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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
enum POMTexTypes
[NodeAttributes( "Parallax Occlusion Mapping", "UV Coordinates", "Calculates offseted UVs for parallax occlusion mapping" )]
public sealed class ParallaxOcclusionMappingNode : ParentNode
private const string ArrayIndexStr = "Array Index";
private const string Tex3DSliceStr = "Tex3D Slice";
private readonly string[] m_channelTypeStr = { "Red Channel", "Green Channel", "Blue Channel", "Alpha Channel" };
private readonly string[] m_channelTypeVal = { "r", "g", "b", "a" };
private int m_selectedChannelInt = 0;
//private int m_minSamples = 8;
//private int m_maxSamples = 16;
private InlineProperty m_inlineMinSamples = new InlineProperty( 8 );
private InlineProperty m_inlineMaxSamples = new InlineProperty( 16 );
[ SerializeField]
private int m_sidewallSteps = 2;
private float m_defaultScale = 0.02f;
private float m_defaultRefPlane = 0f;
private bool m_clipEnds = false;
private Vector2 m_tilling = new Vector2( 1, 1 );
private bool m_useCurvature = false;
//private bool m_useTextureArray = false;
private POMTexTypes m_pomTexType = POMTexTypes.Texture2D;
//private bool m_useCurvature = false;
[ SerializeField]
private Vector2 m_CurvatureVector = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
private string m_functionHeader = "POM( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}, {13} )";
private string m_functionBody = string.Empty;
//private const string WorldDirVarStr = "worldViewDir";
private InputPort m_uvPort;
private InputPort m_texPort;
private InputPort m_scalePort;
private InputPort m_viewdirTanPort;
private InputPort m_refPlanePort;
private InputPort m_curvaturePort;
private InputPort m_arrayIndexPort;
private OutputPort m_pomUVPort;
protected override void CommonInit( int uniqueId )
base.CommonInit( uniqueId );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, false, "UV" );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D, false, "Tex" );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, "Scale" );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, false, "ViewDir (tan)" );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, "Ref Plane" );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, false, "Curvature" );
AddInputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT, false, ArrayIndexStr );
AddOutputPort( WirePortDataType.FLOAT2, "Out" );
m_uvPort = m_inputPorts[ 0 ];
m_texPort = m_inputPorts[ 1 ];
m_scalePort = m_inputPorts[ 2 ];
m_viewdirTanPort = m_inputPorts[ 3 ];
m_refPlanePort = m_inputPorts[ 4 ];
m_pomUVPort = m_outputPorts[ 0 ];
m_curvaturePort = m_inputPorts[ 5 ];
m_arrayIndexPort = m_inputPorts[ 6 ];
m_scalePort.FloatInternalData = 0.02f;
m_useInternalPortData = false;
m_textLabelWidth = 130;
m_autoWrapProperties = true;
m_curvaturePort.Visible = false;
m_arrayIndexPort.Visible = false;
public override void DrawProperties()
m_selectedChannelInt = EditorGUILayoutPopup( "Channel", m_selectedChannelInt, m_channelTypeStr );
if ( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 105;
//m_minSamples = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( "Min Samples", m_minSamples, 1, 128 );
UndoParentNode inst = this;
m_inlineMinSamples.CustomDrawer( ref inst, ( x ) => { m_inlineMinSamples.IntValue = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( "Min Samples", m_inlineMinSamples.IntValue, 1, 128 ); }, "Min Samples" );
//m_maxSamples = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( "Max Samples", m_maxSamples, 1, 128 );
m_inlineMaxSamples.CustomDrawer( ref inst, ( x ) => { m_inlineMaxSamples.IntValue = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( "Max Samples", m_inlineMaxSamples.IntValue, 1, 128 ); }, "Max Samples" );
m_sidewallSteps = EditorGUILayoutIntSlider( "Sidewall Steps", m_sidewallSteps, 0, 10 );
if ( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(m_scalePort.IsConnected );
m_defaultScale = EditorGUILayoutSlider( "Default Scale", m_defaultScale, 0, 1 );
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup( m_refPlanePort.IsConnected );
m_defaultRefPlane = EditorGUILayoutSlider( "Default Ref Plane", m_defaultRefPlane, 0, 1 );
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = m_textLabelWidth;
//m_useTextureArray = EditorGUILayoutToggle( "Use Texture Array", m_useTextureArray );
m_pomTexType = (POMTexTypes)EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup( "Texture Type", m_pomTexType );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
m_sizeIsDirty = true;
if( m_arrayIndexPort.Visible && !m_arrayIndexPort.IsConnected )
m_arrayIndexPort.FloatInternalData = EditorGUILayoutFloatField( "Array Index", m_arrayIndexPort.FloatInternalData );
//float cached = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
//EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 70;
m_clipEnds = EditorGUILayoutToggle( "Clip Edges", m_clipEnds );
//EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = -1;
//EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 100;
//EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup( !m_clipEnds );
//m_tilling = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field( string.Empty, m_tilling );
//EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cached;
m_useCurvature = EditorGUILayoutToggle( "Clip Silhouette", m_useCurvature );
if ( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup( !(m_useCurvature && !m_curvaturePort.IsConnected) );
