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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public sealed class ShaderEditorModeWindow : MenuParent
private static readonly Color OverallColorOn = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.9f );
private static readonly Color OverallColorOff = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f );
private static readonly Color FontColorOff = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f );
private const float DeltaY = 15;
private const float DeltaX = 10;
private const float CollSizeX = 180;
private const float CollSizeY = 70;
//private static string MatFormat = "<size=20>MATERIAL</size>\n{0}";
//private static string ShaderFormat = "<size=20>SHADER</size>\n{0}";
//private const string CurrMatStr = "MATERIAL";
//private const string CurrShaderStr = "SHADER";
private const string NoMaterialStr = "No Material";
private const string NoShaderStr = "No Shader";
private bool m_init = true;
private string m_previousShaderName = string.Empty;
private string m_previousMaterialName = string.Empty;
private string m_previousShaderFunctionName = string.Empty;
private Vector2 m_auxVector2;
private GUIContent m_leftAuxContent = new GUIContent();
private GUIContent m_rightAuxContent = new GUIContent();
private GUIStyle m_leftButtonStyle = null;
private GUIStyle m_rightButtonStyle = null;
private Rect m_leftButtonRect;
private Rect m_rightButtonRect;
public ShaderEditorModeWindow( AmplifyShaderEditorWindow parentWindow ) : base( parentWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ShaderEditorModeWindow", MenuAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER, MenuAutoSize.NONE ) { }
public void ConfigStyle( GUIStyle style )
style.normal.textColor = FontColorOff;
style.hover.textColor = FontColorOff; = FontColorOff;
style.focused.textColor = FontColorOff;
style.onNormal.textColor = FontColorOff;
style.onHover.textColor = FontColorOff;
style.onActive.textColor = FontColorOff;
style.onFocused.textColor = FontColorOff;
public void Draw( Rect graphArea, Vector2 mousePos, Shader currentShader, Material currentMaterial, float usableArea, float leftPos, float rightPos /*, bool showLastSelection*/ )
EventType currentEventType = Event.current.type;
if ( !( currentEventType == EventType.Repaint || currentEventType == EventType.MouseDown ) )
if ( m_init )
m_init = false;
GUIStyle shaderModeTitle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ShaderModeTitle );
GUIStyle shaderModeNoShader = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ShaderModeNoShader );
GUIStyle materialModeTitle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.MaterialModeTitle );
GUIStyle shaderNoMaterialModeTitle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ShaderNoMaterialModeTitle );
ConfigStyle( shaderModeTitle );
ConfigStyle( shaderModeNoShader );
ConfigStyle( materialModeTitle );
ConfigStyle( shaderNoMaterialModeTitle );
Color buffereredColor = GUI.color;
MasterNode currentMasterNode = ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNode;
// Shader Mode
if ( currentMasterNode != null )
m_leftButtonStyle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( currentShader == null ? CustomStyle.ShaderModeNoShader : CustomStyle.ShaderModeTitle );
m_leftButtonRect = graphArea;
m_leftButtonRect.x = 10 + leftPos;
m_leftButtonRect.y += m_leftButtonRect.height - 38 - 15;
string shaderName = ( currentShader != null ) ? ( ) : NoShaderStr;
if ( m_previousShaderName != shaderName )
m_previousShaderName = shaderName;
m_leftAuxContent.text = "<size=20>SHADER</size>\n" + shaderName;
m_auxVector2 = m_leftButtonStyle.CalcSize( m_leftAuxContent );
m_leftButtonRect.width = m_auxVector2.x + 30 + 4;
m_leftButtonRect.height = 38;
bool mouseOnTop = m_leftButtonRect.Contains( mousePos );
GUI.color = mouseOnTop ? OverallColorOn : OverallColorOff;
GUI.Label( m_leftButtonRect, m_leftAuxContent, m_leftButtonStyle );
if ( currentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && mouseOnTop && currentShader != null )
Selection.activeObject = currentShader;
EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( Selection.activeObject );
// Material Mode
if ( currentMaterial != null )
m_rightButtonStyle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.MaterialModeTitle );
m_rightButtonRect = graphArea;
string matName = ( currentMaterial != null ) ? ( ) : NoMaterialStr;
if ( m_previousMaterialName != matName )
m_previousMaterialName = matName;
m_rightAuxContent.text = "<size=20>MATERIAL</size>\n" + matName;
m_auxVector2 = m_rightButtonStyle.CalcSize( m_rightAuxContent );
m_rightButtonRect.width = m_auxVector2.x + 30 + 4;
m_rightButtonRect.height = 38;
m_rightButtonRect.x = graphArea.xMax - m_rightButtonRect.width - rightPos - 10;
m_rightButtonRect.y = graphArea.yMax - 38 - 15;
bool mouseOnTopRight = m_rightButtonRect.Contains( mousePos );
GUI.color = mouseOnTopRight ? OverallColorOn : OverallColorOff;
GUI.Label( m_rightButtonRect, m_rightAuxContent, m_rightButtonStyle );
if ( currentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && mouseOnTopRight )
Selection.activeObject = currentMaterial;
EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( Selection.activeObject );
// Shader Function
else if ( currentMasterNode == null && ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode != null )
m_leftButtonStyle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle( CustomStyle.ShaderFunctionMode );
m_leftButtonRect = graphArea;
m_leftButtonRect.x = 10 + leftPos;
m_leftButtonRect.y += m_leftButtonRect.height - 38 - 15;
string functionName = ( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentShaderFunction != null ) ? ( ) : "No Shader Function";
if ( m_previousShaderFunctionName != functionName )
m_previousShaderFunctionName = functionName;
m_leftAuxContent.text = "<size=20>SHADER FUNCTION</size>\n" + functionName;
m_auxVector2 = m_leftButtonStyle.CalcSize( m_leftAuxContent );
m_leftButtonRect.width = m_auxVector2.x + 30 + 4;
m_leftButtonRect.height = 38;
bool mouseOnTop = m_leftButtonRect.Contains( mousePos );
GUI.color = mouseOnTop ? OverallColorOn : OverallColorOff;
GUI.Label( m_leftButtonRect, m_leftAuxContent, m_leftButtonStyle );
if ( currentEventType == EventType.MouseDown && mouseOnTop && ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentShaderFunction != null )
Selection.activeObject = ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentShaderFunction;
EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( Selection.activeObject );
GUI.color = buffereredColor;
public override void Destroy()
m_leftAuxContent = null;
m_rightAuxContent = null;
m_leftButtonStyle = null;
m_rightButtonStyle = null;