }
public bool UsingWorldReflection
get { return m_usingWorldReflection; }
set { m_usingWorldReflection = value; }
public bool UsingWorldPosition
get { return m_usingWorldPosition; }
set { m_usingWorldPosition = value; }
public bool UsingViewDirection
get { return m_usingViewDirection; }
set { m_usingViewDirection = value; }
public bool IsOutlineDataCollector
get { return m_isOutlineDataCollector; }
set { m_isOutlineDataCollector = value; }
public bool UsingCustomOutlineColor
get { return m_usingCustomOutlineColor; }
set { m_usingCustomOutlineColor = value; }
public bool UsingCustomOutlineWidth
get { return m_usingCustomOutlineWidth; }
set { m_usingCustomOutlineWidth = value; }
public bool UsingCustomOutlineAlpha
get { return m_usingCustomOutlineAlpha; }
set { m_usingCustomOutlineAlpha = value; }
public int CustomOutlineSelectedAlpha
get { return m_customOutlineSelectedAlpha; }
set { m_customOutlineSelectedAlpha = value; }
public bool UsingCustomOutput
get { return m_usingCustomOutput; }
set { m_usingCustomOutput = value; }
public bool UsingHigherSizeTexcoords
get { return m_usingHigherSizeTexcoords; }
set { m_usingHigherSizeTexcoords = value; }
public bool UsingLightAttenuation
get { return m_usingLightAttenuation; }
set { m_usingLightAttenuation = value; }
public bool UsingArrayDerivatives
get { return m_usingArrayDerivatives; }
set { m_usingArrayDerivatives = value; }
public bool SafeNormalizeLightDir
get { return m_safeNormalizeLightDir; }
set { m_safeNormalizeLightDir = value; }
public bool SafeNormalizeViewDir
get { return m_safeNormalizeViewDir; }
set { m_safeNormalizeViewDir = value; }
public string StandardAdditionalDirectives
string body = string.Empty;
int count = m_additionalDirectivesList.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
body += "\t\t" + m_additionalDirectivesList[i].PropertyName + "\n";
return body;
public List<PropertyDataCollector> InputList { get { return m_inputList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> CustomInputList { get { return m_customInputList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> PropertiesList { get { return m_propertiesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> InstancedPropertiesList { get { return m_instancedPropertiesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> UniformsList { get { return m_uniformsList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> MiscList { get { return m_additionalDirectivesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> IncludesList { get { return m_includesList; } }
//public List<PropertyDataCollector> TagsList { get { return m_tagsList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> PragmasList { get { return m_pragmasList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> DefinesList { get { return m_definesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> InstructionsList { get { return m_instructionsList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> LocalVariablesList { get { return m_localVariablesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> VertexLocalVariablesList { get { return m_vertexLocalVariablesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> SpecialLocalVariablesList { get { return m_specialLocalVariablesList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> VertexDataList { get { return m_vertexDataList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> CustomOutputList { get { return m_customOutputList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> FunctionsList { get { return m_functionsList; } }
public List<PropertyDataCollector> GrabPassList { get { return m_grabPassList; } }
public Dictionary<string, string> GrabPassDict { get { return m_grabPassDict; } }
public List<InputCoordsCollector> CustomShadowCoordsList { get { return m_customShadowCoordsList; } }
public List<int> PackSlotsList { get { return m_packSlotsList; } }
public Dictionary<string, string> LocalFunctions { get { return m_localFunctions; } }
public List<string> VertexInputList { get { return m_vertexInputList; } }
public List<string> InterpolatorList { get { return m_interpolatorsList; } }
public List<string> VertexInterpDeclList { get { return m_vertexInterpDeclList; } }
public TemplateDataCollector TemplateDataCollectorInstance { get { return m_templateDataCollector; } }
public RenderPath CurrentRenderPath
get { return m_renderPath; }
set { m_renderPath = value; }
public NodeAvailability CurrentCanvasMode { get { return m_currentCanvasMode; } set { m_currentCanvasMode = value; } }
public TemplateSRPType CurrentSRPType
if( IsTemplate )
return m_templateDataCollector.CurrentSRPType;
return TemplateSRPType.BuiltIn;