m_CurvatureVector = EditorGUILayoutVector2Field( string.Empty, m_CurvatureVector );
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "WARNING:\nTex must be connected to a Texture Object for this node to work\n\nMin and Max samples:\nControl the minimum and maximum number of layers extruded\n\nSidewall Steps:\nThe number of interpolations done to smooth the extrusion result on the side of the layer extrusions, min is used at steep angles while max is used at orthogonal angles\n\n"+
"Ref Plane:\nReference plane lets you adjust the starting reference height, 0 = deepen ground, 1 = raise ground, any value above 0 might cause distortions at higher angles\n\n"+
"Clip Edges:\nThis will clip the ends of your uvs to give a more 3D look at the edges. It'll use the tilling given by your Heightmap input.\n\n"+
"Clip Silhouette:\nTurning this on allows you to use the UV coordinates to clip the effect curvature in U or V axis, useful for cylinders, works best with 'Clip Edges' turned OFF", MessageType.None );
private void UpdateIndexPort()
m_arrayIndexPort.Visible = m_pomTexType != POMTexTypes.Texture2D;
if( m_arrayIndexPort.Visible )
m_arrayIndexPort.Name = m_pomTexType == POMTexTypes.Texture3D ? Tex3DSliceStr : ArrayIndexStr;
private void UpdateSampler()
m_texPort.Name = "Tex (" + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ].ToUpper() + ")";
private void UpdateCurvaturePort()
if ( m_useCurvature )
m_curvaturePort.Visible = true;
m_curvaturePort.Visible = false;
m_sizeIsDirty = true;
public override string GenerateShaderForOutput( int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar )
if( !m_texPort.IsConnected )
UIUtils.ShowMessage( "Parallax Occlusion Mapping node only works if a Texture Object is connected to its Tex (R) port" );
return "0";
base.GenerateShaderForOutput( outputId, ref dataCollector, ignoreLocalvar );
WirePortDataType texType = ( m_pomTexType == POMTexTypes.Texture3D )?WirePortDataType.SAMPLER3D: WirePortDataType.SAMPLER2D;
string arrayIndex = m_arrayIndexPort.Visible?m_arrayIndexPort.GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector ):"0";
string textcoords = m_uvPort.GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
if( m_pomTexType == POMTexTypes.Texture3D )
string texName = "pomTexCoord" + OutputId;
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( UniqueId, m_currentPrecisionType, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, texName, string.Format( "float3({0},{1})", textcoords, arrayIndex ) );
textcoords = texName;
string texture = m_texPort.GenerateShaderForOutput( ref dataCollector, texType,false,true );
string scale = m_defaultScale.ToString();
if( m_scalePort.IsConnected )
scale = m_scalePort.GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
string viewDirTan = "";
if ( !m_viewdirTanPort.IsConnected )
if ( !dataCollector.DirtyNormal )
dataCollector.ForceNormal = true;
if ( dataCollector.IsTemplate )
viewDirTan = dataCollector.TemplateDataCollectorInstance.GetTangentViewDir( m_currentPrecisionType );
viewDirTan = GeneratorUtils.GenerateViewDirection( ref dataCollector, UniqueId, ViewSpace.Tangent );
//dataCollector.AddToInput( UniqueId, SurfaceInputs.VIEW_DIR, m_currentPrecisionType );
//viewDirTan = Constants.InputVarStr + "." + UIUtils.GetInputValueFromType( SurfaceInputs.VIEW_DIR );
viewDirTan = m_viewdirTanPort.GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
//generate world normal
string normalWorld = string.Empty;
if ( dataCollector.IsTemplate )
normalWorld = dataCollector.TemplateDataCollectorInstance.GetWorldNormal( m_currentPrecisionType );
dataCollector.AddToInput( UniqueId, SurfaceInputs.WORLD_NORMAL, m_currentPrecisionType );
dataCollector.AddToInput( UniqueId, SurfaceInputs.INTERNALDATA, addSemiColon: false );
normalWorld = GeneratorUtils.GenerateWorldNormal( ref dataCollector, UniqueId );
//string normalWorld = "WorldNormalVector( " + Constants.InputVarStr + ", float3( 0, 0, 1 ) )";
//generate viewDir in world space
//string worldPos = string.Empty;
//if( dataCollector.IsTemplate )
// worldPos = dataCollector.TemplateDataCollectorInstance.GetWorldPos();
// dataCollector.AddToInput( UniqueId, SurfaceInputs.WORLD_POS );
// worldPos = Constants.InputVarStr + ".worldPos";
//if( !dataCollector.IsTemplate )
// dataCollector.AddToInput( UniqueId, SurfaceInputs.WORLD_POS );
string worldViewDir = GeneratorUtils.GenerateViewDirection( ref dataCollector, UniqueId, ViewSpace.World );
//dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( UniqueId, m_currentPrecisionType, WirePortDataType.FLOAT3, WorldDirVarStr, TemplateHelperFunctions.WorldSpaceViewDir( dataCollector, worldPos, true ) );
string dx = "ddx("+ textcoords + ")";
string dy = "ddy(" + textcoords + ")";
string refPlane = m_defaultRefPlane.ToString();
if ( m_refPlanePort.IsConnected )
refPlane = m_refPlanePort.GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
string curvature = "float2("+ m_CurvatureVector.x + "," + m_CurvatureVector.y + ")";
if ( m_useCurvature )
dataCollector.AddToProperties( UniqueId, "[Header(Parallax Occlusion Mapping)]", 300 );
dataCollector.AddToProperties( UniqueId, "_CurvFix(\"Curvature Bias\", Range( 0 , 1)) = 1", 301 );
dataCollector.AddToUniforms( UniqueId, "uniform float _CurvFix;" );
if ( m_curvaturePort.IsConnected )
curvature = m_curvaturePort.GeneratePortInstructions( ref dataCollector );
string localVarName = "OffsetPOM" + UniqueId;
