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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class ShaderLibrary : EditorWindow
private const string SHADER_LIB_FILE = "/AmplifyShaderEditor/Resources/ShaderLibrary/ShaderLibrary.txt";
private bool m_init = false;
private Vector2 m_scrollPos = new Vector2();
private List<string> m_shaders = new List<string>();
void Init()
m_init = true;
string list = IOUtils.LoadTextFileFromDisk( Application.dataPath + SHADER_LIB_FILE );
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( list ) )
string[] listArr = list.Split( IOUtils.FIELD_SEPARATOR );
for ( int i = 0; i < listArr.Length; i++ )
m_shaders.Add( listArr[ i ] );
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 10 ].active.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 6 ].fixedHeight = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 6 ].normal.background.height;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 6 ].fixedWidth = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 6 ].normal.background.width;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 7 ].fixedHeight = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 7 ].normal.background.height;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 7 ].fixedWidth = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 7 ].normal.background.width;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 8 ].fixedHeight = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 8 ].normal.background.height;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 8 ].fixedWidth = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 8 ].normal.background.width;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 9 ].fixedHeight = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 9 ].normal.background.height;
UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 9 ].fixedWidth = UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 9 ].normal.background.width;
void OnGUI()
if ( !m_init )
Rect availableArea = position;
availableArea.y = 100f;
availableArea.x = 0.05f * availableArea.width;
availableArea.height *= 0.5f;
availableArea.width *= 0.9f;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Shader Library", UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 5 ] );
GUILayout.Space( 10 );
GUILayout.Space( 0.05f * position.width );
GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 8 ] );
GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 9 ] );
GUILayout.Space( 0.8f*position.width );
GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 7 ] );
GUILayout.Button( string.Empty, UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 6 ] );
GUILayout.BeginArea( availableArea );
m_scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView( m_scrollPos, );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_shaders.Count; i++ )
GUILayout.Button( m_shaders[ i ], UIUtils.MainSkin.customStyles[ 10 ] );