dataCollector.AddToUniforms(UniqueId, "uniform float4 "+ texture +"_ST;");
if( m_pomTexType == POMTexTypes.TextureArray )
dataCollector.UsingArrayDerivatives = true;
string textureArgs = string.Empty;
if( m_pomTexType == POMTexTypes.TextureArray )
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsHDRP )
textureArgs = "TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_PARAM(" + texture +" , "+"sampler##"+texture + ")";
textureArgs = "UNITY_PASS_TEX2DARRAY(" + texture + ")";
textureArgs = texture;
//string functionResult = dataCollector.AddFunctions( m_functionHeader, m_functionBody, ( (m_pomTexType == POMTexTypes.TextureArray) ? "UNITY_PASS_TEX2DARRAY(" + texture + ")": texture), textcoords, dx, dy, normalWorld, worldViewDir, viewDirTan, m_minSamples, m_maxSamples, scale, refPlane, texture+"_ST.xy", curvature, arrayIndex );
string functionResult = dataCollector.AddFunctions( m_functionHeader, m_functionBody, textureArgs, textcoords, dx, dy, normalWorld, worldViewDir, viewDirTan, m_inlineMinSamples.GetValueOrProperty(false), m_inlineMinSamples.GetValueOrProperty(false), scale, refPlane, texture + "_ST.xy", curvature, arrayIndex );
dataCollector.AddToLocalVariables( UniqueId, m_currentPrecisionType, m_pomUVPort.DataType, localVarName, functionResult );
return GetOutputVectorItem( 0, outputId, localVarName );
private void GeneratePOMfunction()
m_functionBody = string.Empty;
switch( m_pomTexType )
case POMTexTypes.Texture2D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionHeader( ref m_functionBody, "inline float2 POM( sampler2D heightMap, float2 uvs, float2 dx, float2 dy, float3 normalWorld, float3 viewWorld, float3 viewDirTan, int minSamples, int maxSamples, float parallax, float refPlane, float2 tilling, float2 curv, int index )" );
case POMTexTypes.Texture3D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionHeader( ref m_functionBody, "inline float2 POM( sampler3D heightMap, float3 uvs, float3 dx, float3 dy, float3 normalWorld, float3 viewWorld, float3 viewDirTan, int minSamples, int maxSamples, float parallax, float refPlane, float2 tilling, float2 curv, int index )" );
case POMTexTypes.TextureArray:
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsHDRP )
IOUtils.AddFunctionHeader( ref m_functionBody, "inline float2 POM( TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_ARGS(heightMap,sampler##heightMap), float2 uvs, float2 dx, float2 dy, float3 normalWorld, float3 viewWorld, float3 viewDirTan, int minSamples, int maxSamples, float parallax, float refPlane, float2 tilling, float2 curv, int index )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionHeader( ref m_functionBody, "inline float2 POM( UNITY_ARGS_TEX2DARRAY(heightMap), float2 uvs, float2 dx, float2 dy, float3 normalWorld, float3 viewWorld, float3 viewDirTan, int minSamples, int maxSamples, float parallax, float refPlane, float2 tilling, float2 curv, int index )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float3 result = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "int stepIndex = 0;" );
//IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "int numSteps = ( int )( minSamples + dot( viewWorld, normalWorld ) * ( maxSamples - minSamples ) );" );
//IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "int numSteps = ( int )lerp( maxSamples, minSamples, length( fwidth( uvs ) ) * 10 );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "int numSteps = ( int )lerp( (float)maxSamples, (float)minSamples, saturate( dot( normalWorld, viewWorld ) ) );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float layerHeight = 1.0 / numSteps;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float2 plane = parallax * ( viewDirTan.xy / viewDirTan.z );" );
switch( m_pomTexType )
case POMTexTypes.Texture2D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "uvs += refPlane * plane;" );
case POMTexTypes.Texture3D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "uvs.xy += refPlane * plane;" );
case POMTexTypes.TextureArray:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "uvs += refPlane * plane;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float2 deltaTex = -plane * layerHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float2 prevTexOffset = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float prevRayZ = 1.0f;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float prevHeight = 0.0f;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float2 currTexOffset = deltaTex;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float currRayZ = 1.0f - layerHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float currHeight = 0.0f;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float intersection = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float2 finalTexOffset = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "while ( stepIndex < numSteps + 1 )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "{" );
if( m_useCurvature )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " result.z = dot( curv, currTexOffset * currTexOffset );" );
switch( m_pomTexType )
case POMTexTypes.Texture2D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = tex2Dgrad( heightMap, uvs + currTexOffset, dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + " * ( 1 - result.z );" );
case POMTexTypes.Texture3D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = tex3Dgrad( heightMap, uvs + float3(currTexOffset,0), dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + " * ( 1 - result.z );" );
case POMTexTypes.TextureArray:
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsHDRP )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_GRAD( heightMap,sampler##heightMap, uvs + currTexOffset,index, dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + " * ( 1 - result.z );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = ASE_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY_GRAD( heightMap, float3(uvs + currTexOffset,index), dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + " * ( 1 - result.z );" );
switch( m_pomTexType )
case POMTexTypes.Texture2D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = tex2Dgrad( heightMap, uvs + currTexOffset, dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
case POMTexTypes.Texture3D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = tex3Dgrad( heightMap, uvs + float3(currTexOffset,0), dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
case POMTexTypes.TextureArray:
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsHDRP )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_GRAD( heightMap, sampler##heightMap, uvs + currTexOffset,index, dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = ASE_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY_GRAD( heightMap, float3(uvs + currTexOffset,index), dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( currHeight > currRayZ )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " {" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " stepIndex = numSteps + 1;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " }" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " else" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " {" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " stepIndex++;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " prevTexOffset = currTexOffset;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " prevRayZ = currRayZ;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " prevHeight = currHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currTexOffset += deltaTex;" );
if ( m_useCurvature )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currRayZ -= layerHeight * ( 1 - result.z ) * (1+_CurvFix);" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currRayZ -= layerHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " }" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "}" );
if ( m_sidewallSteps > 0 )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "int sectionSteps = " + m_sidewallSteps + ";" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "int sectionIndex = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float newZ = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "float newHeight = 0;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "while ( sectionIndex < sectionSteps )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "{" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " intersection = ( prevHeight - prevRayZ ) / ( prevHeight - currHeight + currRayZ - prevRayZ );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " finalTexOffset = prevTexOffset + intersection * deltaTex;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " newZ = prevRayZ - intersection * layerHeight;" );
switch( m_pomTexType )
case POMTexTypes.Texture2D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " newHeight = tex2Dgrad( heightMap, uvs + finalTexOffset, dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
case POMTexTypes.Texture3D:
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " newHeight = tex3Dgrad( heightMap, uvs + float3(finalTexOffset,0), dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
case POMTexTypes.TextureArray:
if( UIUtils.CurrentWindow.OutsideGraph.IsHDRP )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " newHeight = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_GRAD( heightMap, sampler##heightMap, uvs + finalTexOffset,index, dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " newHeight = ASE_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY_GRAD( heightMap, float3(uvs + finalTexOffset,index), dx, dy )." + m_channelTypeVal[ m_selectedChannelInt ] + ";" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( newHeight > newZ )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " {" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currTexOffset = finalTexOffset;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currHeight = newHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " currRayZ = newZ;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " deltaTex = intersection * deltaTex;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " layerHeight = intersection * layerHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " }" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " else" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " {" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " prevTexOffset = finalTexOffset;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " prevHeight = newHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " prevRayZ = newZ;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " deltaTex = ( 1 - intersection ) * deltaTex;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " layerHeight = ( 1 - intersection ) * layerHeight;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " }" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " sectionIndex++;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "}" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "finalTexOffset = currTexOffset;" );
if ( m_useCurvature )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#ifdef UNITY_PASS_SHADOWCASTER" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "if ( unity_LightShadowBias.z == 0.0 )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "{" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#endif" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( result.z > 1 )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " clip( -1 );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#ifdef UNITY_PASS_SHADOWCASTER" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "}" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#endif" );
if ( m_clipEnds )
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "result.xy = uvs + finalTexOffset;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#ifdef UNITY_PASS_SHADOWCASTER" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "if ( unity_LightShadowBias.z == 0.0 )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "{" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#endif" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( result.x < 0 )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " clip( -1 );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( result.x > tilling.x )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " clip( -1 );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( result.y < 0 )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " clip( -1 );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " if ( result.y > tilling.y )" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, " clip( -1 );" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#ifdef UNITY_PASS_SHADOWCASTER" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "}" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "#endif" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "return result.xy;" );
IOUtils.AddFunctionLine( ref m_functionBody, "return uvs + finalTexOffset;" );
IOUtils.CloseFunctionBody( ref m_functionBody );
public override void ReadFromString( ref string[] nodeParams )
base.ReadFromString( ref nodeParams );
m_selectedChannelInt = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
//m_minSamples = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
//m_maxSamples = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() < 15406 )
m_inlineMinSamples.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_inlineMaxSamples.IntValue = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_inlineMinSamples.ReadFromString( ref m_currentReadParamIdx, ref nodeParams );
m_inlineMaxSamples.ReadFromString( ref m_currentReadParamIdx, ref nodeParams );
m_sidewallSteps = Convert.ToInt32( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_defaultScale = Convert.ToSingle( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_defaultRefPlane = Convert.ToSingle( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if ( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 3001 )
m_clipEnds = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
string[] vector2Component = GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ).Split( IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR );
if ( vector2Component.Length == 2 )
m_tilling.x = Convert.ToSingle( vector2Component[ 0 ] );
m_tilling.y = Convert.ToSingle( vector2Component[ 1 ] );
if ( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 5005 )
m_useCurvature = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_CurvatureVector = IOUtils.StringToVector2( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() > 13103 )
if( UIUtils.CurrentShaderVersion() < 15307 )
bool arrayIndexVisible = false;
arrayIndexVisible = Convert.ToBoolean( GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
m_pomTexType = arrayIndexVisible ? POMTexTypes.TextureArray : POMTexTypes.Texture2D;
m_pomTexType = (POMTexTypes)Enum.Parse( typeof(POMTexTypes), GetCurrentParam( ref nodeParams ) );
public override void WriteToString( ref string nodeInfo, ref string connectionsInfo )
base.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo, ref connectionsInfo );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_selectedChannelInt );
//IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_minSamples );
//IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_maxSamples );
m_inlineMinSamples.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo );
m_inlineMaxSamples.WriteToString( ref nodeInfo );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_sidewallSteps );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_defaultScale );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_defaultRefPlane );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_clipEnds );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_tilling.x.ToString() + IOUtils.VECTOR_SEPARATOR + m_tilling.y.ToString() );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_useCurvature );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, IOUtils.Vector2ToString( m_CurvatureVector ) );
//IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_useTextureArray );
IOUtils.AddFieldValueToString( ref nodeInfo, m_pomTexType);
public override void Destroy()
m_uvPort = null;
m_texPort = null;
m_scalePort = null;
m_viewdirTanPort = null;
m_pomUVPort = null;